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BREAKING NEWS: Key Bridge Collapsed (1 Viewer)

People giving opinions on the propriety of a tan suit is not a “scandal”

The reason you people bring this up is to falsely claim Obama only had a tan suit scandal. In fact at the time no one considered that a scandal and Obama had numerous real scandals from Fast and Furious to the “red line” in Syria to his embrace of the “hand up don’t shoot” hoax of Michael brown, etc.

More nonsensical bullshit.

Obama was not involved in Fast and Furious. There is no evidence of any real estate scandals.
Honestly, I think it will be closer to 42 billion than we think. About 10x the WW span. 2022 dollars was almost 4 billion.
Some of that extra span is the lower part of the bridge, which seems to be undamaged. Do the three spans that fell amount to 2 miles or so?

The port can be reopened when they clear away the three fallen spans. That's going to take Paul Bunyan's own crane!
More nonsensical bullshit.

Obama was not involved in Fast and Furious. There is no evidence of any real estate scandals.
If Obama wasn’t involved then Eric Holder wouldn’t haven’t been held in contempt for refusing to testify
How much did the Woodrow Wilson Bridge cost?

Woodrow Wilson Bridge - Wikipedia

Starting in 2001 with a Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)-approved financial plan budget of $2.44 billion (equivalent to $3.88 billi
That number includes the Rt1 and Duke Street interchanges on the Virginia side, and the reconfiguration of the 395 and Indian Head Highway interchanges on the Maryland side.
You’re thinking of the Chesapeake Bridge. Not the Key bridge.

I got it wrong, but not THAT wrong. I was thinking of the Bay Bridge.
I've been reading since you posted the question earlier about 1 vs. 2 and man...I didn't realize just HOW big these diesels are. Some of them are the size of a larger 2 story house...huge...100ft long, 40 ft tall.

Its insane if you think about it. Then the amount of DIESEL that these ships need to carry to fuel that engine. Wow. Some of the biggest ones are carrying 2.5 to 3.5 MILLION GALLONS? Consuming 63K gallons a DAY. I can't even wrap my brain around that to be honest.

(We have a Lugger 6140AL2 diesel on one of our boats and that thing is just simply an incredibly reliable workhorse. It'll burn a a couple hundred gallons of diesel in a day, depending on the trip, weather, speed they're running at, etc. and she always 500-600 gallons. Trying to wrap my brain around the multiples of that breaks my brain. I'd love to see the engine room of one of these gigantic cargo ships in person one day. Can you imagine?)
There are several youtubers who give tours of their container ships. The ships tend to be very clean and professionally maintained, but that may not be representative. The container and associated container ships was one of the most significant inventions of the 20th century, but certainly not the most exciting.
Never underestimate the ability of consulting engineers to stack billable hours !
I used to m/c over the old Wilson Bridge during the construction. It was a memorable sight. I often wondered where they kept all that specialize bridge building equipment. Who owns it and is it rented or owned by the builders? The replacement Nice Bridge, about 25 miles downriver wasn’t as impressive.
Yeah, I can see that.

I was doubling the original cost of the FSKey in today dollars. And obviously that’s grossly inadequate
A lot depends on what they specifically want to do. Putting it back with a similar footprint would be the quickest and cheapest option. Obviously, they should add some protection for the bridge supports, and the damaged support island will need repair.

Keep in mind the most expensive part of a bridge - the excavation and building the foundations for the supports - has already been done. Adding the spans between should be the quickest and cheapest part.
So you have no idea what a Sov Cit is? Yeah right.
Actually, I was a bit sleepy this morning and first took you to be accusing me of Soviet Citizenship. But No, I have had to deal with folks who thought their taxes had to be assessed in gold and silver, but never offered to pay their Bills in gold and silver.
Actually, I was a bit sleepy this morning and first took you to be accusing me of Soviet Citizenship. But No, I have had to deal with folks who thought their taxes had to be assessed in gold and silver, but never offered to pay their Bills in gold and silver.
Please feel free to return to the little bubble you live in where the Federal Gubmint is your enemy and red baiting is your holy mantra.

I used to m/c over the old Wilson Bridge during the construction. It was a memorable sight. I often wondered where they kept all that specialize bridge building equipment. Who owns it and is it rented or owned by the builders? The replacement Nice Bridge, about 25 miles downriver wasn’t as impressive.
Is that done now? I haven’t been down 301 recently.
Is that done now? I haven’t been down 301 recently.
Been done for about 6 months or so. No more tool booths, Easy Pass overhead receivers or they mail you a bill for the toll. Two lanes each way and not nearly the white knuckle trip it used to be.The old bridge had a little charm, but I always wondered if the Jersey barrier would hold a car on the bridge. We used to have a boat and seeing the bridge from below was neat.

