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Coming Out. (1 Viewer)

I usually only found out someone was gay when they hit on me or freaked out when I hit on them. But that hasn't happened in almost 20 years.
Non-answer noted. :roll:

Answered, evidently not the answer you hoped for. The original statement stands on its own, nothing more, nothing less - my personal observation. Sorry if I could not toss you the red meat you were hinting for, well, not really sorry.
Answered, evidently not the answer you hoped for. The original statement stands on its own, nothing more, nothing less - my personal observation. Sorry if I could not toss you the red meat you were hinting for, well, not really sorry.

You either called TheGoverness a liar, or a plagiarizer in your original post. One or the other.
Own up to it, or rescind it.
You either called TheGoverness a liar, or a plagiarizer in your original post. One or the other.
Own up to it, or rescind it.

Nope, those are entirely your own conclusions to jump to, shall I type slow so you will understand? That was my personal observation from past forums.

I know what I saw and made a statement to that fact. Accusing no one of anything just stating what I have seen, whether chose to accept that or not is of no consequence. But, given your original question I was wondering how long it would take you to stretch it into an argument of your own imagination.

Ah, but there's the rub I find arguing a waste of time, especially over something so trivial as ones personal remembrances, some come here just to do that, I don't.
I have seen the exact same story posted in other forums a long time before this one.

These are your words.

"exact same story"

What other conclusion should we come to other than you saying the OP is a false narrative?

You did not say "I've seen similar stories".
Exact same.
I had the same thing when I was invited to an engagement party by a coworker. ****ing heterosexuals forcing their lifestyle on me. I don't care what they do in private, but they need to keep it there.

Interesting perspective. Engagement parties are more of a chick thing, aren't they?. I have to agree that a wedding gift registry is a rather annoying thing. Socializing is often more trouble than it's worth. Keeping people at an arm's length has it's advantages. Would it have soured your work environment had you not gone?
Interesting perspective.

Isn't it? Examining an issue from a different perspective can teach us so much about our own biases.

Engagement parties are more of a chick thing, aren't they?. I have to agree that a wedding gift registry is a rather annoying thing. Socializing is often more trouble than it's worth. Keeping people at an arm's length has it's advantages. Would it have soured your work environment had you not gone?

I was the only guy in this workplace, so it probably was a chick thing, but the person who invited me was my immediate superior, and to not go would definitely have soured the work environment.
Isn't it? Examining an issue from a different perspective can teach us so much about our own biases.

I was the only guy in this workplace, so it probably was a chick thing, but the person who invited me was my immediate superior, and to not go would definitely have soured the work environment.

I wouldn't even attempt to be part of a workplace where I'm the only guy. Thankfully that won't happen in Information Technology in my lifetime.
I wouldn't even attempt to be part of a workplace where I'm the only guy. Thankfully that won't happen in Information Technology in my lifetime.

Yeah, I wouldn't recommend it. :lol:
But I want to pass it off to some of y’all: Do any of you have experiences where a good friend of yours came out to you? And if they did, how did you react?

In every instance I already knew and was waiting and hoping, and then when it happened, I was relieved and ready to move along because I loved them just the same.
A few days ago I posted a response saying about slowly breaking off my friendship due to the fact he came out to me. I would think about our friendship and the good times we had. My conscious would bother me. It bothered me as I post the response given. I thought about it and came up with this conclusion...
I would break off my friendship right on the spot. This troye silvan syndrome has really gotten out of hand no thanks to barack " buju bonton " obama. This is all I have to say.
A few days ago I posted a response saying about slowly breaking off my friendship due to the fact he came out to me. I would think about our friendship and the good times we had. My conscious would bother me. It bothered me as I post the response given. I thought about it and came up with this conclusion...
I would break off my friendship right on the spot. This troye silvan syndrome has really gotten out of hand no thanks to barack " buju bonton " obama. This is all I have to say.

A few days ago I posted a response saying about slowly breaking off my friendship due to the fact he came out to me. I would think about our friendship and the good times we had. My conscious would bother me. It bothered me as I post the response given. I thought about it and came up with this conclusion...
I would break off my friendship right on the spot. This troye silvan syndrome has really gotten out of hand no thanks to barack " buju bonton " obama. This is all I have to say.

And as was said, before... that person would be very lucky to lose you as a "friend" as you would have demonstrated that your value as their friend was completely nil.
This troye silvan syndrome has really gotten out of hand no thanks to barack " buju bonton " obama. This is all I have to say.

Does anybody even remotely understand what this part means?

What the hell is troye silvan syndrome?
And barack " buju bonton " obama??? Buju bonton???

