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Brexit & Trump, Really Just a Call For "White Lives Matter" (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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Is anyone really surprised? I mean, come on. The writing for this has been on the wall for nearly a decade. "We want our Country Back!"

Well, yesterday, Britain took its back. Will America follow suit?

Trump, if he is anything substantive, is a scream of defiance by white America — married, traditional, commercial — against the new multicultural and global country and world.

Not surprisingly, Trump was for Brexit...

The White Man’s Burden now has new meaning in the U.K. and in the U.S. It is the burden of defying history, which is moving in the direction of a multicultural, multiglobal identity for the entire human race on a beleaguered planet.

It seems increasingly possible that, come November, American voters may decide to join England and Wales in defiance.

Will Britain's American Children Follow The Mother Country's Populism?

I would not bet against it.
I surely hope so

If there is one clear difference between Heil Hillary and Crazy Donald, it's national sovereignty. Hillary will gladly trade some US freedom for global respect; Donald not so much. On this issue...Donald holds the winning cards, IMO.
The UK has given their country to muslims so I don't know why they're complaining about the EU.
If there is one clear difference between Heil Hillary and Crazy Donald, it's national sovereignty. Hillary will gladly trade some US freedom for global respect; Donald not so much. On this issue...Donald holds the winning cards, IMO.

Hillary's supporters:

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia $10-$25 Million
State of Kuwait $5-$10 Million
State of Qatar $1-$5 Million
Sultanate of Oman $1-$5 Million
United Arab Emirates $1-$5 Million
Embassy of Algeria $250-$500 Thousand
Government of Brunei Darussalam $1-$5 Million
Is anyone really surprised? I mean, come on. The writing for this has been on the wall for nearly a decade. "We want our Country Back!"

Well, yesterday, Britain took its back. Will America follow suit?

I would not bet against it.

Who are we going to take it back from? Obama?
The UK has given their country to muslims so I don't know why they're complaining about the EU.

you do know we can google stuff and see hoe idiotic your statement is dont you?
Who are we going to take it back from? Obama?

Any boogieman you choose...preferably one with brown skin or morals which run contrary to the Bible.
Hillary's supporters:

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia $10-$25 Million
State of Kuwait $5-$10 Million
State of Qatar $1-$5 Million
Sultanate of Oman $1-$5 Million
United Arab Emirates $1-$5 Million
Embassy of Algeria $250-$500 Thousand
Government of Brunei Darussalam $1-$5 Million

Guess who's going to be coming for favors should she be elected to POTUS. :2mad:
Is anyone really surprised? I mean, come on. The writing for this has been on the wall for nearly a decade. "We want our Country Back!"

Well, yesterday, Britain took its back. Will America follow suit?

I would not bet against it.

Yes, shame on those Brits for wanting what we covet, sovereignty and autonomy. Shame on them for whining about forced immigration and open boarders. And shame on them for not wanting to adhere to the crushing trade regulations of the EU.

BTW, I don’t think I have read a more bias, inflammatory and nonsensical article in some time with your link. You should really stay off those sites, you will get warts.
Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.

First time in my adult life I ever agreed with an Editor on HuffPo.
I think Trump trying to associate his campaign with Brexit is laughable.

I truly believe that if Trump thought he could gain votes by praising Hitler - he would do it.

And how the heck is America taking back her country by electing some buffoon who wants to put gigantic tariff on imports and by barring certain religion(s) from entering the USA?

There is nothing patriotic in that.

Trump is saying (in essence) 'we cannot fight other countries economies on even terms. We can only do it with protectionism'. PLUS he is saying that 'America is afraid of Muslims so we will ban them'.

That is not strength - that is cowardice.

America is about free markets and free enterprise AND it is about being inclusive ('huddled masses') NOT reclusive.

Trump is NOT a proud American, IMO. He is a spoiled, trust fund brat who has nothing but failed businesses and failed marriages in his past. He is pathetic.

So is Clinton, but I guarantee you she will do less harm to America then Trump would as POTUS.

Though I still prefer Gary Johnson by MILES over both of them.
Whether you like Trump or not, his timing here was impeccable.
I think Trump trying to associate his campaign with Brexit is laughable.