On a tangent:
The missus and I were traveling to see her folks in DE, one year. I wasn’t paying attention and followed her through an Easy Pass Only lane. The authorities were quite decent, they sent me a photo of my plate and a bill for just the amount of the toll. I don’t see this policy lasting very long, the admin costs have to be huge.
I got it wrong, but not THAT wrong. I was thinking of the Bay Bridge.
Even scarier.
Both those bridges in vast open space like that are really bad in high winds, and there are frequent wind warnings, and box trucks/trailers restricted from crossing if it's above a certain mph wind. I used to drive over the Key twice daily many years ago. It gets pretty gnarly on the Bay Bridge (another bridge I've driven over many times) when one span is closed for repairs etc., and you then have traffic coming toward you with no barrier between the lanes on the other span. Throw in high winds and you got dodge-'em! The Bay Bridge is not to be confused with the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, which is farther south on the eastern shores of Maryland and Virginia, and is a series of bridges and tunnels.
I remember, probably 10 or more years ago, a truck actually crashed through the guardrail and off the Bay Bridge trying to avoid an accident and the driver was killed.
Even scarier.
Both those bridges in vast open space like that are really bad in high winds, and there are frequent wind warnings, and box trucks/trailers restricted from crossing if it's above a certain mph wind. I used to drive over the Key twice daily many years ago. It gets pretty gnarly on the Bay Bridge (another bridge I've driven over many times) when one span is closed for repairs etc., and you then have traffic coming toward you with no barrier between the lanes on the other span. Throw in high winds and you got dodge-'em! The Bay Bridge is not to be confused with the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, which is farther south on the eastern shores of Maryland and Virginia, and is a series of bridges and tunnels.
I remember, probably 10 or more years ago, a truck actually crashed through the guardrail and off the Bay Bridge trying to avoid an accident and the driver was killed.

The Chesapeake Bay bridge always freaks me out because it is so long that at a point you are out in the middle of nowhere, just you, the bridge and a lot of water.
Been done for about 6 months or so. No more tool booths, Easy Pass overhead receivers or they mail you a bill for the toll. Two lanes each way and not nearly the white knuckle trip it used to be.The old bridge had a little charm, but I always wondered if the Jersey barrier would hold a car on the bridge. We used to have a boat and seeing the bridge from below was neat.

On a tangent:
The missus and I were traveling to see her folks in DE, one year. I wasn’t paying attention and followed her through an Easy Pass Only lane. The authorities were quite decent, they sent me a photo of my plate and a bill for just the amount of the toll. I don’t see this policy lasting very long, the admin costs have to be huge.

Actually, the Toll Facilities have done away with all toll booths, EXCEPT the old Harbor Tunnel. The read your license plate and send you a bill. I’m sure the system is run by a consortium, as EZ Pass is.
Actually, the Toll Facilities have done away with all toll booths, EXCEPT the old Harbor Tunnel. The read your license plate and send you a bill. I’m sure the system is run by a consortium, as EZ Pass is.
Probably the Macquarie group
There's a huge causeway bridge in Corpus Christi that scares the daylights out of my wife. Fortunately the channel is too small for the really big freighters. No difference for her, She didn't like the news yesterday.
So the ship was in restricted waters and performing this maneuver without a harbor man at the helm. While it still had power, it performed a turn that was already miscalculated, but then lost power before it could correct, all while conveniently slamming into the bridge's biggest weak point. This can be deduced from the footage alone.

This is a major economic transit way and the only transit way in that region for hazardous materials. This is a huge blow to the US supply chain.

I think the incident is suspicious or at least requires investigation. The snap news releases saying what it was or wasn't make the whole thing even more suspicious. How can you know so soon EXACTLY what happened, within 24 hours?

The whole thing reeks.
You made up a bunch of bullshit and think your own bullshit is suspicious, lol. I love tinfoil hat people.
There are several youtubers who give tours of their container ships. The ships tend to be very clean and professionally maintained, but that may not be representative. The container and associated container ships was one of the most significant inventions of the 20th century, but certainly not the most exciting.
I’m gonna have to check it out just for personal curiousity because I want to see the inside of these beasts for sheer curiosity.

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