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Can we please do this right....WW II Veteran [W:7] (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 25, 2013
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Political Leaning

His name was Delbert Belton . He was a WWII veteran. He had a family and friends and put his life at risk in defense of his country. Please do not forget the actual person involved in this frenzy. It makes me sick to my stomach to think of what happened to him. I suggest people post here in honor of his service and to express sympathy only.
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His name was Delbert Belton . He was a WWII veteran. He had a family and friends and put his life at risk in defense of his country. Please do not forget the actual person involved in this frenzy. It makes me sick to my stomach to think of what happened to him.
I suggest people post here in honor of his service and to express sympathy only.
I totally agree. It's a damn shame what happened to this American hero.

Prayers for his family and friends.

May this hero RIP.
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His name was Delbert Belton . He was a WWII veteran. He had a family and friends and put his life at risk in defense of his country. Please do not forget the actual person involved in this frenzy. It makes me sick to my stomach to think of what happened to him. I suggest people post here in honor of his service and to express sympathy only.

Didn't you use this man's death against Sawyer in another thread to predict a sort of minority nirvana after the whites were decimated?

Post 11 in " I'm going to keep a close eye on this."
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This was suppose to be a thread in honor of the old guy. Thanks for taking the dump.
Didn't you use this man's death against Sawyer in another thread to predict a sort of minority nirvana after the whites were decimated?

Post 11 in " I'm going to keep a close eye on this."
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Please stick to the topic, or thread bans and infractions will become likely.
I haven't posted in any of these threads on this topic because they were so much set up as race-baiting crap threads so I'm glad this one is here. I'm so upset about this it hurts. Everyone in every generation always demeans the younger generation with the whole "we are going to hell in a handbasket" or "these days are worse than back in my day"... well... its not. These stories just pop up every now and again and with really really ****ty 24 hour news and their desperate need to fill time, we just hear about it more.

This incident reminds me of school shooting stuff. While there are always murders going on and happening they usually have a reason behind them. Drug deal gone bad. A robbery gone bad. Vengence killng. Revenge killing. Pride. Crime of passion... Whatnot. It's just mind boggling when **** like this happens and there is no reason to understand why. When there is no logical path to follow up to it happening. A motive of "just because"... it's just not understandable.
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His name was Delbert Belton . He was a WWII veteran. He had a family and friends and put his life at risk in defense of his country. Please do not forget the actual person involved in this frenzy. It makes me sick to my stomach to think of what happened to him. I suggest people post here in honor of his service and to express sympathy only.

Do it right? I assume by that you mean that we should use the fact that his attackers were black to gin up racial resentments and hatreds, to find racism where non exists, and to do everything possible to subvert the process of justice by bypassing the normal procedures of every level of government -- city, state, and federal -- and the news media, in an attempt to railroad the perpetrators.

Just going by a particular recent example.

If you want civility, then you should always be civil, and not just when it's convenient.
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His name was Delbert Belton . He was a WWII veteran. He had a family and friends and put his life at risk in defense of his country. Please do not forget the actual person involved in this frenzy. It makes me sick to my stomach to think of what happened to him. I suggest people post here in honor of his service and to express sympathy only.

This is so typical of the left, they spend 8 years bashing Bush and then when Obama is elected we need to "come together" and stop all the partisanship. They turn Zimmerman into an evil racist for defending himself and now when the shoe is on the other foot they say we should focus on the poor victim and not insert race into his death. You guys plowed this road so don't whine when we drive down it.
RIP sir. You deserved better.
"This We'll Defend"...You kept the honor, troop.
Didn't you use this man's death against Sawyer in another thread to predict a sort of minority nirvana after the whites were decimated?

Post 11 in " I'm going to keep a close eye on this."

That doesn't sound like sympathy to me...did the owner not say please post to honor this hero and express sympathy only?

and to express sympathy only.
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His name was Delbert Belton . He was a WWII veteran. He had a family and friends and put his life at risk in defense of his country. Please do not forget the actual person involved in this frenzy. It makes me sick to my stomach to think of what happened to him. I suggest people post here in honor of his service and to express sympathy only.

My sympathies to his family and friends. An awful tragic ending for a real American hero. :(
I haven't heard much about this. Maybe it's because I live nowhere near where it happened. It's very upsetting and sad to see an elder person attacked in violence. My grandma was always afraid of being attacked before she died of cancer, because she was so weak and frail.

A local elderly man was attacked and stabbed to death by a guy he employed to work at his sports bar. The place permanently shut down, because he was such a hard worker and basically managed and ran the whole place. Everybody who went there knew him and he was a good man, also a vet. It devastated his family and the community was shocked.

These stories are so horrible.

View attachment 67152512

His name was Delbert Belton . He was a WWII veteran. He had a family and friends and put his life at risk in defense of his country. Please do not forget the actual person involved in this frenzy. It makes me sick to my stomach to think of what happened to him. I suggest people post here in honor of his service and to express sympathy only.
I have typed out several reply s to these posts, but erased them all because I would give me an infraction for all of them if it was my forum. I think I can get away with saying these posts are just pitiful. In fact, that is kinda what the other ones said.
Didn't you use this man's death against Sawyer in another thread to predict a sort of minority nirvana after the whites were decimated?

Post 11 in " I'm going to keep a close eye on this."

Do it right? I assume by that you mean that we should use the fact that his attackers were black to gin up racial resentments and hatreds, to find racism where non exists, and to do everything possible to subvert the process of justice by bypassing the normal procedures of every level of government -- city, state, and federal -- and the news media, in an attempt to railroad the perpetrators.

Just going by a particular recent example.

If you want civility, then you should always be civil, and not just when it's convenient.

This is so typical of the left, they spend 8 years bashing Bush and then when Obama is elected we need to "come together" and stop all the partisanship. They turn Zimmerman into an evil racist for defending himself and now when the shoe is on the other foot they say we should focus on the poor victim and not insert race into his death. You guys plowed this road so don't whine when we drive down it.

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