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Day 2 at the DNC.....seriously? (1 Viewer)

tres borrachos

DP Veteran
Feb 20, 2012
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Biden's 'Murica
Political Leaning
Featuring President Bill Clinton and Mothers of the Movement

Tuesday: A Lifetime of Fighting for Children and Families

Gavel time expected at 4:00pm

Tuesday will feature the roll call vote and how Hillary has spent her entire career working to make a difference for children, families, and our country. The Mothers of the Movement participating include Gwen Carr, Mother of Eric Garner; Sybrina Fulton, Mother of Trayvon Martin; Maria Hamilton, Mother of Dontré Hamilton; Lucia McBath, Mother of Jordan Davis; Lezley McSpadden, Mother of Michael Brown; Cleopatra Pendleton-Cowley, Mother of Hadiya Pendleton; Geneva Reed-Veal, Mother of Sandra Bland.

Democratic convention speakers: Obama, Sanders, Biden, Bill Clinton

This is offensively disingenuous. How stupid do they want to tell us they think we are? The premise here is "fighting for children, families and our country". The "Mothers" invited to participate are the mothers of black people who are dead at the hands of police (except the one who died at the hands of a white man which brought about a controversial discussion about the FL stand your ground laws and a girl who was shot by a gang member at Obama's inauguration party).

Why aren't the mothers of any of those 5 innocent policemen participating? How about the mothers of children who died of cancer? Mothers of white children who died of congenital malformations? Mothers of white children from the Appalachian Mountains who are starving? How about bringing in some mothers of first generation Indian children who are succeeding in school, and have them share how they have managed to make a difference in our country? How about showing how they are fighting for my children?
Featuring President Bill Clinton and Mothers of the Movement

Tuesday: A Lifetime of Fighting for Children and Families

Gavel time expected at 4:00pm

Tuesday will feature the roll call vote and how Hillary has spent her entire career working to make a difference for children, families, and our country. The Mothers of the Movement participating include Gwen Carr, Mother of Eric Garner; Sybrina Fulton, Mother of Trayvon Martin; Maria Hamilton, Mother of Dontré Hamilton; Lucia McBath, Mother of Jordan Davis; Lezley McSpadden, Mother of Michael Brown; Cleopatra Pendleton-Cowley, Mother of Hadiya Pendleton; Geneva Reed-Veal, Mother of Sandra Bland.

Democratic convention speakers: Obama, Sanders, Biden, Bill Clinton

This is offensively disingenuous. How stupid do they want to tell us they think we are? The premise here is "fighting for children, families and our country". The "Mothers" invited to participate are the mothers of black people who are dead at the hands of police (except the one who died at the hands of a white man which brought about a controversial discussion about the FL stand your ground laws and a girl who was shot by a gang member at Obama's inauguration party).

Why aren't the mothers of any of those 5 innocent policemen participating? How about the mothers of children who died of cancer? Mothers of white children who died of congenital malformations? Mothers of white children from the Appalachian Mountains who are starving? How about bringing in some mothers of first generation Indian children who are succeeding in school, and have them share how they have managed to make a difference in our country? How about showing how they are fighting for my children?

Do you find it tiring being outraged over every ****ing thing?
Do you find it tiring being outraged over every ****ing thing?

You don't usually make stupid posts, redress. But this time you did. You don't want to discuss it? Then just don't post in the thread. No need for you to post an insulting post against me.
You don't usually make stupid posts, redress. But this time you did. You don't want to discuss it? Then just don't post in the thread. No need for you to post an insulting post against me.

Are you objecting to the presence of the mothers and wives of those who lost their loved ones at the hand of the police?
Are you objecting to the presence of the mothers and wives of those who lost their loved ones at the hand of the police?

Not at all. But are they representative of "children, families, and our country"? The segment is supposed to be about Hillary fighting for these things. So why not having a cross section of the country instead of only the mothers of dead black people, most of whom were killed by the police? It's a legitimate question.

If the RNC had a segment about how hard they fight for children, families and our country, and the guest list was comprised of the children of wealthy donors, what would be the takeaway?

Is the extent of Hillary's fight limited to black people and specifically black people killed by police? What about one mother of one of the dead policemen from Dallas?
I don't know about the other ones, but Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin were the aggressors. They weren't innocent victims.
Not at all. But are they representative of "children, families, and our country"? The segment is supposed to be about Hillary fighting for these things. So why not having a cross section of the country instead of only the mothers of dead black people, most of whom were killed by the police? It's a legitimate question.

If the RNC had a segment about how hard they fight for children, families and our country, and the guest list was comprised of the children of wealthy donors, what would be the takeaway?

Is the extent of Hillary's fight limited to black people and specifically black people killed by police? What about one mother of one of the dead policemen from Dallas?

The mothers were referred to in the DNC program as "mothers of the movement". I believe that is a specific nod to the black lives matter movement.
The mothers were referred to in the DNC program as "mothers of the movement". I believe that is a specific nod to the black lives matter movement.

