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CNN: 1,500 more troops to Iraq (1 Viewer)

There was a day when I would have said worse.

But, now, with Iraq and Afghanistan, having met a few dozen soldiers who served in Kandahar, and read the writings of many Muslim Canadians, scholars and professionals who opine that the middle east is best lest to middle easterners, that NO outside help comes without agendea; it's time for true sovereignty. Yes, it will mean people are going to die, Arab will kill Arab, but it will also mean Arab's won't be getting even with America.

As much as I agree...I disagree as well. They hate us. And it isn't just our involvement. It is our freedom. That pisses off the sharia hardliner nuts more than anything. The world would be better if we quarantined the Mid East and nobody got involved though.

But then where would the 1st world fight its wars against each other?
Hmm... Maybe we need to try the Egypt/Israel model where we arm and pay both sides forever not to fight each other.

It would be cheaper to pay the poor over there 75k for each dead body of a terrorist they bring to us.....they could live out their lives in comfort and get rid of the problem at the same time.
It would be cheaper to pay the poor over there 75k for each dead body of a terrorist they bring to us.....they could live out their lives in comfort and get rid of the problem at the same time.

I am willing to bet that it would cost over $75K just to identify each "terrorist" worthy of the bounty - or will we simply pay that bounty for any dead body that is submitted as such?
You do realize that after troops left Iraq, there were 4 years of 'relative peace'. If we're going by your flawed interpretation of the numbers, by following the Bush administration's plan, Iraq saw "peace" for 4 years. Correct? Hell, if we use your metric for peace, Iraq was still technically at peace in 2013.

No, no. You made a ridiculous claim and are now trying to avoid it like the plague. You don't get to run. Tell us, if Iraq saw peace in 2008, when casualties were as high as when the war first started, does that mean that in 2013 Iraq was peaceful too? After all, violence in 2013 only reached the levels of 2008.

Civilian death toll in Iraq highest in years, fueling concern of Al Qaeda 'resurgence' | Fox News

You set the standard for 'peace'. Now you get to be exposed for your nonsense.

We weren't out of Iraq in 2008. :2wave:
As much as I agree...I disagree as well. They hate us. And it isn't just our involvement. It is our freedom. That pisses off the sharia hardliner nuts more than anything. The world would be better if we quarantined the Mid East and nobody got involved though.

But then where would the 1st world fight its wars against each other?

And they hate each other more than us, MMC just linked to Sunni ISIS killing Sunni's. They can't be appeased, and to go that route will only make things worse.
How soon some forget history..
Remember Al-Maliki calling for us to get out of his country? Remember the Iraqi Parliament vote? Also ISIS (formally known as Al-Qaeda in Iraq) was formed in 2004.
You're very wrong about ISIS' origins. They are not AQI renamed. They are decidedly more capable, better equipped (thanks to us), practice different tactics, and have a much larger Chechnyan influence than AQI. A very different animal indeed
:roll: Maliki wanted a minimum of 10K troops left behind in Iraq. The President told him he was on his own. Witness the results of the "not our problem" foreign policy.

Disagree with you there my brother. Iraq wanted us gone and got all they bargained for. Im a big fan of leaving unappreciative countries hanging out to dry. Iraq swore the western infidels were to blame for all their problems and we were doing nothing to help. I think they see that was a misguided train of thought.
Wouldn't this have drummed up liberal votes? Especially from those that think Obama is too moderate.

Exactly. If it were last week he'd be in here saying, "how convenient he does this RIGHT before an election!!!!11111!!."
I've actually come around to agree that we should not have gone in the first place. that said.

Obama: ‘I Promised To End The War In Iraq, And I Did’

He pulled out way to early. it wasn't a responsible withdrawal.

Holy crap, the Rev is back. You may have come back a while ago but I just started posting again after not having access. I was going to disagree with you but I'll just say welcome back and glad to see you posting again.
Exactly. If it were last week he'd be in here saying, "how convenient he does this RIGHT before an election!!!!11111!!."

Duh. Remember? He can't do anything right. <--------no sarcasm
Saddam broke Iraq, via genocide, mass slaughters and institutional rape.

Actually... that's what kept ISIS from coming into Iraq.
Actually... that's what kept ISIS from coming into Iraq.

That's what created fertile ground for ISI and merely delayed the inevitable.
Duh. Remember? He can't do anything right. <--------no sarcasm

Obama's got so many things I'd pile on him about. Seriously. The TPP, taking Bush's patriot act to yet another level on whistle blowers, his absurd deportation stance, his rather laissez faire oversight on fracking... These right wing partisan sycophants in here choose to attack him on such fabricated BS I end up looking like I think Obama's perfect simply because I don't jump on board the "I hate Obama" train with them.

I can't for the life of me figure out why people make crap up out of thin air to whine about when there are factual things to bring up. :lol:
That's what created fertile ground for ISI and merely delayed the inevitable.

Looks more to me like the power vacuum by Saddam's absence. Just like when that dictator Tito died in Yugoslavia and then Christians and Muslims were at each others throats from that point on. I find dictatorship nothing I want a part of but an iron fist seems to be all that a region has from tearing itself apart sometimes. Especially when it's overrun by religious fanatics.
Looks more to me like the power vacuum by Saddam's absence.

A vacuum of brutal oppression and slaughter that leads to the situation in the first place.

Just like when that dictator Tito died in Yugoslavia and then Christians and Muslims were at each others throats from that point on. I find dictatorship nothing I want a part of but an iron fist seems to be all that a region has from tearing itself apart sometimes. Especially when it's overrun by religious fanatics.

Saddam killed ~50k per year for 20 years, and that's only counting the major events, not the mass slaughters of 50-hundreds that occurred regularly. That is what set the stage for the current crisis - Saddam's obliteration of social capital in Iraq.
Americans dont like to fight wars. Despite what the picture painted by the left we aren't a war-like nation. Our world policy is essentially dont attack us and trade with us. We were united by 9/11, and we know the war on terror isn't going to end like ww2 did. Thats the reality of where we are.

Just curious which of these wars do you think were worth fighting?

Revelutionary War
Civil War
French & Indian War
Spanish/American War
Korean War
Vietnam War
Gulf War
Iraq War
Afghanistan War
Just curious which of these wars do you think were worth fighting?

Revelutionary War
Civil War
French & Indian War
Spanish/American War
Korean War
Vietnam War
Gulf War
Iraq War
Afghanistan War

Do you disagree with my statement that Americans dont like to fight wars?
You're very wrong about ISIS' origins. They are not AQI renamed. They are decidedly more capable, better equipped (thanks to us), practice different tactics, and have a much larger Chechnyan influence than AQI. A very different animal indeed

Uhhh did I say they were simply AQI renamed? No. They were born out of AQI and splintered off form them.
Do you disagree with my statement that Americans dont like to fight wars?

No one likes to fight wars.

You can just say you don't want to answer the question instead of dodging with answering a question with a question you know.
Bush isn't in office and Obama has 2 years left. At what point is it ok to criticize his Iraq policy?

News flash wars have lasting effects.... And where did I say it wasnt ok to criticize his "Iraq policy"?
In Dec after Maliki came to DC.....when reading that. How did you miss this part.
So what when he visited. We gave the word that we would increase aid to him during the visit.
So wars dont have last effects and consequences? Now its 100% Obama and no one elses?

Does genocide, mass slaughters, institutionalized rape and a brutal dictatorship of cronyism not have lasting effects and consequences?

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