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Cindy, Cindy, Cindy!!! (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2005
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in the middle of America
Political Leaning

Democrat Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and Democrat Senator John McCain have both agreed to meet Cindy Sheehan when she comes to Washington D.C. to close out her "Anti-War Tour".

Hillary has been working hard at being a defense minded Democrat. So she meets with Cindy Sheehan.

John McCain told his local papers he wouldn't meet with Sheehan if he were President. He also said he thought, "she is being used by anti-war groups." So?


"America has been killing people on this continent since it was started. This country is not worth dying for..."

"We have this lying bastard, George Bush, taking a 5-week vacation in a time of war."

"When I was growing up, it was Communists. Now it's Terrorists. So you always have to have somebody to fight and be afraid of, so the war machine can build more bombs, guns, and bullets and everything."

"You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism."

"Thank God for the Internet, or we wouldn't know anything, and we would already be a fascist state."

"George Bush needs to stop talking, admit the mistakes of his all around failed administration, pull our troops out of occupied New Orleans."

"They’re not waging a War on Terror but a War of Terror. The biggest terrorist is George W. Bush."


:duel :cool:
she does not merit my attention
i feel bad for her, and her loss
but her son volunteered, not once but twice

the liberal media has turned this womens tragedy into a circus freak show
Originally posted by gordontravels:

"America has been killing people on this continent since it was started. This country is not worth dying for..."

"We have this lying bastard, George Bush, taking a 5-week vacation in a time of war."

"When I was growing up, it was Communists. Now it's Terrorists. So you always have to have somebody to fight and be afraid of, so the war machine can build more bombs, guns, and bullets and everything."

"You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism."

"Thank God for the Internet, or we wouldn't know anything, and we would already be a fascist state."

"George Bush needs to stop talking, admit the mistakes of his all around failed administration, pull our troops out of occupied New Orleans."

"They’re not waging a War on Terror but a War of Terror. The biggest terrorist is George W. Bush."

She's speaking for the majority of the country now.
Ok I can see how all the other quotes could be used against her but why bother posting

"When I was growing up, it was Communists. Now it's Terrorists. So you always have to have somebody to fight and be afraid of, so the war machine can build more bombs, guns, and bullets and everything."
Ok whats wrong with this quote? She's right. There is always somebody left to fight. Since the beginning of time we've been fighting one last war. World War 1 was supposed to be the war to end all wars. Seriously I see nothing wrong with this quote.

"You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism."

Nothing wrong with this either. Many people would agree with her. I personally think it would be easier though if Isreal got the palestinians out of there first but whatever.

"Thank God for the Internet, or we wouldn't know anything, and we would already be a fascist state."

I wouldn't go as far as saying we have turned into a facist state but the internet has been very helpful because it shows news on some places that others would never put up.

Some of the things she says though are things that people actually think but only she is brave enough, or perhaps stupid enough considering her situation, to say. Kinda strange eh?
im really getting sick of hearing about her. It is plain and simple. Shes a wacko.
Billo_Really said:
She's speaking for the majority of the country now.

So you criticize the "idiocy" (your views) of a President and hoist upon your shoulders the voice of a loon? She doesn't speak for most of America. Most of America are simply tired of all of it in light of the Hurricane events. Myself included.

C'mon. Just like the Republican side of America saw through the garbage of Micheal Moore and people on the Democratic side slowly agreed, the same thing has happened to Sheehan. Don't you anti-war fellas have any voice of sane morality out there for you to choose to speak for you?
58% of all Americans now agree with Cindy!
Its out of the bag now! She showed Americans that Bush screwed up big time!!!
taxpayer said:
58% of all Americans now agree with Cindy!
Its out of the bag now! She showed Americans that Bush screwed up big time!!!

Why do you insist on greying reality and obscuring the facts? 58 percent of America do not agree with Sheehan. 58 percent of America are tired of Iraq, Afghanistan, and hurricanes. Myself included, but I assure you, that a rediculous Michael Moore nut hugger like Sheehan does not speak for me. Sheehan is off her rocker.
It's clearly a lot easier to call Mrs. Sheehan a nut or a wacko than it is to refute her statements head-on.
Bleeding Heart said:
It's clearly a lot easier to call Mrs. Sheehan a nut or a wacko than it is to refute her statements head-on.

What's to refute? Our illegal occupation of New Orleans or Iraq?

Either way, I assure you, that if her son hadn't died in the line of duty that he signed up for, we wouldn't even know she existed.
GySgt said:
What's to refute? Our illegal occupation of New Orleans or Iraq?

Either way, I assure you, that if her son hadn't died in the line of duty that he signed up for, we wouldn't even know she existed.

She'd probably prefer it that way, too.
Bleeding Heart said:
She'd probably prefer it that way, too.

Exactly. Her anger is misdirected. She cannot come to terms with what happened just like all of the other mother's that have lost sons and needs to blame. She's being used and she doesn't care. In the mean time, she has driven loved ones away and herself crazy. Coo-Coo. Coo-Coo.:cuckoo:
Billo_Really said:
She's speaking for the majority of the country now.

Yes she is!

Thank you Cindy Sheehan and God Bless You!
GySgt said:
Exactly. Her anger is misdirected. She cannot come to terms with what happened just like all of the other mother's that have lost sons and needs to blame. She's being used and she doesn't care. In the mean time, she has driven loved ones away and herself crazy. Coo-Coo. Coo-Coo.:cuckoo:

What would be a better use for her anger? Seems to me she's doing something productive with it. Burying and denying it, that's what drives people crazy.
Billo_Really said:
She's speaking for the majority of the country now.

Do those comments she made speak for you?
Bleeding Heart said:
It's clearly a lot easier to call Mrs. Sheehan a nut or a wacko than it is to refute her statements head-on.

Did you even read the traitorus comments she made??? This women is a nut, a whack job, a partisan left winger who was a strong supporter of Kerry in 2004.........Her creditability is a big zero and going lower every day....

Even her family says that........
How about we just staple that stupid bitches mouth shut. :2razz:

When she sacrifices something for this country then I might be able to at least listen to what she has to say
Who is this Cindy person anyway?:rofl
Billo_Really said:
She's speaking for the majority of the country now.

Do you have proof of this little statement. Can you prove that the majority of the country is allowing a raging lunatic that changes her position on thinngs everytime a new hand is stuffed up her ass to work her puppet head. I don't think so......

She speaks for her delussions and her dellusions only
Bleeding Heart said:
What would be a better use for her anger? Seems to me she's doing something productive with it. Burying and denying it, that's what drives people crazy.

Maybe she should cope with it and except that her son died because her son enlisted and was called to duty. That's what most everyone else has done.

Well, I guess since the majority of America wants us to stop our occupation in the war torn New Orleans, we should pack up our troops and leave them in peace.
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GySgt said:
Maybe she should cope with it and except that her son died because her son enlisted and was called to duty. That's what most everyone else has done.

This is her way of coping. The fact that Casey enlisted doesn't give the president the right to send him into harm's way unless it's absolutely necessary, with the informed consent of the American people.
I got the staple gun if someone wants to hold her down...:lol:
Bleeding Heart said:
GySgt said:
Maybe she should cope with it and except that her son died because her son enlisted and was called to duty. That's what most everyone else has done.

This is her way of coping. The fact that Casey enlisted doesn't give the president the right to send him into harm's way unless it's absolutely necessary, with the informed consent of the American people.

He does have the right as given to him by law and he did have the American people's consent.
Bleeding Heart said:

Sorry, what I mean to say was: "Informed" was the operative word there. "Informed Consent." You can't get that by spreading disinformation.

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