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Budget Deficit Jumps Nearly 17% in 2018 (1 Viewer)

YOu said it yourself. All you are looking at is perosnal income tax revenues. When this whole thread has been about CORPORATE tax revenue.

View attachment 67242285

See that nosediving line there? That's corporate tax receipts. So you are either highly ignorant or completely dishonest. Pick your poison.

The issue has always been the rich not paying their share of the taxes, corporations aren't people and corporate taxable income is reduced by bonuses, pay increases, 401k and Insurance contributions all coming from the Trump tax cuts. Post 114 shows that personal income taxes paid by the 50% of job holding income earners had a revenue reduction of 4 billion dollars in 6 months and by the end of the fiscal year will be plus so tell me FIT cuts created the deficits you are complaining about?

I agree! This is a great start.

The Top 5 of necessities... (I combined Medicare & Medicade as medical)

Social Security
Interest on Debt

With that..... Social Security.... while a WONDERFUL benefit. Has to have some accountability. Baby boomer draw, yet at one point with the horrible job stagnation and lack of work, the SS could not intake enough to cover the out going right? I mean the SAME has been said for many of the more incoming for less payout... but we were ass backwards? How do we fix this? We know we were backwards for a while. Currently now with the lowest unemployment rate (meaning more people working, increase in SS payments from the working class, how long will it take to beat out the baby boomer draw? Next 20 years? Can we maintain the next 20 years of record low unemployment?

Medical.... MEDICAL MEDICAL MEDICAL. Lets face it...ACA is probably our greatest drain, Republican proofed it with elimination of "Prior condition clause" Our Health care system has never been financial designed for this, It has been an "Insurance" Risk based program. meaning it HAS to account for HIGH risk and charge accordingly and or deny coverage. Medical is a profit based system in general right? You need to take in more premium then you are expenses RIGHT? I highly doubt, even for me, my $550 a month Medical ($6600 annually) is enough to cover an 80 year olds extensive cost. I mean I got my bill the other day as I injured my finger, the Xray took 30 seconds.... but the cost was $275.00 less my $10 co pay, $265 paid by medical. What is 1 day in the hospital etc.

2 Fixes,
1) If we want a Universal System.... make it universal.... build the cost per dollar, figure out an annual expense as a whole maybe tier it by age bracket 1-5, 5-10, 10-15 etc, divide it by the estimated tier and that is the shared cost flat cost (Example, Ages 1-15 average cost annually per child is $5,000 50 Million kids in this bracket, Age 16-30 average cost is $10,000, age Bracket 31-59 average cost is $50,000, Age Bracket - 60-90 average cost per year $220,000, , Add it up, Divide by 330 million and that is the at cost ever Citizen's Dollar.
2) Regulate the medical cost flat...... ALL Xrays are $20, All Doctors check ups are $50, etc etc.... by flattening out the cost there is NO market and maintains market continuity. So there is NO surprises in the premiums.

Sounds NUTS, But you CANT have medical care for all when the prior method of valuation was RISK basked valuation. IF YOU DO NOT take into account of high risk you devalue and bankrupt the system.

Defense - THIS is a responsibility of the President as well as Congress to Protect the Nation.. IF NOT all funds should go to defense as EACH american can be responsible for their own HEALTH (taking care of themselves and eating, YES some people are just unfortunate, to be born with an ailment, but thats life, Same with someone dying in a cross walk., retirement same, lots of vehicles to build retirement, SS cant be the ONLY legitimate retirement vehicle. Safety of our nation as a whole is through the government... What I say above while NOT realistic.... I hope you see my point though.


Interest on Debt..... 2 scary caveats.....
1) Banks are privately owned... hell the Federal Reserve is not owned by the people its just a name... SCARY.... meaning we are lining individuals pockets NO?
2) The HELL we borrowing money from any ways... When we give away BILLIONS of Dollars to AID and outside entities. We allow people to abuse our Intellectual property and we have ridiculous regulations and Taxes on income that SHOULD stay in our country... RICH keeps getting richer, because they find ways to MAINTAIN their money so they will take it out of country where they wont LOSE it to excessive taxes.

