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Carly Fiorina - fired for incompetence (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 30, 2006
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Los Angeles
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She was FIRED from Hewlett-Packard for her INCOMPETENCE....and now she wants to be California's next Senator....Seriously?

Here is what some Republicans have to say about Carly Fiorina:

YouTube - Fiorina Facts
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An incompetent private sector CEO is by far more competent than most if not all publically elected idiots. About her specifically I don't know much.
Yes....because worrying about hair styles is such an important thing for a potential US Senator to be worrying about....as if Fiorina has any room to talk with that mop of hers.....just sayin.
Yes....because worrying about hair styles is such an important thing for a potential US Senator to be worrying about....as is Fiorina has any room to talk with that mop of hers.....just sayin.

Let me be clear (*ahem*) I'd support a steaming pile of dog **** before I'd support Boxer in any election, ever. Being catty about hair styles... you just finding this out about women now? :lol:
Let me be clear (*ahem*) I'd support a steaming pile of dog **** before I'd support Boxer in any election, ever. Being catty about hair styles... you just finding this out about women now? :lol:
The GOP blew their chance in California of picking up this seat. I was happy to see Campbell lose, he would have probably beaten Boxer, Fiorina on the otherhand is damaged goods straight out of the primary. Boxer will win this race easily.
During a June 9, 2010 appearance on Fox News' On the Record, Carly Fiorina attempted to deflect criticism of her tenure as CEO of Hewlett Packard, claiming, "I'm really proud of my record, and the good thing about business is the facts are clear." The facts are clear, but they're nothing Fiorina should be proud of. She fired at least 18,000 people, sent jobs overseas, instigated a disastrous merger with Compaq, and was eventually fired.

Carly Fiorina Sugarcoats Her Disastrous Tenure At HP | Political Correction

Hewlett-Packard used to be synonymous with the best test equipment money could buy, and then they started making computers. They finally split into two companies, Agilent Technologies and HP. Agilent would continue the test equipment line, and HP would concentrate on nothing but PC's. When they merged with Compaq, they merely took the Compaq label off and sustituted it for HP. When this lady fired 18,000 trained employees and outsourced for foreign help, HP PC's went down the tube. Now, HP has a lucrative DOD contract, and it's PC's fail daily. She and whoever else that is running HP have dragged the name of Hewlett-Packard into the dirt now. Then again, this lady, Fiorina is still tons better than what is running the White House and residing in the Senate, right now. That doesn't give me that warm fuzzy feeling, though.
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She was FIRED from Hewlett-Packard for her INCOMPETENCE....

No wonder Palin supports her, she identifies with her.
Both sucked at their jobs and let down their supporters.
Both make vindictive, girlie-like attacks on their opponents.

She's in for the same fate that befell Barbie.
She was FIRED from Hewlett-Packard for her INCOMPETENCE....and now she wants to be California's next Senator....Seriously?

Here is what some Republicans have to say about Carly Fiorina:

YouTube - Fiorina Facts

actually, it's worse than incompetent

she was underhanded
she attempted to record board member conversations and then use that information to blackmail them to follow her lead
as i recall, the board actually stood and applauded after the successful vote to remove her from HP

before she arrived on the scene HP was the gold standard for American electronics. by the time she was ousted - not so much
She was FIRED from Hewlett-Packard for her INCOMPETENCE....and now she wants to be California's next Senator....Seriously?

Here is what some Republicans have to say about Carly Fiorina:

YouTube - Fiorina Facts

I seem to recall she took a ton of flak for basically pushing through a merger Compaq, which was seen as a poor idea at the time. However, since then, it has seemingly increased HP's market share and turned the company more profitable.
FEBRUARY 4, 2002

© Copyright 2002 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P
All rights reserved. Do not use without written permission from HP.

Thank you, and good morning everyone.
It's great to be here this morning - I haven't had the opportunity to address a room full of institutional investors since, well, Friday. I was having withdrawal.

You may already know that we will substantially exceed current consensus estimates for our first fiscal quarter, which ended January 31. I'll touch on this a little more at the end of my remarks today.

