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Conundrum: Gay conservatives (1 Viewer)


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Sep 3, 2011
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Where does a gay person go if they're strongly fiscally conservative?

To the Republican Party? They're hardly a gay person's best ally. And the whole fiscal conservative idea seems to have escaped them the last 20+ years, too. These two points make me wonder why a gay person would be a Republican. What else would the Republican Party have to offer them that no one else could?

To the Democratic Party? Not even close to fiscally conservative, but better on social issues.

The social aspect would be important, sure, but the fiscal aspect would affect them more on a mundane day-to-day basis. (I know it's difficult for some to understand there is more to life than just social issues.)

It almost seems like the Libertarian Party would be the better fit for a gay fiscal conservative.
Where does a gay person go if they're strongly fiscally conservative?

To the Republican Party? They're hardly a gay person's best ally. And the whole fiscal conservative idea seems to have escaped them the last 20+ years, too. These two points make me wonder why a gay person would be a Republican. What else would the Republican Party have to offer them that no one else could?

To the Democratic Party? Not even close to fiscally conservative, but better on social issues.

The social aspect would be important, sure, but the fiscal aspect would affect them more on a mundane day-to-day basis. (I know it's difficult for some to understand there is more to life than just social issues.)

It almost seems like the Libertarian Party would be the better fit for a gay fiscal conservative.

"Gay conservative". These days, that's like "Poultry for KFC" and "Health Fanatics for McDonald's".
Where does a gay person go if they're strongly fiscally conservative?

To the Republican Party? They're hardly a gay person's best ally. And the whole fiscal conservative idea seems to have escaped them the last 20+ years, too. These two points make me wonder why a gay person would be a Republican. What else would the Republican Party have to offer them that no one else could?

To the Democratic Party? Not even close to fiscally conservative, but better on social issues.

The social aspect would be important, sure, but the fiscal aspect would affect them more on a mundane day-to-day basis. (I know it's difficult for some to understand there is more to life than just social issues.)

It almost seems like the Libertarian Party would be the better fit for a gay fiscal conservative.
Cause not all homosexual people are just fiscally conservative. Maybe you should stop trying to neat box people based on your preconceived notions of what's best for them.
Where does a gay person go if they're strongly fiscally conservative?

To the Republican Party? They're hardly a gay person's best ally. And the whole fiscal conservative idea seems to have escaped them the last 20+ years, too. These two points make me wonder why a gay person would be a Republican. What else would the Republican Party have to offer them that no one else could?

To the Democratic Party? Not even close to fiscally conservative, but better on social issues.

The social aspect would be important, sure, but the fiscal aspect would affect them more on a mundane day-to-day basis. (I know it's difficult for some to understand there is more to life than just social issues.)

It almost seems like the Libertarian Party would be the better fit for a gay fiscal conservative.

They are called Log Cabin Republicans. They've been around for some time.
Huh? I'm sure there are a butt load of gay conservatives out there.
Cause not all homosexual people are just fiscally conservative. Maybe you should stop trying to neat box people based on your preconceived notions of what's best for them.
Where did I say, or suggest, or imply, that they "all" are? Of course not all are, duh!, but clearly some are primarily fiscally conservative, and this thread is about them.

Seems someone is a tad thin-skinned.
Where did I say, or suggest, or imply, that they "all" are? Of course not all are, duh!, but clearly some are primarily fiscally conservative, and this thread is about them.

Seems someone is a tad thin-skinned.

Yes, and it ain't me. If this thread is purely about fiscally conservative gay folks, well have fun. I'll leave it be.
Right. And I chose to not go with the common name because I don't see how the Reps represent them. Can you address the question?

I would think they'd be libertarian. Gay republicans tend to be the lying deceitful closeted gays who are dictating morality to everyone then telling everyone how gays will all go to hell and how evil butt sex is right before they get busted doing meth with their gay prostitute.
I would think they'd be libertarian. Gay republicans tend to be the lying deceitful closeted gays who are dictating morality to everyone then telling everyone how gays will all go to hell and how evil butt sex is right before they get busted doing meth with their gay prostitute.

Wow, you thought about this a lot.
Of parties I can think of off the top of my head the Libertarian party would seem to be the best fit for fiscally conservative members of the LGBT community. There was a time when the Log Cabin Republicans perhaps made sense. But given the Republican's newest platform it really doesn't.
Where does a gay person go if they're strongly fiscally conservative?

To the Republican Party? They're hardly a gay person's best ally. And the whole fiscal conservative idea seems to have escaped them the last 20+ years, too. These two points make me wonder why a gay person would be a Republican. What else would the Republican Party have to offer them that no one else could?

To the Democratic Party? Not even close to fiscally conservative, but better on social issues.

The social aspect would be important, sure, but the fiscal aspect would affect them more on a mundane day-to-day basis. (I know it's difficult for some to understand there is more to life than just social issues.)

It almost seems like the Libertarian Party would be the better fit for a gay fiscal conservative.

They should join the LOG CABIN REPUBLICANS. A gay Republican conservative group.

I had not heard about them until I saw an episode on American Dad about them.

(looking for a link)


If you can find a decent one with the short musical number (1:22 min) Gregg & Terry do in the episode of American Dad, it is precious.
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They should join the LOG CABIN REPUBLICANS. A gay Republican conservative group.

I had not heard about them until I saw an episode on American Dad about them.

(looking for a link)

Read up the thread a couple posts.
The GOP has been walking a fine line for some time. There are two third parties that together make up what the GOP actually is. The Libertarian Party and the Constitution Party. The Libertarian Party is the fiscally conservative party that is what the GOP only TALKS like but never walks the walk. The Constitution Party is the God party that wants evangelical social conservatism to rule over everyone. THAT is the party that the GOP leans towards emulating. Not the Libertarians. And it's going to bite them in the ass this election.
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Where does a gay person go if they're strongly fiscally conservative?

To the Republican Party? They're hardly a gay person's best ally. And the whole fiscal conservative idea seems to have escaped them the last 20+ years, too. These two points make me wonder why a gay person would be a Republican. What else would the Republican Party have to offer them that no one else could?

To the Democratic Party? Not even close to fiscally conservative, but better on social issues.

The social aspect would be important, sure, but the fiscal aspect would affect them more on a mundane day-to-day basis. (I know it's difficult for some to understand there is more to life than just social issues.)

It almost seems like the Libertarian Party would be the better fit for a gay fiscal conservative.

I'm not gay, but I'm in the exact position you spell out for gay fiscal conservatives. My impression is, unless gay fiscal conservatives have at least a few crazy genes, they won't fit into the Libertarian Party either. Have you watched the YouTube video's of their official convention? If I remember correctly, they had a fat Viking looking guy in his undies giving a speech about something.

Found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bl3ylFtOius BE WARNED - NSFW - FAT GUY IN HIS G-STRING
Read up the thread a couple posts.

My apologies. I made the post without reading the whole thread first.

This isn't the first time I screwed up like this.

Sometimes I shoot off a passionate reply, then wind up reading a Mod Warning on page 8 or so, saying to NOT DO, what I just did.
My apologies. I made the post without reading the whole thread first.

This isn't the first time I screwed up like this.

Sometimes I shoot off a passionate reply, then wind up reading a Mod Warning on page 8 or so, saying to NOT DO, what I just did.

I do it all the time in the long threads. I'll start reading at the beginning and start commenting on those posts and it'll have been hashed over already 75 pages later. lol
Why is it so far-fetched that a gay person could be responsible with money?

Or even religious or more socially conservative on other issues like abortion?

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