Finally the Debt itself.... SO lets say we STICK to the 5, and add IN BASIC Government services Fire,LEO..hell even these Politicians.... How does it work in CA the state level politicians get paid $103,000 a year and a Senator in NC gets paid $48,000


Talk abut cutting the Fat,

Anyways.... I know I am talking general and I know I am FULL of crap..... but these numbers and estimates hidden behind politicians is BS as well.....

Im an idiot and I can see how messed up this is..... What are the Geniuses in our country doing? OH thats right Getting richer.........
Sure... post #123. Which shows you for the dishonest debating that you posted in post #114

What is dishonest is the attacks on the rich and believing that those tax cuts caused the deficit and they should be paying more. Corporations aren't people and as pointed out gave out raises, bonuses, 401k contributions as well as insurance support all reducing their corporate profits which are taxable, what you are showing is total ignorance of data and basic accounting principles. FIT revenue will show an increase as will excise taxes, state sales taxes, FICA payroll taxes that fund SS and Medicare thanks to people keeping more of what they earn and the 4 million jobs created.

Keep spinning your wheels supporting failure. this is foolish, you seem married to this ideology that benefits you HOW?
2009 was Bush's Budget that you are always trying to dump on Obama because bush crashed the economy and you don't want an R to take any responsibility for the trash they make. And then Obama did increase bailout spending that got the economy back on track and then worked on decreasing the deficit. Something republicans know absolutely nothing about.

Then you shouldn't have any problem posting the date the Bush budget was passed by Congress and signed by Bush. I will be waiting and have a long wait. Your stunning partisanship and ignorance of history is staggering.
An article from April predicting what is actually going on now. How amazing. Just had to listen to real economists who were all saying this rather than idiot right-wing think tanks.

in alternate reality, massive tax cuts for the rich actually fund themselves even when they demonstrably don't.
The issue has always been the rich not paying their share of the taxes, corporations aren't people and corporate taxable income is reduced by bonuses, pay increases, 401k and Insurance contributions all coming from the Trump tax cuts. Post 114 shows that personal income taxes paid by the 50% of job holding income earners had a revenue reduction of 4 billion dollars in 6 months and by the end of the fiscal year will be plus so tell me FIT cuts created the deficits you are complaining about?

WHAT? :lol:

Corporations aren't people? The entire right-wing economic nuttery position is that corporations are people. The right rammed through the SCOTUS that very ruling.

Just stop now. My empathy is getting embarrassed for you at this point.
2009 was Bush's Budget that you are always trying to dump on Obama because bush crashed the economy and you don't want an R to take any responsibility for the trash they make. And then Obama did increase bailout spending that got the economy back on track and then worked on decreasing the deficit. Something republicans know absolutely nothing about.

facts. they burn.
Post 114 tells a different story and that is the Treasury data you want to ignore

it's odd how your snippets of whatever never seem to actually affect the charts and data in the way that you wish that they did. you must really hate charts by now.
in alternate reality, massive tax cuts for the rich actually fund themselves even when they demonstrably don't.

You mean....gulp....McConnell and Ryan lied to us? I'm shocked.
WHAT? :lol:

Corporations aren't people? The entire right-wing economic nuttery position is that corporations are people. The right rammed through the SCOTUS that very ruling.

Just stop now. My empathy is getting embarrassed for you at this point.

Post where any conservative stated that corporations are people?? Corporations are entities that hire and pay people, keep ignoring what they have done with their tax cuts showing that you are truly a progressive and truly embarrassing your self
it's odd how your snippets of whatever never seem to actually affect the charts and data in the way that you wish that they did. you must really hate charts by now.

