Basic Thoughts:
Centrism! Its a sport for dummies! Politics is an important subject full of a million issues we need to face! Abortion, Euthanasia, Death Penalty - these are just some of the dangers that politics poses to the everyday american. I gaurantee you, EVERY centrist, has a contradiction of principles if you dig deep enough. And there's a big difference between "Center leaning liberal" and "CENTRIST". Bottom line, centrists don't deserve our respect because they don't give the issues any respect. The End.
"Everyone is dumb"
"Left Wing and Right Wing are the same thing"
"I'm so above it all!"
If you've ever met a Centrist, you've heard those quotes.
Okay, the best way to explain my position on Centrism is to explain worst case scenarios.
And by the way, let me make this clear, these are caricatures
What if Republicans gain total power? (EXTREME CARICATURE)
>Go to jail for abortion
>Everyone is walled in, immigrants are executed
>Trans people are genocided, gays are genocided
>All tax dollars go to the military, which controls all of society
>Everyone dies in the streets from bad healthcare!
>Everyone will have guns and shoot each other
>All while the ocean evaporates into dust!
Now, what if Democrats gain total power? (EXTREME CARICATURE)
>100% tax rate on everyone so we can afford paying for free abortions and free sex changes!
>No border! Mexicans commit voter fraud and repeal the constitution!
>Businesses get over-regulated, everyone loses their jobs, and starves!
>Everyone dies in the government gulags! TYRANNY!
>Economic collapse from a huge national debt, no gun rights, no parental rights!
They'll take your children and shoot you in the back of the head! 1984! 1984!
So naturally, a lot of people are drawn to centrism.
You see, Centrism is a result of over-dosing on caricatures. Here's the truth:
Republicans want to protect your liberty by shrinking the government.
Democrats want to advance human rights by growing the government.
One side says the government exists to protect your rights, not infringe on them.
The other side says, the government exists to protect your rights, not infringe on them.
(Mind Blown)
The truth is, people are not just tribalist - your politics are largely determined by external factors. For instance, most people follow whatever politics their parents follow.
And most people fall into some personality archetype; For example, liberals are more compassionate and conservatives are more "orderly". This is why many tests can predict your political affiliation based on personality traits. What I'm getting at is, we are all guided by PRINCPLES!
Some are guided by blind compassion - others are guided by blind algorithms.(As in, ignore emotions, what's the best step by step solution to the problem)
Both sides have different principles - Centrists, have no principles.
(These are all things real centrists have told me)
One moment they'll tell you a big government leads to tyranny - The next moment, they'll tell you guns need to be banned completely.One moment they'll tell you abortion is a human right, the next moment they'll tell you the government should randomly abort babies to keep the population controlled. One moment they'll tell you to open the borders, The next moment they'll tell you to euthanize anyone who won't work.
LOOK! My point is, in the countless conversations I've had with centrists, I've learned that they all lack principles. They want to play both sides. They want to befriend everyone. Their political "leaning" will shift depending on who they are talking.
Now look, I have no problem with center leaning conservatives or center leaning liberals. Like - "I'm against abortion, but in the first trimester, I guess its okay" OR - "I'm against a border, but I guess if we want universal healthcare, its okay"
Those people, even if they sometimes contradict their own principles - are still trying to live by them. They're saying "I will concede this point for the purpose of advancing my principles overall". These are good people, they want to stay true but are open to compromise.
There's a difference between compromise - and having only beliefs. (Principles /= beliefs)
Principles are things like "government exists to protect human rights" Or "government exists to care for and supply for the people".
Right vs. Left - different principles. Centrists only have beliefs. Feelings without evidence that they'll drop at any time.
And in my experience, Centrists are very ill informed on the issues. A feminist can rattle off a million contraception facts. A Pro Lifer can give you every detail of an abortion -
A Centrist, can smile and nod, and tell you you're right no matter what. Maybe they'll ask a question or two, but in the end, they won't push you.
Centrism is the result of overdosing on caricatures. So much, that you yourself actually become a caricature - The Caricature, of the moron.
Politics is full of important issues, so it really pisses me off when you flip flop on things.
Abortion - a baby could die.
Borders - thousands of people looking for a better life, might be screwed.
Foreign Policy - A wrong step and a nuke is coming our way.
So I don't wanna hear you saying "Well there is no right answer"
Death Penalty - There is a right answer. And someone's life is on the line.
Centrism, pisses me off. Now you know why.
What are your thoughts on Centrism? Leave a message at the beep - ciao!