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Chauvin Seeks New Trial, Alleges Prosecutorial & Jury Misconduct (1 Viewer)

Is that what you expect them to argue in this motion? That the he should get a new trial because they are incompetent? 😛
reminds me of the (fictional) story where the jury announces "Your Honour, we find the defendant guilty, but would like to add that we're not crazy about the plaintiff either".

Perry Mason on laughing gas.:ROFLMAO:

If, that is, you're old enough to remember.;)
I didnt say Chauvin had to prove his innocence. I said he had to explain his actions. He didnt, probably because he couldnt. Thats why he was convicted.
One is always supposed to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. That wasn't the case here. He was absolutely required to prove his innocence.
One is always supposed to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. That wasn't the case here. He was absolutely required to prove his innocence.

A JURY found him guilty.. overturning the verdict of a jury is not some small hurdle
This motion is filed by his CURRENT attorneys... There will be a hearing on this motion within 30 days... Are you suggesting that he will fire his counsel before the hearing?
Where do you get this notion that I was suggesting anything other than I believe his defense team is incompetent? I neve once suggested or even hinted that he will fire them. You continue to translate things in an odd way
I am a Trump supporter and I dont support Chauvin. So much for your stupid theory.

I said those who supported Chauvin were trump supporters. Not all trump.supporters support Chauvin. Can you see the difference.

Still pretty embarrassing to.admit you are a trump supporter. Is it because you are rich or racist. I would guess you are not racist because you say you don't support Chauvin.
A JURY found him guilty.. overturning the verdict of a jury is not some small hurdle
A jury found him guilty. Duh.

I'm saying that in this case the defendent went to trial not having the luxury of being presumed innocent.
I said those who supported Chauvin were trump supporters. Not all trump.supporters support Chauvin. Can you see the difference.

Still pretty embarrassing to.admit you are a trump supporter. Is it because you are rich or racist. I would guess you are not racist because you say you don't support Chauvin.
Yep. The race card. Jeebus.
One is always supposed to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. That wasn't the case here. He was absolutely required to prove his innocence.
Nope, the prosecution was required to prove his guilt and in that succeeded.
He wont get a new trial, nor should he. He was convicted because he never produced a defense of his actions. He needed to explain why it was he kneeled on the neck of a man cuffed and laying face down in the street long after the guy had passed out. Unless you believe Floyd would have died in the back seat of the cruiser (had they gotten him in there) then you can only conclude that Chavins actions contributed to Floyds death. The jury found him guilty based upon the evidence they heard and no matter how many times he stands trial, the outcome will be the same.
Whether or not Chauvins actions contributed to Floyd’s death was never relevant. The use of force was justified and Floyd due to his own decision made himself vulnerable to death from a level of force that was very light.

I don’t know what kind wuss thinks the force used against Floyd was excessive.
Nope, the prosecution was required to prove his guilt and in that succeeded.
They were, but still Chauvin went went to trial without the presumption of innocence. That's pretty much basic common sense.
Nope, the prosecution was required to prove his guilt and in that succeeded.
They really didn’t.

Instead they assigned 12 attorneys to drown the defense in motions, put on questionable witnesses, their allies engaged in a campaign of political terrorism including flying a congresswoman from California to threaten violence if the verdict wasn’t what they wanted
Whether or not Chauvins actions contributed to Floyd’s death was never relevant. The use of force was justified and Floyd due to his own decision made himself vulnerable to death from a level of force that was very light.

I don’t know what kind wuss thinks the force used against Floyd was excessive.
Even when the use of force is justified, it can be applied in the wrong way. Chauvin employed force in the wrong way.
Whether or not Chauvins actions contributed to Floyd’s death was never relevant. The use of force was justified and Floyd due to his own decision made himself vulnerable to death from a level of force that was very light.

I don’t know what kind wuss thinks the force used against Floyd was excessive.

Pretty cowardly to choke a man to death with his hands tied behind his back
Even when the use of force is justified, it can be applied in the wrong way. Chauvin employed force in the wrong way.
No he didn’t.

This is the problem with our modern society of low T and contraception. We’re filled with wussies who think a very low level of non violent force against a non compliant suspect was somehow “wrong”

Nothing Chauvin did was wrong. That exact hold was trained by the police department, has never been proved to cause a death, and was properly applied.
Pretty cowardly to choke a man to death with his hands tied behind his back
Floyd was not choked. All the medical testimony pretty much proves that whatever you think happened choking was absolutely not it.
No he didn’t.

This is the problem with our modern society of low T and contraception. We’re filled with wussies who think a very low level of non violent force against a non compliant suspect was somehow “wrong”

Nothing Chauvin did was wrong. That exact hold was trained by the police department, has never been proved to cause a death, and was properly applied.
He used the wrong restraint method. It was not properly applied. The only real argument should have been the severity of the charge he faced.
They were, but still Chauvin went went to trial without the presumption of innocence. That's pretty much basic common sense.
Holding oneself to be a mind reader and common sense pretty much rule each other out.

THAT is common sense applied.
He used the wrong restraint method. It was not properly applied. The only real argument should have been the severity of the charge he faced.
My advice (all two cents of it) would be not to react to posters serving mere bait.

That's why I've stopped responding to him long ago.
Holding oneself to be a mind reader and common sense pretty much rule each other out.

THAT is common sense applied.
It’s obvious that there was no presumption of innocence with Chauvin. I’m sure a lot of people are fine with that too.
It’s obvious that there was no presumption of innocence with Chauvin. I’m sure a lot of people are fine with that too.
When somebody starts a claim with "It's obvious that..............", I can't help but grin.

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