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definition of marriage (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 6, 2011
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If gays are allowed to get married they will change the very meaning of the word.

noun: marriage; plural noun: marriages

  • 1.
    the formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife.

    Some people like to say that when blacks and women got the vote it didn't change the meaning of the word and allowing gays to marry won't change the meaning of that word either but I can't find any history of the word "vote" being linked to a sex or race in any dictionary so their argument falls flat. Allowing gays to marry redefines the institution of marriage, the word "marriage" and redefines our society. It is a huge step, look before you leap.




    noun: vote; plural noun: votes


    a formal indication of a choice between two or more candidates or courses of action, expressed typically through a ballot or a show of hands or by voice.
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If gays are allowed to get married they will change the very meaning of the word.

noun: marriage; plural noun: marriages

  • 1.
    the formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife.

    Some people like to say that when blacks and women got the vote it didn't change the meaning of the word and allowing gays to marry won't change the meaning of that word either but I can't find any history of the word "vote" being linked to a sex or race in any dictionary so their argument falls flat. Allowing gays to marry redefines the institution of marriage, the word "marriage" and redefines our society. It is a huge step, look before you leap.




    noun: vote; plural noun: votes


    a formal indication of a choice between two or more candidates or courses of action, expressed typically through a ballot or a show of hands or by voice.

  • Yes it will. Also family will be given a new meaning. This is quite interesting, as these terms were integral to our legal, economic, social or ethical systems at a very fundamental level. And when you change the basics, all sorts of changes follow downstream.
Yes it will. Also family will be given a new meaning. This is quite interesting, as these terms were integral to our legal, economic, social or ethical systems at a very fundamental level. And when you change the basics, all sorts of changes follow downstream.

One fine example would be the recent case of the SS couple who were married in Massachusetts, move to Texas and now want a divorce in a state that doesn't recognize SSM.
Homosexual marriage is an oxymoron.
When reality stubbornly refuses to adapt to a preferred outcome, simply redefine reality to suit the circumstances. What could go wrong?
If gays are allowed to get married they will change the very meaning of the word.

noun: marriage; plural noun: marriages

  • 1.
    the formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife.

    Some people like to say that when blacks and women got the vote it didn't change the meaning of the word and allowing gays to marry won't change the meaning of that word either but I can't find any history of the word "vote" being linked to a sex or race in any dictionary so their argument falls flat. Allowing gays to marry redefines the institution of marriage, the word "marriage" and redefines our society. It is a huge step, look before you leap.




    noun: vote; plural noun: votes


    a formal indication of a choice between two or more candidates or courses of action, expressed typically through a ballot or a show of hands or by voice.

  • And?

    Definitions of words change over time. It's nothing new.
If gays are allowed to get married they will change the very meaning of the word.

noun: marriage; plural noun: marriages

  • 1.
    the formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife.

    Some people like to say that when blacks and women got the vote it didn't change the meaning of the word and allowing gays to marry won't change the meaning of that word either but I can't find any history of the word "vote" being linked to a sex or race in any dictionary so their argument falls flat. Allowing gays to marry redefines the institution of marriage, the word "marriage" and redefines our society. It is a huge step, look before you leap.




    noun: vote; plural noun: votes


    a formal indication of a choice between two or more candidates or courses of action, expressed typically through a ballot or a show of hands or by voice.

  • :caution: :alert you are speaking truth and that does not go well here at all! Good post though!
If gays are allowed to get married they will change the very meaning of the word.

noun: marriage; plural noun: marriages

  • 1.
    the formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife.

    Some people like to say that when blacks and women got the vote it didn't change the meaning of the word and allowing gays to marry won't change the meaning of that word either but I can't find any history of the word "vote" being linked to a sex or race in any dictionary so their argument falls flat. Allowing gays to marry redefines the institution of marriage, the word "marriage" and redefines our society. It is a huge step, look before you leap.




    noun: vote; plural noun: votes


    a formal indication of a choice between two or more candidates or courses of action, expressed typically through a ballot or a show of hands or by voice.

  • The definition of marriage in this country has changed several times. It was not always the definition you give, and in fact recently so. Oh well, nice try....well, kinda pathetic actually.
Is this relevant? Is fundamental redefiniton honestly so unpalatable? Such revision would reflect common usage, as words must in order to be eligible for inclusion at all. Even to the point of including new words altogether.

By extension, scientific progress is immoral. And morality's the point, right?
Yes it will. Also family will be given a new meaning. This is quite interesting, as these terms were integral to our legal, economic, social or ethical systems at a very fundamental level. And when you change the basics, all sorts of changes follow downstream.
Change is bad.
The definition of marriage in this country has changed several times. It was not always the definition you give, and in fact recently so. Oh well, nice try....well, kinda pathetic actually.

