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Couldn't agree more. (1 Viewer)

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May 15, 2010
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Liberals launched anguished attacks against George Zimmerman, the state of Florida, stand-your-ground laws, the gun culture, and the current state of racial relations in America in under 140 characters. Some conservatives used the opportunity to gloat and continue their attacks against Al Sharpton, the national media, racial politics, American liberalism, and a dead teenager.
The entire spectacle was repulsive.
The Zimmerman verdict showed just how politicized every speck of American life has become for a hyper-partisan political class that has little in common with most Americans. In fact, they are probably why most Americans hate politics.

Opinion: George Zimmerman trial expands deep divide - Joe Scarborough - POLITICO.com

This is why I stayed away from this case for the most part, the whole
conversation, from both sides, was just disgusting.
I love how Liberals call down the weather, then stand in the rain and say, "****! It's rainin!"

Opinion: George Zimmerman trial expands deep divide - Joe Scarborough - POLITICO.com

This is why I stayed away from this case for the most part, the whole
conversation, from both sides, was just disgusting.

If you think this message board is indicative of what's in the hearts and minds of most Americans, you're delusional. Same with social media. Same with newspapers. Same with TV "news."

Most Americans could give a **** about this and give it no more than a casual passing comment or two. When the news media is focused like a laser beam on the outhouses, it's gunna seem like there's a whole bunch of people taking a ****.
If you think this message board is indicative of what's in the hearts and minds of most Americans, you're delusional. Same with social media. Same with newspapers. Same with TV "news."

Most Americans could give a **** about this and give it no more than a casual passing comment or two. When the news media is focused like a laser beam on the outhouses, it's gunna seem like there's a whole bunch of people taking a ****.

That's the whole point, most Americans don't really care about political stuff, and when issues are put into a political sphere by people it becomes a ****-fest because that is what it becomes. And message boards, social media, and the like are a symptom of that, because a lot of people who do care about politics can't discuss issues without resorting to hyperbolic shouting matches. Which demeans things, and turns a lot of people off.

This case was in itself a symptom of such a problem, and the fact that a case like this took on a political spin in the first place is sickening.
This is why I stayed away from this case for the most part, the whole [/FONT][/COLOR]conversation, from both sides, was just disgusting.

We know which side of the political spectrum wanted this trial that should never have been a trial.
We know which side of the political spectrum wanted this trial that should never have been a trial.

Can't help but blame someone can you?
We know which side of the political spectrum wanted this trial that should never have been a trial.

And that IS the issue.

This thing was political pretty much right out of the gates. Sanford PD did their job. Some people didn't like the fact that the results of that job didn't fit their world view and they called down the powers of government to railroad an innocent man.

Those people that call this case a modern day lynching are correct but it has been George Zimmerman's neck in the noose. Sadly enough, they still aren't done. They wanted an arrest and they got it. They wanted a trial and they got it. The trial didn't go their way so now they want another trial. It scares the hell out of me think of what they might want if that trial doesn't go their way but it absolutely terrifies me to think of what they might want if it does go their way.
Can't help but blame someone can you?

Of course, because there are people to blame for calling this kangaroo court to order.

I'm amazed at how people can actually defend the likes of Al Shartpton.
Yep, the fact that people made this political is sickening. Both sides are at fault.

No, YS. ONE SIDE started all of this crap. Just one.

Opinion: George Zimmerman trial expands deep divide - Joe Scarborough - POLITICO.com

This is why I stayed away from this case for the most part, the whole
conversation, from both sides, was just disgusting.

It was a straightforward self defense case that never should have gone to trial. The left politicized it, like the Duke lacrosse case a few years ago. Martin attacked a man who turned out to be armed. That mistake cost him his life. That's all there is to it. The jury saw through the lefty propaganda, and delivered a just verdict.:peace
No, YS. ONE SIDE started all of this crap. Just one.

So your not ashamed of what conservatives have done? Of how they politicized a young mans death?

Both sides have done wrong here.
If you think this message board is indicative of what's in the hearts and minds of most Americans, you're delusional. Same with social media. Same with newspapers. Same with TV "news."

Most Americans could give a **** about this and give it no more than a casual passing comment or two. When the news media is focused like a laser beam on the outhouses, it's gunna seem like there's a whole bunch of people taking a ****.

You'd be surprised how much coverage this gets amongst people.

Everywhere at work people who weren't actually working (Its the Army, while not deployed... or training..) were talking about this case.

I, kept my mouth shut...... its easy to be judged a racist just for taking a legal stance on this.
Yep, the fact that people made this political is sickening. Both sides are at fault.

You are right.... both sides are a fault.

The Republican Governor of Florida had a hand in making sure the arrest and trial occurred.

The Democrats stirred up the base by accusing Zimmerman guilty of murder and racism before an arrest or the facts were even collected.
So your not ashamed of what conservatives have done? Of how they politicized a young mans death?

You mean like ask for calm and for everyone to wait for the facts of the case?

Uhm......thanks for asking but nope. I'm not.

Again, though, it would be interesting to hear how "conservatives" have politicized a young man's death.

No offense intended, but I'm just wondering why you seem to keep using "political" terms when the OP stated you didn't like politics.
Oh, and just for clarity, my opinion is that the ruling was the right legal thing to do. Don't think he was guilty of second degree murder, though I do think that Zimmerman is at some fault morally. He should not have been following the kid, and while he was justified in shooting when he was attacked, he provoked the attack.

It's a tragic thing that happened, and the politicizing of it is disgusting.
So your not ashamed of what conservatives have done? Of how they politicized a young mans death?

Both sides have done wrong here.

YS, who was it that made this entire event a national story?
Oh, and just for clarity, my opinion is that the ruling was the right legal thing to do. Don't think he was guilty of second degree murder, though I do think that Zimmerman is at some fault morally. He should not have been following the kid, and while he was justified in shooting when he was attacked, he provoked the attack.

It's a tragic thing that happened, and the politicizing of it is disgusting.

This is the biggest pet peeve of mine........

People act as if the mere act of observing Martin is provocation worthy of starting a fight.

Society thinks that it is acceptable to fight someone for being disrespected.... is what it all boils down to.

Pride.... one of the seven deadly sins.... I'll leave you ponder upon that.
This is the biggest pet peeve of mine........

People act as if the mere act of observing Martin is provocation worthy of starting a fight.

Society thinks that it is acceptable to fight someone for being disrespected.... is what it all boils down to.

Pride.... one of the seven deadly sins.... I'll leave you ponder upon that.

Did I say that? No, he should have never physically confronted Zimmerman, that is why legally Zimmerman did nothing wrong. But the whole situation would have never happened if he wasn't following him, for what I know, no logical reason.
Oh, and just for clarity, my opinion is that the ruling was the right legal thing to do. Don't think he was guilty of second degree murder, though I do think that Zimmerman is at some fault morally. He should not have been following the kid, and while he was justified in shooting when he was attacked, he provoked the attack.

It's a tragic thing that happened, and the politicizing of it is disgusting.

"It's all Zimmerman's, but I'm not taking sides"

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