Putting charts in context seems to confuse you, I put numbers to the lines and showed that personal income tax revenue has dropped 4 billion dollars in 6 months all in the first qtr so how does that create deficits?
2009 was Bush's Budget that you are always trying to dump on Obama because bush crashed the economy and you don't want an R to take any responsibility for the trash they make. And then Obama did increase bailout spending that got the economy back on track and then worked on decreasing the deficit. Something republicans know absolutely nothing about.
Bush did not stop the Democrats from crashing the economy. So he does own it. Obama sued Banks to make loans to people who could not and would not pay it back. Dodd and Frank codified this asinine idea. The deficit prior to a Speaker Pelosi was relatively small (under 200 billion) Bush included Obama and McCain in every spending decision in that crisis .....Obama voted for the spending and was in control with most of the money authorized yet unspent when he took office.

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You mean....gulp....McConnell and Ryan lied to us? I'm shocked.

my fear is that Ryan has been telling us the truth about what he'd like to do to Medicare and Social Security for years. if they hold power through this midterm, look out. it's "I've got mine, **** you" time in Republican land. that would make a heck of a good GOP logo. i might make one for giggles. that line right over a GOP elephant with the silhouette of Trump's hair.
Cannot help but notice the same people who had no problem with the Obama trillion dollar deficits are now on another anti Trump thread ignoring context. Noticed you have yet to post the Treasury data supporting a claim that FIT cuts reduced revenue and continue to spout the liberal lie that tax cuts have to be paid for. What is it about people like you who refuse to understand the basic accounting principle that people keeping more of what they earn isn't an expense?

What a waste of time it is dealing with radicals who let the leftwing elites make them look and sound foolish.

Look who dropped by without his Econ 101 textbook. Again.
Putting charts in context seems to confuse you, I put numbers to the lines and showed that personal income tax revenue has dropped 4 billion dollars in 6 months all in the first qtr so how does that create deficits?

see the article.
Key point: revenue went up slightly so it had no part in growing deficit. Spending, as usual, is the culprit.
Key point: revenue went up slightly so it had no part in growing deficit. Spending, as usual, is the culprit.

BINGO!!!! This is what I have been trying to say....... SPENDING.... WHO Audits the Guys that spend the MONEY WTF!!
BINGO!!!! This is what I have been trying to say....... SPENDING.... WHO Audits the Guys that spend the MONEY WTF!!
Revenue will get stronger if Dems don't take the House and kill the goose laying the golden eggs. Spending is still onerous, entitlements are a huge drain, and with interest rate hikes servicing the debt is going to get tougher. Something like 60-65% of our spending is mandatory so we don't have a lot of wiggle room.
Because I feel that you may be one of the last conservatives on this site who I can try to reach, you forced me. Do you even give a damn about your personal request or is this yet another bout of partisan obtuse ignorance? Since you may apparently need something as simple as this to be explained to you, allow me to do it in simple bullet form, which is the simplest way I believe that I can reduce myself...

- It was Ronald Wilson Reagan (Republican) who became famous for reducing taxes while blowing up the debt, causing George H. W. Bush (Republican) to have to raise taxes, thereby greatly aiding to his loss in his 1992 re-election campaign to William Jefferson Clinton (Democrat).

- It was a Democrat (William Jefferson Clinton), who actually balanced the federal budget and erased the federal deficit in the 1990s.

- It was George Walker Bush, the son of George H. W. Bush, who had no real agenda to disrupt Clinton's theme of fiscal responsibility (while being dismissive of Clinton's international policy towards terrorism), who went on to blow the roof off of the debt ceiling after 9/11. <--- Much is to be understood here, which will undoubtedly prove too difficult for plenty to understand if I even tried.

- It was Barack Hussein Obama II who, not only inherited the poorly named "War on Terrorism" in 2008 but also, inherited the massive debt that was Republican made. He went on to exacerbate that debt with social agendas, in which American citizen tax dollars are supposed to go towards, but was not conducive to an ongoing "War on Terror," nor an inherited global economic crisis that unhinged-American banks contributed to.

- It was Donald John Trump who, not only celebrated a massive tax-cut for the wealthy, but immediately celebrated a significant increase in government spending (which needs taxes).