I truly believe that if Trump thought he could gain votes by praising Hitler - he would do it.

And how the heck is America taking back her country by electing some buffoon who wants to put gigantic tariff on imports and by barring certain religion(s) from entering the USA?

There is nothing patriotic in that.

Trump is saying (in essence) 'we cannot fight other countries economies on even terms. We can only do it with protectionism'. PLUS he is saying that 'America is afraid of Muslims so we will ban them'.

That is not strength - that is cowardice.

America is about free markets and free enterprise AND it is about being inclusive ('huddled masses') NOT reclusive.

Trump is NOT a proud American, IMO. He is a spoiled, trust fund brat who has nothing but failed businesses and failed marriages in his past. He is pathetic.

So is Clinton, but I guarantee you she will do less harm to America then Trump would as POTUS.

Though I still prefer Gary Johnson by MILES over both of them.

Why are you so anxious to admit Muslim aliens to our territory, when it is almost inevitable that some will be jihadists, and when the tenets of their religion are fundamentally incompatible with our democratic values? Do you share your president's disregard for the interests of the United States?
Yes, shame on those Brits for wanting what we covet, sovereignty and autonomy. Shame on them for whining about forced immigration and open boarders. And shame on them for not wanting to adhere to the crushing trade regulations of the EU.

BTW, I don’t think I have read a more bias, inflammatory and nonsensical article in some time with your link. You should really stay off those sites, you will get warts.

I read them for a reason. It's probably not for the reason you think though.
I think Trump trying to associate his campaign with Brexit is laughable.

I truly believe that if Trump thought he could gain votes by praising Hitler - he would do it.

And how the heck is America taking back her country by electing some buffoon who wants to put gigantic tariff on imports and by barring certain religion(s) from entering the USA?

There is nothing patriotic in that.

Trump is saying (in essence) 'we cannot fight other countries economies on even terms. We can only do it with protectionism'. PLUS he is saying that 'America is afraid of Muslims so we will ban them'.

That is not strength - that is cowardice.

America is about free markets and free enterprise AND it is about being inclusive ('huddled masses') NOT reclusive.

Trump is NOT a proud American, IMO. He is a spoiled, trust fund brat who has nothing but failed businesses and failed marriages in his past. He is pathetic.

So is Clinton, but I guarantee you she will do less harm to America then Trump would as POTUS.

Though I still prefer Gary Johnson by MILES over both of them.

"I could shoot someone and they will still vote for me...."

This will be attacked, but there are many similarities between the two, including the bullying style of "punch him out, I'll pay the legal bills" and his blaming all of Americas ills on "others", Muslims, Mexicans etc., with similar overblown rhetoric: "they are raping America! They're making fools out of us!"

Spend some time on some psychological research, and the traits of tyrants.
Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.

First time in my adult life I ever agreed with an Editor on HuffPo.

Stephen King's Randall Flag does come to mind.
Why are you so anxious to admit Muslim aliens to our territory, when it is almost inevitable that some will be jihadists, and when the tenets of their religion are fundamentally incompatible with our democratic values? Do you share your president's disregard for the interests of the United States?

Why are you so anxious to admit Muslim aliens to our territory, when it is almost inevitable that some will be jihadists, and when the tenets of their religion are fundamentally incompatible with our democratic values? Do you share your president's disregard for the interests of the United States?

Very entertaining. Can you supply some data on the "inevitability" of immigrants becoming jihadists?

I ask because so far, all but a few of the "jihadists" have been born in the USA.

And while we're at it, can you site with reference exactly what it is about the Muslim faith that runs contrary to American values?
Why are you so anxious to admit Muslim aliens to our territory, when it is almost inevitable that some will be jihadists, and when the tenets of their religion are fundamentally incompatible with our democratic values? Do you share your president's disregard for the interests of the United States?

Why are you so anxious to throw out one of the core founding principles of this nation?
I'd vote for it, seriously. America has lost it's way.

The question is would you fight for it, declare war on the USA and all it stands for, because voting isn't going to be enough. Of course, you have to be a fearless freedom fighter to go that far, and I suspect you aren't.

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