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Day 5 testimony [W:334, 619] (1 Viewer)


Battle Ready
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Jul 29, 2009
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Southwestern U.S.
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This thread is for discussing the days testimony in court, which will begin Friday morning at 9am EST/6am PST.

Once again, please try to keep your comments related to the trial testimony and avoid straying off into debating other aspects not covered in the proceedings...

Post a link to the feed please
I think they should just go to jury deliberation. For a long time I have felt there are so many gray areas here and hoped the trial would answer them but I beginning to realize at the completion of this trial those gray areas will still be gray.

The only real upclose witness to all this is Zimmerman. The only question to answer is he telling the truth or lying to save his butt. It is a 50/50 deal. Of course many here have already decided on their veridict months ago.
I missed some of that... What did the video guy present?
I missed some of that... What did the video guy present?

Headlights drove by and didn't stop at the clubhouse.
W6 is up.
BTW, I should mention. The defense got up and had the witness admit the times on teh tape were off and they are not certain how off they are. The implication being that the headlights they saw drive by may not have even been George's vehicle.
I can't see this witness being helpful to the prosecution at all... I wonder what angle they're going for here?
I can't see this witness being helpful to the prosecution at all... I wonder what angle they're going for here?

They clearly don't have much if Rachel Jeantel was their star witness.

I don't think this would ever have come to trial if there weren't racial implications.
I can't see this witness being helpful to the prosecution at all... I wonder what angle they're going for here?

the only credible witness. I imagine they just want to get it over with and hope it doesn't do too much damage. Also they can now attempt to look above the fray. "look jury, we are so fair we are even calling a witness that completely hurts our case"
I can't see this witness being helpful to the prosecution at all... I wonder what angle they're going for here?

I don't know that they had any choice. He was going to come in. If the pross didn't bring him in the jury would have been wondering why. This at least gives them some kind of control to try to get out what they want first.
It's really pretty sad that all these witnesses heard someone yelling "help," and didn't, you know, go out to help him.
One thing I was glad to hear... John backed up my theory of why he was sure it was Zimmerman screaming and not Martin at first. The fact that Z was facing toward him and M was not, so he perceived it to have been a direct voice not an echo off the wall of the building in front of him.
It's really pretty sad that all these witnesses heard someone yelling "help," and didn't, you know, go out to help him.

That's the society we live in these days... That's also what Z told police, that he was yelling for John to help him, not to call police.
the only credible witness. I imagine they just want to get it over with and hope it doesn't do too much damage. Also they can now attempt to look above the fray. "look jury, we are so fair we are even calling a witness that completely hurts our case"

But that's been the story with nearly all their witnesses so far... I'm still waiting for the witness that actually helps them.
What the hell was accomplished by that?
They were on the cement... That supports Zimmerman's story that his head was being hit into the concrete.
He also confirmed that the audio of the screams did not sound the same as they did live. So it makes the judge's decision not to allow those audio "experts" to testify a good one.

I really thought there wouldn't be anything to indicate who it was screaming, but this witness changes that. He seems to be pretty sure it was Zimmerman, which I didn't expect. At least that's how it comes off to me.
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As Omara keeps pointing out, John is trying to be too literal. He knows there were hits and the guy on the bottom was screamign for help. He just couldn't see the mouth moving and couldn't see the actual contact of the fists, so he is being overly cautious. He even provided a perfect explanation as to why he was certain of who was doing what.
I don't know that they had any choice. He was going to come in. If the pross didn't bring him in the jury would have been wondering why. This at least gives them some kind of control to try to get out what they want first.

Yep and from what I understand there is a lot of duplication on both witness lists. I think the prosecution is trying to shorten the presentation of defense case by calling most of their witnesses to get the damage out earlier. Probably a good strategy??
As Omara keeps pointing out, John is trying to be too literal. He knows there were hits and the guy on the bottom was screamign for help. He just couldn't see the mouth moving and couldn't see the actual contact of the fists, so he is being overly cautious. He even provided a perfect explanation as to why he was certain of who was doing what.

Yes, as I said I wasn't expecting this witness to give an impression or indication that it was Z screaming that night, but that is precisely what he is accomplishing.

So far, this is hurting the prosecutions case.
The way this case is going -- the prosecution is losing horribly -- I have to believe they are putting all their eggs in ONE basket.

Mr. Zimmerman, is it true that, had you never gotten out of your car...had you made your call and continued on to the store, that Trayvon Martin would have gone home that night and finished watching the game?

He'd better have a good answer,

Had I not gone to the STORE that night the same thing would probably have happened.

It's really pretty sad that all these witnesses heard someone yelling "help," and didn't, you know, go out to help him.

That this case and trial exists shows why people shouldn't do that anymore. The only reliably legally safe course of people to take is total apathy. If someone has come to help that person now could be on trial as a co-defendant of a murder case plus being sued.

That is what American legaleze has come to. If a person sees someone beating a child to death, the person can just video tape it while eating a hotdog - and with no legal jeopardy. But if the person intervenes, the person will have to prove his/her action was "reasonable force," probably will have to hire a lawyer to prepare to appear before a grand jury, might be charged with a criminal offense, and might get sued.

The only certain legal thing to do is nothing.

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