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Brexit most likely outcome say pollsters, betting markets and Labour (1 Viewer)

I understand the desire for more sovereignty but I think a Brexit will definitely hurt Briton financially. Especially if scotland leaves great Briton.
Ooooooooo..... it's a Brexit. They are leaving the EU. Just got called.

Now... what will Scotland do?
All my Brit friends are for the exit. imagration and the low or stagnant wages are the driving fsctors in their votes.

I am interested in how the EU Will treat Britain if it is a leave vote, and if any other union countries will follow Britains example.
I understand the desire for more sovereignty but I think a Brexit will definitely hurt Briton financially. Especially if scotland leaves great Briton.

Standby to watch two torpedoes hit your 401(k) tomorrow....
EU referendum results live: Brexit likely to win say Nigel Farage, betting markets and Labour

Pretty amazing and historic vote. I believe ive read before that if Briton votes to exit EU, Scotland has threatened to pull out of great Briton and independently rejoin the EU.

Dead link.

I've been completely out of the loop on the Brexit affair and know precisely as much as was explained on the John Oliver show, which means I finally now know that Brexit means "British Exit," and that Britain would just have to comply with all the EU regulations anyway if they want to do business with Europe. And I'm guessing they're going to want to do that. Otherwise, what's going to happen?
UK says goodbye to EU, and Scotland says goodbye to UK.
Well Done, Mother Country. :) You now have your own Independence Day.

Yes, congratulations, they just dug their economy's own grave but Scotland and maybe Northern Ireland won't be goign down with it.
Standby to watch two torpedoes hit your 401(k) tomorrow....

Well that sucks. The Dow rose 230 points today when it was being reported that it looked like the exit vote would fail. If they were in fact connected and the exit goes through after all, this is going to hurt.
Dead link.

I've been completely out of the loop on the Brexit affair and know precisely as much as was explained on the John Oliver show, which means I finally now know that Brexit means "British Exit," and that Britain would just have to comply with all the EU regulations anyway if they want to do business with Europe. And I'm guessing they're going to want to do that. Otherwise, what's going to happen?

The pound and world markets are now in free fall for one. They did not even have to win yet to see the economic consequences. Next will be a recession and massive lay offs.
The pound and world markets are now in free fall for one. They did not even have to win yet to see the economic consequences.

Yes, congratulations, they just dug their economy's own grave but Scotland and maybe Northern Ireland won't be goign down with it.

Do you know if Scotland and Ireland voted in Brixit?
Do you know if Scotland and Ireland voted in Brixit?

Both voted for Remain especially Scotland which had no area vote to leave. I imagine this will also increase Republican sentiment in Northern Ireland.
Double crap.


Futures imply Dow open down 650 points as Brexit result frightens investors

U.S. stock index futures dipped sharply lower Thursday evening ET as results from the British referendum continued to roll in.

Dow Jones futures briefly saw an implied open down more than 400 points. After paring those losses briefly, futures then broke below an implied open down 650 around 11:50 p.m. ET (4:50 a.m. London time).
Dead link.

I've been completely out of the loop on the Brexit affair and know precisely as much as was explained on the John Oliver show, which means I finally now know that Brexit means "British Exit," and that Britain would just have to comply with all the EU regulations anyway if they want to do business with Europe. And I'm guessing they're going to want to do that. Otherwise, what's going to happen?

They will have to renegotiate all trade they have even with the US being that all trade compacts we had were with the EU.
They will have to renegotiate all trade they have even with the US being that all trade compacts we had were with the EU.

Oh wow. It just gets better and better.
They are determined to bring the world down with them.

I don't see why we have to be pinned so tightly to the wild fancies of bankers trading numbers. It's not like the UK is going to vaporize or it's industries will dry up. Yet traders the world over go crazy, and somehow the rest of us are pulled along. Even if they exit, it's months...perhaps even up to two years, to get things sorted for an exit...even if they do exit. Tomorrow is going to be the same as today.
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Same thing happening in America. Everyone’s a racist for wanting to keep our country. Not gonna work.

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