So, today has been pretty interesting. Got back a little while ago from dinner with one of my good high school friends. He decided to come out to me today (he's gay). He’s a quiet dude: reserved, doesn’t have many friends. But when you get to know him, he’s quite fun to be around, when he’s comfortable and can be himself. He was supportive of me and my GF when we both decided to finally kick the closet door wide open. Now, I’ve sorta had my suspicions, but I honestly didn’t know for sure. He hit me up today because he wanted to hang out with me later on (to which I happily agreed), and so we decided to get some dinner together. We were just gonna meet after I got off work. But when I was on break, he messaged me and asked me if he could swing by real quick and talk real quick about something. He showed up, and at first I was just kinda trying to be all casual and joke with him a bit. But his face was serious, so I stopped that real quick, and I got kind of concerned. It was practically hanging off the edge of his tongue, but he backed out. Said he’d just tell me whatever he had to tell me when I got off later. I didn’t want to pry so I just said ok. I was pretty worried, because I thought he might’ve gotten himself into some **** or something. Now, it’s not like he was afraid of what I’d say, obviously. It was really more about him finally coming to terms with who he is. So after work was over and I had gotten ready, I messaged him and he swung by and picked me up. He had parked into an empty parking lot, and we kind of sat there for a bit. The conflict was still visible on his face, which made me even more concerned than I already was. I just grabbed his hands and reassured him that whatever he needed to tell me, I would be there for him. That's what friends are for, right? And so he just went ahead and said it, and I instantly had the biggest smile pop up on my face.

I was screaming of joy; I cried too. And I practically squeezed him to death. I was so ****ing proud of him (and I still am). We were in that parking lot for a long while, and we just talked about it. I know some people might find that kind of insulting, to have a friend you’ve known for years finally reveal something like that to you, because it may seem like “Oh, this person didn’t think enough about me to tell me for so long”, but some people take a long time to come to terms with their sexuality. It’s like a back-and-forth battle, and it really sucks, especially if you grow up in an environment where that’s not really accepted. And once you come out of the closet; there is not just one time and then be done with it. You really never stop coming out of the closet in a sense. Because when you meet new people, you have to kind of feel them out, and kind of gauge whether or not they’d be comfortable with you being open about being gay/bisexual/etc. But my friend just needed to come to terms with himself on his own, and I really appreciated the fact that I was the first one he’s told so far. I’m happy I get to be there for someone with this, and even just writing about it now is making me teary-eyed. He was contemplating doing this for so long, and today the scale finally tipped to the other side.

Now, I’ve advised him not to tell his parents about it for the foreseeable future, because his parents are pretty homophobic, and they already don’t like the fact that we hang out sometimes to begin with. I was a bit too impulsive when I came out to my parents, and I ended up going through one of the worst periods of my life because of it. Sure in the end I’ve gotten my parents to accept it (mainly my mother, my father was never really all up in arms about it really), though I still have family who do not accept me for it. But not every situation is the same and I’m afraid they might try to kick him out or something if he does try to come out to them. But I didn’t want him to worry about that right now, as that will come later. So we went to dinner and had a good ****ing time.

But I want to pass it off to some of y’all: Do any of you have experiences where a good friend of yours came out to you? And if they did, how did you react?

I would say he was pretty lucky to have a good friend like you to share his news! :cool:
Does anybody even remotely understand what this part means?

What the hell is troye silvan syndrome?
And barack " buju bonton " obama??? Buju bonton???


A buddy of mine in middle school came out to me as bi. In hindsight, I think he might just have had a thing for me - I recall him asking me multiple times if I'd ever thought about being with guys, but at the time I just chalked that up to him being curious about my own life.
Never had a friend come out to me. They were all already open. Now... I have had friends come on to me...
A few days ago I posted a response saying about slowly breaking off my friendship due to the fact he came out to me. I would think about our friendship and the good times we had. My conscious would bother me. It bothered me as I post the response given. I thought about it and came up with this conclusion...
I would break off my friendship right on the spot. This troye silvan syndrome has really gotten out of hand no thanks to barack " buju bonton " obama. This is all I have to say.

You should have stopped at "conclusion" ...because it looks like you lost your mind after that.
A few days ago I posted a response saying about slowly breaking off my friendship due to the fact he came out to me. I would think about our friendship and the good times we had. My conscious would bother me. It bothered me as I post the response given. I thought about it and came up with this conclusion...
I would break off my friendship right on the spot. This troye silvan syndrome has really gotten out of hand no thanks to barack " buju bonton " obama. This is all I have to say.

So, if I'm reading you right, you've never actually met a gay person.
It was a conference room rented out. You see, opposing the homosexual agenda is 6th maybe 7th on my list of political interests, behind abortion, second amendment, affirmative action, big government, motorist rights, men's rights and maybe a few other things. When they start to impose on me, it moves up the list.

You actually sound like you think gay people have an agenda.
They don't...their agenda consists mostly of doing the exact same things straight people do every single day.
I think you're upset because gay people are just now able to live their lives like anyone else without seeking your approval.
That word you're using, "impose"....I don't think it means what you think it means, and if your gay colleague were to get a glimpse of this nonsense, I assure you that you would be excused from having to attend their coming out party, as a favor to everyone else.

The whole reason "coming out" is even an issue at all is because of people like you, otherwise there wouldn't be any such thing as coming out.
Gay people would just be gay, they'd let people know and whoop-de-doo, so they're gay, so what.
The so called "closet" existed for centuries because for centuries they had to accommodate YOUR AGENDA.

I don't suppose that ever occurs to all the poor put upon straight people who are upset about a so called "gay agenda".

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