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Census records 157-year-old woman (1 Viewer)


Veni, vidi, dormivi!
DP Veteran
Nov 6, 2009
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Census records 157-year-old woman - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Estimates of the size and composition of Indonesia's booming population may remain just that despite an ongoing census, if the "discovery" of a 157-year-old woman is anything to go by.

Census officials have said they believe the woman's claims to have been born in 1853, when Giuseppe Verdi's La Traviata debuted in Venice, the Crimean War erupted and San Francisco got its first street signs at intersections.

i mean, wow, she has a 108 year old adopted daughter, but my favourite part is this:

He said Ms Turinah burnt all her identification documents to avoid being linked to an alleged communist coup in 1965.

i'm sure the government was extremely worried about a 102 year old woman.
How often do they do a census? How'd they miss her 10 years ago? 20? 30? 40?
She's been the oldest living person for 20+ years, then?

Absolutely amazing, yeah? Sounds unreal.
She's a phony. The oldest verifiable person to ever live was 122. I wouldn't believe her without proof even if she claimed THAT...but 157? No way in hell.
Even if her daughter can be verified to being 108 - and records on file prove when she was adopted and at what age.

She said she burned records - but did she burn those as well? Curiouser and curiouser as Alice would say.
Even if her daughter can be verified to being 108 - and records on file prove when she was adopted and at what age.

She said she burned records - but did she burn those as well? Curiouser and curiouser as Alice would say.

I doubt there is anything that can verify her daughter's age either. I can't imagine that Indonesia kept records that accurately in 1902.
I don't buy it.
Burned records? If she's colored, she can be president of the USA.
Burned records? If she's colored, she can be president of the USA.

Birther conspiracy lunacy, casual racism, and a completely off-topic jab at the president all on one easy sentence!
Who wrote that article? Big Gene Little Green?
I doubt there is anything that can verify her daughter's age either. I can't imagine that Indonesia kept records that accurately in 1902.

You would have to ask the Dutch how accurate their records were in 1902 as Indonesia did not gain independence until 1949.

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