My purpose this morning is to answer a question that I've been asked many times in recent weeks, which is this: In light of all the adversity we've faced since announcing our plans to merge with Compaq last September, why do we remain so steadfast in our commitment to pursuing this merger? Why do we still think this merger is a good deal that deserves a second look?

To answer that question I want to step back in time for a moment - to show you what we saw; to take you through why we decided what we did - and to share with you our board's collective view of the industry and HP's place in it.

We all know that the technology industry is in the midst of transformation. We are entering a period of computing which defies all limits and crosses all borders, in which everything works with everything else, everywhere, all the time. It's a world where solutions matter most, where size makes a difference, and where success will depend upon our ability to align ourselves to function in a seamless way to answer our customers' every technology need.

When I came to HP two and a half years ago, the Board of Directors and the management team had concluded that in light of these technology advances, changing customer requirements and increasing competition, we had already begun to lose ground. The Agilent spin-off was the first step in a process of self-appraisal - a process that began with an evaluation of customer requirements and HP's ability to meet them.

HP Carly Fiorina Speech: The Case for the Merger

Looks like she had something to do with the split up of HP to HP-Agilent. I always wondered why that was done. What a shame. I remember Compaq used to be Packard Bell (Packard Smell is what we techs called it). Compaq PC's were trash, and now HP PC's are trash. If you don't believe it, open up a laptop and check the workmanship, or lack thereof.
What is amazing is the California GOP's ability to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory. Boxer was vulnerable with the right candidate....and the GOP chose this incompetent woman.
I don't know who is more incompetent, Fiorina or the California Republican voters.
What is amazing is the California GOP's ability to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory. Boxer was vulnerable with the right candidate....and the GOP chose this incompetent woman.
I don't know who is more incompetent, Fiorina or the California Republican voters.

I will agree with you that the GOP is blowing a lot of chances to pick up a lot of seats. Ultimately, these races might be what leaves the GOP just short of retaking one or both congressional chambers.
What is amazing is the California GOP's ability to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory. Boxer was vulnerable with the right candidate....and the GOP chose this incompetent woman.
I don't know who is more incompetent, Fiorina or the California Republican voters.

The one with the most number of toys (money) finishes first.
While there is some truth to that....I don't think any amount of money is going to resuscitate this fail on arrival...Fiorina has way too much baggage.
While there is some truth to that....I don't think any amount of money is going to resuscitate this fail on arrival...Fiorina has way too much baggage.

Yeah, I was surprised that she was the candidate, too. It appears that lots of people have short memories.
Yeah, I was surprised that she was the candidate, too. It appears that lots of people have short memories.

If she had just kept quiet about the whole HP thing it might have gone more or less unnoticed. Instead, she announces proudly on a commercial "I ran Hewlett-Packard!" as if she didn't think the voters would remember the rest of the sentence: "...into the ground."
It just annoys me that despite a marked dislike for Boxer and the desire to vote her out, the Republicans just had to find someone even worse. The only bright light is that the open primary initiative that just passed will help mitigate no-win votes like this in the future.
It just annoys me that despite a marked dislike for Boxer and the desire to vote her out, the Republicans just had to find someone even worse. The only bright light is that the open primary initiative that just passed will help mitigate no-win votes like this in the future.

I agree, I have no intention of voting for her or Boxer. I will just abstain from that particular vote.
Oh so she's human and she's a woman dishing about another woman's appearance and it happened to be caught on mic. "ZOMGWTF, burn the WITCH!!!!" :roll:

I didn't say "burn her"....but she clearly showed what an elitist bitch she is. She is toast. The GOP blew this one.
I didn't say "burn her"....but she clearly showed what an elitist bitch she is. She is toast. The GOP blew this one.

I think you overlook how absolutely insane Californians are in electing their politicians. Look how long Boxer has been around....
I think you overlook how absolutely insane Californians are in electing their politicians. Look how long Boxer has been around....

California, the South Carolina of the west?
I think you overlook how absolutely insane Californians are in electing their politicians. Look how long Boxer has been around....

True...not to mention that California has elected some real idiots like Pete Wilson, Gray Davis and Arnold.....

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