Originally Posted by stsburns
................Trust me I would love to see a Black or Women president.....................
Originally Posted by Stinger
Why? That's a pretty racist and sexist position.
ShamMol said:
Coming from you, that is a hoot.
Honestly, it isn't a posistion, it is merely a thing of like.
So what? It's a pretty racist and sexist "thing of like" then.
I would personally like to see an Irish man in the white house, or an Irish woman, does that make me racist?
No Irish is not a race. But if a Republican went out in public and said he wants to see a man and a white man at that appionted the cries of racist and sexist would be blaring wouldn't they.
No, it means that I would like to see it. Just like Mrs. Bush would like to see a woman replacing O'Connor. Simple really.
Which is a sexist comment. Just as if I were hiring a position and I said I would like to see a man hired it would be sexist. It prejudgies the selection.
I think that a Clinton/Obama ticket would not succeed. For two main reasons-the south and an inherent distrust of women.
But I am amused Obama makes a good speech at a convention and suddenly he is being catapulted from a state legislature position into the White House. Now perhaps after he has won a state wide election and then maybe held an executive position as a Govenor or maybe even in the US Congress (although that is not a very good way into the White House). But for the life of me I don't see why he is being suggested onto the National ticket merely on the basis of his charisma, but then I forget he is running on the Democrat side.
You don't trust women and fear black people?
You may be saying to yourself-what?! Think about it. Is our nation really ready to elect a woman president?
I'm ready to elect anyone who I believe can lead this country effectively and impliment to policies I support. How about you?
A lot of the bias that used to be is still there and I just don't see it happening.
Well you should work on that it really limits your outlook.
And the South is still racist-there is no way that they would vote in the majority (any of the states) for an African American.
Where do you get that idea? The South is no more racist than anywhere else, perhaps less so. A conservative black would have no problem getting support from Southern states. You need to get with the times. Put Condi Rice on the ticket and I bet she would swipe the South. I can thing of several Blacks who would do well.
You are going to say this is a generalization, but mark my words, a true one at that.
Sorry but I find your prejudices cloud you vision. It's about issues not race or sex.
Regards from LA (Lower Alabama)