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"Burn a Koran website" (1 Viewer)

re: "Burn a Koran website"

This is a terrible thing to do and will only spark anger. Retaliating the angry protests of Muslims with burning their holy book only makes them just as bad.
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re: "Burn a Koran website"

Just a stupid act meant to outrage others - similar to if not exactly like:

Burning U.S. flags
Burning the Bible

But there's no law against it... it's supposedly a protected freedom of speech. :shrug:
re: "Burn a Koran website"

Some people burn Korans, others build mosques over American dead. Is there a difference?
re: "Burn a Koran website"

But there's no law against it... it's supposedly a protected freedom of speech. :shrug:
As it should be. I may not agree with it and I think it's utterly stupid, but it IS a form of expression and I think that should be protected
re: "Burn a Koran website"

I see little that can be accomplished from this except aiming to anger some Muslims.
re: "Burn a Koran website"

I see little that can be accomplished from this except aiming to anger some Muslims.

And that's a protected right ... :shrug:

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