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Bush, Time Magazine Person Of The Year? (1 Viewer)

What Do You Think Of Bush Being Named Person Of The Year?

  • Apposed

    Votes: 22 55.0%
  • Agreed

    Votes: 15 37.5%
  • Not Favoured But Without Concern

    Votes: 3 7.5%

  • Total voters
American revolutionary? How in the hell... That is beyond me. Liberal media bias? Right...
Have any of you ever heard or seen an interview with the editors of Time to know how they decide who "Man of the Year" is?

It's not always about the best man as I am sure that's what you are assuming. The man of the year is basically the man/person who made the biggest impact around the world whether it be good or bad. So take from that what you will.
Fantasea said:
Feeling ill? Take a pill. Perhaps it will help you feel better.
Nope, still have the pained feeling like someone just punched me in the gut and then kicked me in the crotch. Oh well, I am pleased to know that somewhere (cough Europe) my views are accepted and welcomed.
ShamMol said:
Nope, still have the pained feeling like someone just punched me in the gut and then kicked me in the crotch. Oh well, I am pleased to know that somewhere (cough Europe) my views are accepted and welcomed.

Enjoy Europe then, because your views wouldn't be welcome here in Taiwan where we still have large Communist armies threatening us.
Can anyone explain how the hell George W. Bush is an "American Revolutionary?"
Nope, Bush is just a moron, my opinion that is. However to answer the post about " the best man is the one who made the biggest impact on the world ", if you look at the chronology of Time Magazines " best person of the year " you'll find Stalin on there, so I guesse I was a bit misunderstood, but I mean, was there really no one else who made a bigger impact? Oh yes, the American Revolutionairy makes no sense to me either.
Gandhi>Bush said:
Can anyone explain how the hell George W. Bush is an "American Revolutionary?"
Because they needed to find something nice to say about him?
Is that true? I thought that was why they remodeled the lincoln bedroom...ohs wells...
Soviet_Guy said:
They could've just said he was potty trained.
I heard today that Kerry finally released some of the records he had shielded during the election campaign.

It appears that Kerry's four year grades at Yale were not as high as those of the President at Yale. How sad.

Perhaps Time Magazine had some advance information on that which helped influence its decision to pick the President as "their" man.
Fantasea said:
I heard today that Kerry finally released some of the records he had shielded during the election campaign.

It appears that Kerry's four year grades at Yale were not as high as those of the President at Yale. How sad.

Perhaps Time Magazine had some advance information on that which helped influence its decision to pick the President as "their" man.

Yeah George Bush is a genius. I didn't even know misunderestimate was a word...
Gandhi>Bush said:
Yeah George Bush is a genius. I didn't even know misunderestimate was a word...
I don't give a damn what he says. It's his actions that make sense.
Agree or disagree he's certainly made the most impact of any man this year. He's loved or hated, their's no middle ground. I think that's worthy of Man of the Year.
Have you all seen the poll on Time's website. Apparently it's 50/50 as to how many people agree that Bush is the "man of the year".
So it's just like the elcetion, hald for Kerry and Nader, and the other half for Bush, damn republicans. :mrgreen:
Gandhi>Bush said:
Yeah George Bush is a genius. I didn't even know misunderestimate was a word...


It is a board game!
Only $69.99
Soviet_Guy said:
Personally, this makes me sick:


P.S. Someone delete the non poll topic.

I thought the "American Revolutionary" descriptor of Dubya on the Time website to be positively insulting to the real revolutionaries who served to establish the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

I personally think "American Hamster" is more fitting.

To view a timely reminder of why Bush should not have been Hamster of the Year, read Garry Trudeau's latest collection of Doonesbury's "Bushisms 2004-2005" in today's comics, or go to http://www.doonesbury.com/strip/dailydose.
What do you mean the left, most leftists would want someone better than the 2 main canidates, though kerry was slightly better than bush,

the only thing bush deserves is a life sentence in prison for the horrible acts he's done

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