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Bumper Stickers (1 Viewer)

Even dumber considering it's a EUROPEAN car.
boy's got a stick so far up his ass he gets splinters in his tongue.
Even dumber considering it's a EUROPEAN car.

I believe it worked :lamo two people pissed off already :lamo No sense of humor whatsoever.. too bad.
A Euro-car makes it even funnier. Well-done.
:lamo take it easy dude. this is funny, where's your sense of humor?? :lamo

I believe it worked :lamo two people pissed off already :lamo No sense of humor whatsoever.. too bad.
I have plenty a sense of humor, the pic just isnt funny. I'm more confused as to why you consider it funny. Maybe it's like Southpark, it's just not my kind of humor.
I have plenty a sense of humor, the pic just isnt funny. I'm more confused as to why you consider it funny. Maybe it's like Southpark, it's just not my kind of humor.

ecofarm thought it was funny. lols
I'd rather have Obama as my co-pilot than Senator Inhofe!

Side note disclaimer I have to make on behalf of pilots:
When Senator Inhofe says "people who fly often just don't do it," he's full of it. Any pilot worthy of the name gets these as part of a standard weather briefing!
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Humor is perspective. Stop arguing like its a matter of fact, and stop suggesting that just cause someone doesn't laugh at something they have no sense of humor. I'm sure all of us have told or heard a joke we thought wasn't funny but someone thought was the best thing they've ever heard.

Its reasonableness, bit yourself off a big chuck and chow down.
My favorite bumper sticker:

"Vote Democrat, it's easier than getting a job."
What does A British-registered Italian car have to do with your President?
Sloppy photoshopping, not very original or creative. I give it a 2, which is probably fine in other forums, but we're used to a little more sophistication here.

Wow. You're going to add a lot to this forum. :roll:

What's with the Catz Part Deux??. That's French. No English???

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