So what was the definition of marriage that came earlier than the one I posted?
An alternative to marriage is perfectly reasonable for an alternative lifestyle.
An alternative to marriage is perfectly reasonable for an alternative lifestyle.

But surely the negative results on society would be the same if we give gay partnerships the same legal rights as straight partnerships?
Is this relevant? Is fundamental redefiniton honestly so unpalatable? Such revision would reflect common usage, as words must in order to be eligible for inclusion at all. Even to the point of including new words altogether.

By extension, scientific progress is immoral. And morality's the point, right?

The point of the OP is that I have pointed out to pro gay marriage people before that they want to change the very word itself and they always come back with, "allowing blacks and women to vote didn't change the definition of that word so gay marriage won't change the definition of marriage either". They are mistaken.
If gays are allowed to get married they will change the very meaning of the word.

First of all, that depends upon the dictionary.

Second of all, so?

Some people like to say that when blacks and women got the vote it didn't change the meaning of the word and allowing gays to marry won't change the meaning of that word either but I can't find any history of the word "vote" being linked to a sex or race in any dictionary so their argument falls flat.

Naturally you are looking at the definition of the term vote nearly 100 years following the 19th Amendment. Certainly the definition, legally or otherwise, of the term vote has changed quite dramatically over the course of history.

Allowing gays to marry redefines the institution of marriage, the word "marriage" and redefines our society. It is a huge step, look before you leap.

Having electric lights redefined our society. . . so did the invention of the assembly line.

Generally speaking, redefinition is a good thing. Especially where laws become more relaxed and less restrictive.
How about an alternative definition?

But then it would simply be a matter of semantics, it's just a word.

If people want to call it that let them call it that, what difference does it really make?
The point of the OP is that I have pointed out to pro gay marriage people before that they want to change the very word itself and they always come back with, "allowing blacks and women to vote didn't change the definition of that word so gay marriage won't change the definition of marriage either". They are mistaken.
The existing definition allows for a homosexual interpretation.
First of all, that depends upon the dictionary.

Second of all, so?

Naturally you are looking at the definition of the term vote nearly 100 years following the 19th Amendment. Certainly the definition, legally or otherwise, of the term vote has changed quite dramatically over the course of history.

Having electric lights redefined our society. . . so did the invention of the assembly line.

Generally speaking, redefinition is a good thing. Especially where laws become more relaxed and less restrictive.

If you can show me when and where "vote" was defined in any dictionary as a word that revolved around being white and male go right ahead, I could find no such definition.
But then it would simply be a matter of semantics, it's just a word.

If people want to call it that let them call it that, what difference does it really make?
To all appearances, it makes a great deal of difference to some. I'm not one of them. I don't give a **** either way, if I'm honest. There's semantics on both sides.
But surely the negative results on society would be the same if we give gay partnerships the same legal rights as straight partnerships?

Possibly, but an alternative to marriage should be written to provide the legal rights they need, not to mimic marriage. It's not marriage. I think it's the reasonable comprise.
The existing definition clearly states "between a man and a woman".
Marriage | Define Marriage at Dictionary.com


1. a legally, religiously, or socially sanctioned union of persons who commit to one another, forming a familial and economic bond: Anthropologists say that some type of marriage has been found in every society, past and present.

2. a. the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.

b. a similar institution involving partners of the same gender, as in gay marriage; same-sex marriage .

3. the state, condition, or relationship of being married; wedlock: They have a happy marriage. Synonyms: matrimony. Antonyms: single life, bachelorhood, spinsterhood, singleness.

4. the legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of two people to live as a married couple, including the accompanying social festivities: to officiate at a marriage. Synonyms: nuptials, marriage ceremony, wedding. Antonyms: divorce, annulment.

5. a relationship in which two people have pledged themselves to each other in the manner of a husband and wife, without legal sanction: trial marriage.

It seems there's a good deal of ambiguity. Certainly enough latitude to permit interpretation, whatever the orientation.
If gays are allowed to get married they will change the very meaning of the word.

noun: marriage; plural noun: marriages

  • 1.
    the formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife.

    Some people like to say that when blacks and women got the vote it didn't change the meaning of the word and allowing gays to marry won't change the meaning of that word either but I can't find any history of the word "vote" being linked to a sex or race in any dictionary so their argument falls flat. Allowing gays to marry redefines the institution of marriage, the word "marriage" and redefines our society. It is a huge step, look before you leap.




    noun: vote; plural noun: votes


    a formal indication of a choice between two or more candidates or courses of action, expressed typically through a ballot or a show of hands or by voice.

  • Marriage is a legal institution, so the definition of marriage is whatever the law says it is.

    The dictionary entry you quoted is just defining the legal term.

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