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Can Trump win? (1 Viewer)

Can Trump win?

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Land by the Gulf Stream
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I think he can win because republicans tend to vote more than democrats. Added to that I think they are a little more fired up than Hillary supporters.
Sure he can win, if he trounces Hillary in the debates.
Only if he does not bite hard on perceived insults. Past comments he made will be heavily used.
Can he do that?
90 plus days till the election. Can he stay on line - in script?
yes, he can win, unfortunately. i definitely hope that he doesn't.
He can because he's the first candidate in a long time that not only promises to help the middle class, but means it.

The "world" economy has created lots of billionaires and lots of poor US citizens. Hillary offers nothing but more of the same, even if you could believe her!
yes, he can win, unfortunately. i definitely hope that he doesn't.

With what I see from the Great White North, he has been sliding in EV for the past month or 2.
He had a slim path, Rust Belt and Florida and or Pennsylvania. Not sure if that slim path included Ohio.
As you can see from this link he is wither behind on almost even in many of the above mentioned States
I bolded and gave these to Trump.- he still loses

Illinois 51 to 34
Indiana 41 to 48
Michigan 41 to 35
Ohio 43 to 42
Pennsylvania 47 to 41
Florida 43 to 42
Only if he does not bite hard on perceived insults. Past comments he made will be heavily used.
Can he do that?
90 plus days till the election. Can he stay on line - in script?

All Trump has to do is bring up a bunch of Hillary's baggage. If he does that on a consistent basis, he might actually do quite well in the debates.
I think he can win because republicans tend to vote more than democrats. Added to that I think they are a little more fired up than Hillary supporters.

Motivating people to vote is critical. How does Republicans not endorsing or repudiating Trump, including those that stated they will vote for HRC
The Dems have a better ground game on the ground. Trump, not so much in the key states he needed to win.
Both Arizona and Nevada are in play.
Word was he would place his resources in the RB States and where he could win.
Dems have placed significant resources, more than Trump has in these States.
All Trump has to do is bring up a bunch of Hillary's baggage. If he does that on a consistent basis, he might actually do quite well in the debates.

Baggage she has- experience she has- Trump was all over the place. And he does have his own baggage.
Baggage she has- experience she has- Trump was all over the place. And he does have his own baggage.

And obviously, Hillary's going to use that against him.

But I really wonder how a Trump/Hillary debate is gonna go down. It's gonna be pretty interesting to say the least.
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Motivating people to vote is critical. How does Republicans not endorsing or repudiating Trump, including those that stated they will vote for HRC
The Dems have a better ground game on the ground. Trump, not so much in the key states he needed to win.
Both Arizona and Nevada are in play.
Word was he would place his resources in the RB States and where he could win.
Dems have placed significant resources, more than Trump has in these States.
I don't think Trump will win. I base that off of many of the things you stated, but Trump supporters will not need to be motivated to vote. If Dems don't show up for any reason Trump can definitely win.
Yes, because everytime I thought there was no way the American people would vote for this narcissistic buffoon, they did.
He CAN win but his chances have plummeted significantly this month. Right now 538 puts his odds of winning enough electoral votes at 13.7%. That is a YUGE shift in a matter of weeks.

But if it swung once it can swing again. A lot can happen between now and November.
It seems that it swings back and forth and we have more than 3 months to go. Both candidates seem to have an innate ability to screw themselves.

Well we know which one is highly volatile. We know how he does with minorities, women and men with a college or higher education.
Trump has a tougher job than The Great Blondin

You may or may not have heard of him
History of Niagara Falls Daredevils - The Great Blondin
The Great Blondin
The most famous of Niagara's daredevils was Jean Francois Gravelot; better know as "The Great Blondin". He was born February 28th 1824 in St. Omer, Pas de Calais in Northern France.

Blondin first came to Niagara in early 1858 and instantly became obsessed with crossing the Niagara River on a tightrope. On June 30 1859, Blondin successfully walked across the river on a tight rope. During the summer of 1859, he completed eight additional crossings. His most difficult crossing occurred on August 14 when he carried his manager Harry Colcord on his back.
Sure he CAN win. Whether he will or not is for another poll.
And obviously, Hillary's going to use that against him.

But I really wonder how a Trump/Hillary debate is gonna go down. It's gonna be pretty interesting to say the least.

Oh yes and I intend to watch. TV ratings will be thru the roof
I don't think Trump will win. I base that off of many of the things you stated, but Trump supporters will not need to be motivated to vote. If Dems don't show up for any reason Trump can definitely win.

True- Trumps supporters are highly motivated.
Reason why HRC is on the move with fund raising etc, and saying we could lose.
If a Dem thinks she is a shoe in, then that voter does not turn out.
Sure he can win, if he trounces Hillary in the debates.

Not only CAN he win, he stands a good chance of having an address change in his future. He has tapped a dormant vein of ugly. Silent majority or minority it doesn't matter, the voters are angry, frustrated and it appears not only ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater, but rather determined to do so. The ugly vein is taking no prisoners, they want revenge for the all the real and perceived ills they and the country have "suffered" in recent years.

Hillary has so much baggage that it will be rather impossible to expect some Republicans will jump ship to prevent a Trump presidency and I don't think she has the heart and soul of the Democratic party behind her.

I would suggest hoping for the best and planning for the worst.

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