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Dc (1 Viewer)


The Almighty
DP Veteran
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Denver, CO
Political Leaning
Here's the skivvy on DC. I looked at the cheapest hotels in the surrounding areas (because DC itself is too expensive). July/August is listed first, than October.


Comfort Inn: 99/109

Red Roof Inn: 85.90(for doubles)/85.90


American Inn: 115.160/125.165 (this is not the group price...lady was going to call me later

Tysons Corner:

Residence Inn: 99/119

I honestly liked the Residence Inn at Tysons Corner the best, and if we decide on DC, this is the place I think we should go. It offers complimentary breakfast buffet, meeting spaces inside with equipment, and a shuttle to the metro that goes to DC.

However, all these prices were a little steeper than I was looking for. We'll see, I might have been too optimistic. I'm going to look at Vegas next.
Kelzie said:
Here's the skivvy on DC. I looked at the cheapest hotels in the surrounding areas (because DC itself is too expensive). July/August is listed first, than October.


Comfort Inn: 99/109

Red Roof Inn: 85.90(for doubles)/85.90


American Inn: 115.160/125.165 (this is not the group price...lady was going to call me later

Tysons Corner:

Residence Inn: 99/119

I honestly liked the Residence Inn at Tysons Corner the best, and if we decide on DC, this is the place I think we should go. It offers complimentary breakfast buffet, meeting spaces inside with equipment, and a shuttle to the metro that goes to DC.

However, all these prices were a little steeper than I was looking for. We'll see, I might have been too optimistic. I'm going to look at Vegas next.

I know this sounds a bit odd, but I was talking to one of my micros representatives down in Maryland this morning and he said that when they plan events, they go for the higher end hotels because those hotels give bigger price breaks especially when considering the extra facilities and meeting rooms. His top pick for being in DC was the Savoy Suite in Georgetown area. Its something to look into maybe?
jallman said:
I know this sounds a bit odd, but I was talking to one of my micros representatives down in Maryland this morning and he said that when they plan events, they go for the higher end hotels because those hotels give bigger price breaks especially when considering the extra facilities and meeting rooms. His top pick for being in DC was the Savoy Suite in Georgetown area. Its something to look into maybe?

Same thing I heard today, it all depends on the date, and how slow they predict that month to be. I am still waiting for an answer to the slow months here, but I guess I still need to wait on that before I can proceed.
If it were held in DC, I would go. If it's in another city, I am not sure I could go.

Kelzie, do you need me to look up information on a city?
Who let aps in here? :twisted:


DC would be too awesome if we can pull it off.
aps said:
If it were held in DC, I would go. If it's in another city, I am not sure I could go.

Kelzie, do you need me to look up information on a city?

Sure. You can keep researching DC since you live in the area. I didn't even look at meeting areas (although the hotel in Tysons Corner had one). Maybe you can look at a couple of the high end hotels like Deegan and jallman suggested.
Kelzie said:
Sure. You can keep researching DC since you live in the area. I didn't even look at meeting areas (although the hotel in Tysons Corner had one). Maybe you can look at a couple of the high end hotels like Deegan and jallman suggested.

Hey, I just got a call back from one of my vendors in Maryland and he gave me the name of a company that puts together packages tailored to events needs. They are called EMCVenues and they are a national company. I spoke with a woman named Nancy just to check them out and she had all kinds of suggestions for DC right off the top of her head...hope no one minds, but I charged her with putting together some package deals and send the proposals to me so we can post them.

Unfortunately, the only meeting facilities they work with in Vegas are in Vegas Lakes and are extremely pricey, so I told her to forego looking at that altogether. We can decide how to tackle vegas with other resources.
jallman said:
Hey, I just got a call back from one of my vendors in Maryland and he gave me the name of a company that puts together packages tailored to events needs. They are called EMCVenues and they are a national company. I spoke with a woman named Nancy just to check them out and she had all kinds of suggestions for DC right off the top of her head...hope no one minds, but I charged her with putting together some package deals and send the proposals to me so we can post them.