So Black Lives Matter, which protests the actions of police, is her idea of fighting for families, children and the country. Not terribly encouraging.
Does that make the pain of their families losing a loved one go away?

Nope. But you and everyone else knows this part of the convention isn't about the grief of losing a loved one. If it was, the participants would be more diverse. It's about perpetuating the lie that police officers and others are just out to kill black people. And continuing that lie will only put more police officers' lives in danger.
Do you find it tiring being outraged over every ****ing thing?

You're not outraged that Hillary and the DNC want to continue to crucify police officers and perpetuate the lie that they just want to kill black people?
I don't know about the other ones, but Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin were the aggressors. They weren't innocent victims.

While I do think the DNC is simply pandering in this case like many politicians do I would NEVER call Trayvon Martin the aggressor. At minimum both were at fault, at worse I blame George "more". But I also agree I'd never call either innocent.
While I do think the DNC is simply pandering in this case like many politicians do I would NEVER call Trayvon Martin the aggressor. At minimum both were at fault, at worse I blame George "more". But I also agree I'd never call either innocent.

He was. He attacked first and was the aggressor the entire time. He wasn't being beaten up, he wasn't getting his head smashed into concrete -- he was on top beating Zimmerman. Both men made poor decisions, but Trayvon chose to attack.
These mothers and families lost their loved ones, and in some way were denied Justice.

A few juries said the people who killed these loved ones were innocent of any crime. And one of the dead loved one's white killer was sentenced to life in prison. I believe the gang member who killed the black woman was sentenced as well.

What does it have to do with the DNC and the likely future President's actions? A lot of mothers of dead children may not have gotten justice either. Where are they? Why coincidentally are the mothers invited to be front and center when the discussion is about fighting for families, children and the country coincidentally the mothers of only black people who are dead?

I'm honestly criticizing the Republicans, as you know. I don't know why liberals or democrats are trying to justify this. And Josie is right....this is about crucifying officers and perpetuating lies. And the notion apparently that only black mothers have lost children. Indians, white people, Hispanics....there are plenty of mothers who lost their children. Including 5 of them who just lost their innocent police officer husbands who were doing their jobs, protecting Black Lives Matters' protestors right to march in the streets of Dallas.
Nope. But you and everyone else knows this part of the convention isn't about the grief of losing a loved one. If it was, the participants would be more diverse. It's about perpetuating the lie that police officers and others are just out to kill black people. And continuing that lie will only put more police officers' lives in danger.

My mother used to be a cop, I respect the police and law.

However, It is my personal belief that cops should represent and protect everyone, they are the shield which is meant to serve and defend. And when a cop screws up, I believe that it is the duty of the police to prosecute and condemn any infractions made in the line of duty.
My mother used to be a cop, I respect the police and law.

However, It is my personal belief that cops should represent and protect everyone, they are the shield which is meant to serve and defend. And when a cop screws up, I believe that it is the duty of the police to prosecute and condemn any infractions made in the line of duty.

He was. He attacked first and was the aggressor the entire time. He wasn't being beaten up, he wasn't getting his head smashed into concrete -- he was on top beating Zimmerman. Both men made poor decisions, but Trayvon chose to attack.

Oh I didn't know you were there, thank you for your time.
Oh I didn't know you were there, thank you for your time.

Trayvon had no "battle wounds" except the gunshot --- the evidence shows he was on top of Zimmerman beating him up. The witnesses closest to the scene corroborate that.
Featuring President Bill Clinton and Mothers of the Movement

Tuesday: A Lifetime of Fighting for Children and Families

Gavel time expected at 4:00pm

Tuesday will feature the roll call vote and how Hillary has spent her entire career working to make a difference for children, families, and our country. The Mothers of the Movement participating include Gwen Carr, Mother of Eric Garner; Sybrina Fulton, Mother of Trayvon Martin; Maria Hamilton, Mother of Dontré Hamilton; Lucia McBath, Mother of Jordan Davis; Lezley McSpadden, Mother of Michael Brown; Cleopatra Pendleton-Cowley, Mother of Hadiya Pendleton; Geneva Reed-Veal, Mother of Sandra Bland.

Democratic convention speakers: Obama, Sanders, Biden, Bill Clinton

This is offensively disingenuous. How stupid do they want to tell us they think we are? The premise here is "fighting for children, families and our country". The "Mothers" invited to participate are the mothers of black people who are dead at the hands of police (except the one who died at the hands of a white man which brought about a controversial discussion about the FL stand your ground laws and a girl who was shot by a gang member at Obama's inauguration party).

Why aren't the mothers of any of those 5 innocent policemen participating? How about the mothers of children who died of cancer? Mothers of white children who died of congenital malformations? Mothers of white children from the Appalachian Mountains who are starving? How about bringing in some mothers of first generation Indian children who are succeeding in school, and have them share how they have managed to make a difference in our country? How about showing how they are fighting for my children?

Tres, I realize we are on opposing sides of the Trump thingy, but consider the alternative.

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