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Day 2 testimony [W:174] (1 Viewer)


Battle Ready
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Jul 29, 2009
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Southwestern U.S.
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I made this thread to seperate the petty bickering on the opening statement thread, and also so we could have a reference point for each days events.
I'm late to the events today, so all I've seen was the testimony from the officer who performed cpr on Martin... All he provided that I found helpful, was the 15 minutes he said that Martin's body was exposed to the rain... Plenty of time in my opinion to wash any DNA or blood evidence away.
Just a suggestion... Could we keep the threads on each days testimony limited to that testimony, rather than turning these into more of the same petty arguing?
I'm late to the events today, so all I've seen was the testimony from the officer who performed cpr on Martin... All he provided that I found helpful, was the 15 minutes he said that Martin's body was exposed to the rain... Plenty of time in my opinion to wash any DNA or blood evidence away.
The body laid face down in wet grass for a few.
After it was flipped over and resuscitation was unsuccessful, it was covered.

I think only face down would have effected anything on his front.


2.) Body facing up.

So far, this is boring stuff... This is just an inventory of the evidence that we all are familiar with.
Don't you love it when people are only interested in our justice system when it becomes theater?
Don't you love it when people are only interested in our justice system when it becomes theater?

If you are referring to me, I'm interested in the testimony and evidence that goes toward Zimmerman's innocence or guilt... You may call that "theater", but I don't.
I'm late to the events today, so all I've seen was the testimony from the officer who performed cpr on Martin... All he provided that I found helpful, was the 15 minutes he said that Martin's body was exposed to the rain... Plenty of time in my opinion to wash any DNA or blood evidence away.
The raining part is nothing new, Grim. We had been through this in the past year already and you still want to hang on to your fantasy for dear life so you can blindly defend the killer of an unarmed teenager at all cost?

Blood and DNA tend to tenaciously cling tightly to the molecules of the fabric and surface proteins of the skin. You can wash away the blood evidence but with luminol and other chemical reagents, the blood can still be seen under ultraviolet light in the dark. If enough blood stains can be isolated so is the DNA.

Now, despite the rain, blood stains and DNA were found on both Trayvon and zimmerman's clothing and in Trayvon's right fingernail scraping which belongs to Trayvon himself.

Blood stain and DNA were alo found in zimmerman's weapon and holster. some belongs to unidentified third parties. Most of zimmerman's blood stains and DNA on zimmerman's clothing also belonged to him and some unknown third parties. The forensic also found possible non-human DNA in zimmerman's jacket.

How did all those unknown third parties and non-human blood stains and DNA found their way onto zimmerman's jacket and not washed away by the rain? Weren't we told over and over again that zimmerman had a magic jacket that could repel rain water, mud and grass stain?

And you have the audacity to accuse us of dishonesty, denial and refusing to deal with the evidence?
Today we saw close up photos of the victim's hands, and they were not bloody, bruised, or cut. They had no marks on them to support the idea that he had been pounding on someone's blood face so hard that they "felt like bricks".

Magic hands, is what Trayvon Martin had.
Today we saw close up photos of the victim's hands, and they were not bloody, bruised, or cut. They had no marks on them to support the idea that he had been pounding on someone's blood face so hard that they "felt like bricks".

Magic hands, is what Trayvon Martin had.

Remember, the blunt object
Remember, the blunt object

If that's you're only support, then all you've proven is Zimmerman lied about the account in many respects. Why should we believe him regarding the supposed head on the concrete stuff?
If that's you're only support, then all you've proven is Zimmerman lied about the account in many respects. Why should we believe him regarding the supposed head on the concrete stuff?

Then disprove his version

No evidence does not mean, Z is innocent (he may have murdered M)

Z may very well be a serial killer? Who knows?

That's not the point. Your issue is..... proving that Z is indeed a criminal

You need evidence for that
I have no idea what this means. Can you explain?

It means that Martin was bashing Zimmerman's head off the pavement and that's what was likely to have caused the lacerations on the back of his head.
So far, this is boring stuff... This is just an inventory of the evidence that we all are familiar with.
Its confirmation too. At last, we see the can with a watermelon on it which indicates it is not "tea" but a watermelon drink which is one of the ingredients in "lean". I find the button and ear buds in his pocket as an indication that he put them in his pocket to prepare to assault Zimmerman.
Multiple abrasions, contusions and many lumps/swelling proven.
Multiple abrasions, contusions and many lumps/swelling proven.

Do you think the prosecution is going to be arguing they were all self-inflicted? That should be fun.
Do you think the prosecution is going to be arguing they were all self-inflicted? That should be fun.

It appears that they are going in that direction. :doh iLOL
It means that Martin was bashing Zimmerman's head off the pavement and that's what was likely to have caused the lacerations on the back of his head.

What does that have to do with the fact that he Zimmerman also claimed have been punched 20-30 times with what felt like bricks. And then smothered. And yet Martin's hands are clean. How is this explained?
What does that have to do with the fact that he Zimmerman also claimed have been punched 20-30 times with what felt like bricks. And then smothered. And yet Martin's hands are clean. How is this explained?

That could be explaind by the testimony given today by the officer who gave him cpr, when he said that Martins body was exposed to the rain for 15 minutes... Or by the fact his body was found with his hands under him on the wet ground... Take your pick.
Poor girl. She is coming off as biased and far less then honest.

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