Unfortunately, the only meeting facilities they work with in Vegas are in Vegas Lakes and are extremely pricey, so I told her to forego looking at that altogether. We can decide how to tackle vegas with other resources.

Sounds good. I got another couple companies looking in Vegas, should hear back from them soon.
Kelzie said:
Sounds good. I got another couple companies looking in Vegas, should hear back from them soon.

Damn, this woman is quick...she just called me back and said that based on what I predicted...

20-35 people (thats a very conservative estimate, but gives us a solid price break to work with)

Shuttle Service to and from the Airport
Welcome dinner on Friday
Meeting spaces and all day refreshment breaks on Saturday
Private banquet with audio visual equipment for show/whatever we decide
Continental breakfast on Sunday
Late checkout Sunday
Dedicated concierge for helping plan tours
Lodging for Friday and Saturday night
All gratuities and service charges included in package price.

the total cost per person would be roughly $300.00 per person. Thats not bad considering the lodging and meal expenses alone. Thats at a price break set for 25 reservations...it will go down with more reservations...but I suggest we charge a set registration fee based off this estimate and if it goes down, all the better for the planning comittee because surplus is good and lets us add perks as we can afford it.
jallman said:
Damn, this woman is quick...she just called me back and said that based on what I predicted...

20-35 people (thats a very conservative estimate, but gives us a solid price break to work with)

Shuttle Service to and from the Airport
Welcome dinner on Friday
Meeting spaces and all day refreshment breaks on Saturday
Private banquet with audio visual equipment for show/whatever we decide
Continental breakfast on Sunday
Late checkout Sunday
Dedicated concierge for helping plan tours
Lodging for Friday and Saturday night
All gratuities and service charges included in package price.

the total cost per person would be roughly $300.00 per person. Thats not bad considering the lodging and meal expenses alone. Thats at a price break set for 25 reservations...it will go down with more reservations...but I suggest we charge a set registration fee based off this estimate and if it goes down, all the better for the planning comittee because surplus is good and lets us add perks as we can afford it.

That's not bad at all. Did she say which hotel?
Kelzie said:
That's not bad at all. Did she say which hotel?

Did she say what city?

Doh, DC of course.
Kelzie said:
That's not bad at all. Did she say which hotel?

Oh yeah, I guess that would be important...The Doubletree in Bethesda which will be fully renovated this summer...top of the line space she said. Plus the metro is directly across the street from it AND its on a strip surrounded by bars and dining.

She is looking into the Doubletree in Rockville MD right now. She is very clear that access to DC is a must. She would like for us to solidify what we want to offer so she can give us more definitive pricing. She also said time of year is going to affect pricing too.
jallman said:
Oh yeah, I guess that would be important...The Doubletree in Bethesda which will be fully renovated this summer...top of the line space she said. Plus the metro is directly across the street from it AND its on a strip surrounded by bars and dining.

She is looking into the Doubletree in Rockville MD right now. She is very clear that access to DC is a must. She would like for us to solidify what we want to offer so she can give us more definitive pricing. She also said time of year is going to affect pricing too.

Yeah I noticed. As it turns out, October is more expensive. Weird huh?

Bethesda's close enough. It was one of the burbs I was looking at.
jallman said:
Oh yeah, I guess that would be important...The Doubletree in Bethesda which will be fully renovated this summer...top of the line space she said. Plus the metro is directly across the street from it AND its on a strip surrounded by bars and dining.

She is looking into the Doubletree in Rockville MD right now. She is very clear that access to DC is a must. She would like for us to solidify what we want to offer so she can give us more definitive pricing. She also said time of year is going to affect pricing too.

Here's an intelligent question:)doh )was that quote for now, like in next week?
Deegan said:
Here's an intelligent question:)doh )was that quote for now, like in next week?