So, my point is obviously(?) that when it comes to the idea of a fiscal conservative, we really do need to chalk that up to a Peter Pan tale now. You people will turn around and whine about "liberals" complaining about the current debt, but the absolute fact is that the problem has really been you so-called conservatives who have falsely presented yourselves as the champions of the checkbook. It is not the liberals that owe the population, especially considering that it has been you who have presented yourselves as "fiscally responsible." It is the average conservative liar, who is so fully susceptible to mental manipulation, who owes the American population.

You conservatives have prided yourselves as being fiscally responsible, while denigrating the American "Left," for far too long. It is actually insulting how you all pretend to be what you are absolutely not.

Now, has this been explained for you? Or is this yet another pointless post, of which I have wasted my time?

You must be aware that you ranted on all that time and didnt even attempt to answer the question I posed. Care to try again? Here is the question:
"Explain why Obamas final year $666 billion deficit is good by Trumps $779 billion deficit is bad." Now focus. And explain that too me. Thanks.
In simple numbers.
During one of the worst economic times our country ever faced in modern times.
Obama 2009 -1.4 trillion
Obama 2010- 1.3 trillion

During one of the best economic times our country ever faced
Trump- 2017- 665 billion
Trump 2018- 779 billion

Obama the worst president ever. Trump the best ever (sarcasm on)

2017 was Obamas final fiscal year, not Trumps first. Obama in his last year had a deficit of $666 billion with his own projections having it continue to rise. Trumps first year was $779. The question remains unanswered. Why is $666 billion ok and $779 not?
Explain why Trumps $779 billion deficit is good and Obama's final year $666 billion is bad.

I made no claim on either. You did. So how about you be the first liberal to actually answer the question.
We all know exactly what you said but as has been shown context doesn't matter, there is no such thing as a starting deficit, there is starting debt which was 10.6 trillion dollars. I have posted this over and over again only to be ignored by you because official data doesn't resonate with you. The debt will not be reduced until the deficit is eliminated and the trillion dollar deficits by Obama even though year over year came down still added over 9.3 trillion to the debt!!

Declining deficits would have taken place in 2018 had the interest rates remained low as they were but didn't causing an over 520 BILLION dollar debt service PLUS the mandatory entitlement spending enacted by the Congress mostly due to Democrats.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

You are rapidly becoming another waste of time as official links and data that don't support your claims are ignored.

There absolutely is such a thing as a "starting deficit". I get it that Republicans such as yourself don't want such an entity to exist, because you have shown a total inability to manage it.

Clinton --- Starting deficit (260 Billion) ---- Ending deficit (-200 Billion, a surplus)
GW Bush --- Starting deficit (-200 Billion, a surplus) --- Ending deficit ($1.3 Trillion)
Obama --- Starting deficit ($1.3 Trillion) --- Ending deficit ($666 Billion)
Trump --- Starting deficit ($666 Billion) --- Current deficit (closing in on $1 Trillion)
There it is... the bait and switch. Drive up the deficit to gut medicaid, medicare, and social security.

Same ****ing story every time the GOP gets in control.

(Bloomberg) -- Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says the U.S. budget deficit is "disturbing" and spending on entitlement programs must be addressed by both Republicans and Democrats.


Goddamn conservative con artists.

This guy is the biggest A**** on this forum. Nothing more than a totally partisan hack and shill.
There absolutely is such a thing as a "starting deficit". I get it that Republicans such as yourself don't want such an entity to exist, because you have shown a total inability to manage it.

Clinton --- Starting deficit (260 Billion) ---- Ending deficit (-200 Billion, a surplus)
GW Bush --- Starting deficit (-200 Billion, a surplus) --- Ending deficit ($1.3 Trillion)
Obama --- Starting deficit ($1.3 Trillion) --- Ending deficit ($666 Billion)
Trump --- Starting deficit ($666 Billion) --- Current deficit (closing in on $1 Trillion)

Nonsensical number jabberwocky. What comprises a "starting deficit" and an "ending deficit"?
right, and liberal policies have nothing to do with the deficit or debt, right? What is it about liberalism that creates this kind of loyalty?

If people like you are symbolic of the Republican Party, then call me a non-Republican. I would hate to think that any of my votes would align with yours.

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