No, it was for Sept-Oct season. And it was just tossed out as a hypothetical to see what this woman could do for me. So far I am impressed.
Kelzie said:
Yeah I noticed. As it turns out, October is more expensive. Weird huh?

Bethesda's close enough. It was one of the burbs I was looking at.

Yeah, I am kinda partial to Bethesda or Alexandria. Should I put her to work sniffing around Chicago or any of our other picks? Once I dropped the name of my vendor who referred me, she got real enthusiastic about helping. :mrgreen:
jallman said:
Yeah, I am kinda partial to Bethesda or Alexandria. Should I put her to work sniffing around Chicago or any of our other picks? Once I dropped the name of my vendor who referred me, she got real enthusiastic about helping. :mrgreen:

Of course, do Chicago, then I'll have a number for him to beat.;)
Deegan said:
Of course, do Chicago, then I'll have a number for him to beat.;)

That is pure genius...if we could pit two companies against eachother, we might be able to negotiate a better deal.
jallman said:
That is pure genius...if we could pit two companies against eachother, we might be able to negotiate a better deal.

That's what I do, and I have done just this very thing with the Holiday Inn before, they may not like me very well, but they respect me.:lol:

I'll wait for your quote, then go at him tomorrow morning.;)

Unfortunately, you will miss the Gay Games in July, but I'll tell you how it went.

Of course I mean.......my clients will certainly tell me.:doh :3oops:
jallman said:
Yeah, I am kinda partial to Bethesda or Alexandria. Should I put her to work sniffing around Chicago or any of our other picks? Once I dropped the name of my vendor who referred me, she got real enthusiastic about helping. :mrgreen:

Does she have anything for NYC? I'm striking out left and right with trying to keep it cheap AND close to the actual city. From what I saw, inside the city itself is darn near impossible.
Stace said:
Does she have anything for NYC? I'm striking out left and right with trying to keep it cheap AND close to the actual city. From what I saw, inside the city itself is darn near impossible.

She will get back to me with a selection in the next couple of days. I can add NYC to her list if I have the go-ahead. I just didnt want to send her on a paper chase if her initial proposals werent worth considering as she has been a free resource offered by a business associate. Its already hard enough accessing resources when we have no capital to speak of yet. I sold her on the idea of potential vs an actual commitment. ;)
Where the Bethesda Metro Station is located is a great location. There are TONS of restaurants/bars there, and it's a totally happening place. I won't drive there on the weekends because it's almost impossible to get a parking space. Any kind of restaurant you want--it's there. It's on the Red Line and not far from downtown DC and Georgie Porgie's house. ;)

jallman, that is some deal you got going there.
I can get the same deal to a downtown hotel - getting the full details in an email shortly. It is $318

The wife of an associate I work for is travel agent.

There is an old town trolley for folks that wish to tour - it is $28 for all day pass. Takes one to the memorials, states buildings, and whitehouse.

She also suggested Cancun.
jallman said:
Damn, this woman is quick...she just called me back and said that based on what I predicted...

20-35 people (thats a very conservative estimate, but gives us a solid price break to work with)

Shuttle Service to and from the Airport
Welcome dinner on Friday
Meeting spaces and all day refreshment breaks on Saturday
Private banquet with audio visual equipment for show/whatever we decide
Continental breakfast on Sunday
Late checkout Sunday
Dedicated concierge for helping plan tours
Lodging for Friday and Saturday night
All gratuities and service charges included in package price.

the total cost per person would be roughly $300.00 per person. Thats not bad considering the lodging and meal expenses alone. Thats at a price break set for 25 reservations...it will go down with more reservations...but I suggest we charge a set registration fee based off this estimate and if it goes down, all the better for the planning comittee because surplus is good and lets us add perks as we can afford it.
That's a great deal. Now, is that based on double occupancy?
So maybe we should go ahead and decide on DC?

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