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BREAKING NEWS: Key Bridge Collapsed (1 Viewer)

So the ship was in restricted waters and performing this maneuver without a harbor man at the helm. While it still had power, it performed a turn that was already miscalculated, but then lost power before it could correct, all while conveniently slamming into the bridge's biggest weak point. This can be deduced from the footage alone.

This is a major economic transit way and the only transit way in that region for hazardous materials. This is a huge blow to the US supply chain.

I think the incident is suspicious or at least requires investigation. The snap news releases saying what it was or wasn't make the whole thing even more suspicious. How can you know so soon EXACTLY what happened, within 24 hours?

The whole thing reeks.

What do you think happened? How did the event happen "conveniently"?
So the ship was in restricted waters and performing this maneuver without a harbor man at the helm. While it still had power, it performed a turn that was already miscalculated, but then lost power before it could correct, all while conveniently slamming into the bridge's biggest weak point. This can be deduced from the footage alone.

This is a major economic transit way and the only transit way in that region for hazardous materials. This is a huge blow to the US supply chain.

I think the incident is suspicious or at least requires investigation. The snap news releases saying what it was or wasn't make the whole thing even more suspicious. How can you know so soon EXACTLY what happened, within 24 hours?

The whole thing reeks.
Huh? Two local pilots were onboard. As required.
So the ship was in restricted waters and performing this maneuver without a harbor man at the helm.

The ship had a harbor pilot on board. The pilots don't "man the helm", they "conn the bridge" meening they have control of the bridge for issuing navigation orders.

While it still had power, it performed a turn that was already miscalculated, but then lost power before it could correct, all while conveniently slamming into the bridge's biggest weak point. This can be deduced from the footage alone.

The ship pulled away from the pier in a northeasterly direction then did a 180 degree turn.

Continuing northwest would have taken it to dry land, you know that the ship was heading for open ocean water to the southeast. How is the ship supposed to go southeast when facing northwest without doing a turn?

This is a major economic transit way and the only transit way in that region for hazardous materials. This is a huge blow to the US supply chain.

The hit on the "supply chain" won't last that long as once the debris is cleared ships will be able to transit again. Maybe 2-4 weeks.

Ya, it sucks that HAZMAT will have to go around, but there are plenty of highways for that in the area.

I think the incident is suspicious or at least requires investigation.

This will be investigated six ways to Sunday, not to worry.

The Port of Baltimore set a record last year for the amount of foreign cargo handled at its point of entry. It is one of the largest commerce ports in the country and it is closed because of the recent collapse of Key Bridge.
This closure is going to have some significant knock-on effects on the US economy.
Experts predict that the port might be closed until May.
Others say that estimate is a bit dire and they expect the port will reopen in the next two weeks.
Thank you Walmart shoppers?

Global shipping has been increasing exponentially in recent decades as people want more and more shit at cheap prices and lots of that stuff comes from overseas.

Doesn't get to your house without going around the globe on a container ship.

So, not only have we outsourced American jobs to cheap labor in other countries, we have gigantic cargo ships continually circumnavigating the globe spewing pollution, operating as cheaply as possible...so that Joe Average American can have his XYZ for as cheap as possible.

And seeing as though everyone wants a slice of the profit, everyone along the line in the global supply chain does their piece as cheaply as possible so that their share of the pie equals as much profit as possible for them.

Capitalism at work.
So my question should have been "What organization, if ANY" regulates this, and the answer would be NONE? Free for all among the ports, competing to lower standards so as to attract shipping?
I broke a car window with my fist. But it was a 1979 car so maybe glass is tougher now.
So did I once, and I wound up losing a fair bit of blood because as you probably know, your hand does have a couple of pretty good sized blood vessels and I guess I severed one of them in the act.
So my question should have been "What organization, if ANY" regulates this, and the answer would be NONE? Free for all among the ports, competing to lower standards so as to attract shipping?

This may help answer your question: Link
The ship was hacked by Jewish Space Aliens under the direction of Hamas who was being paid by Putin using Chinese technology developed on the Moon.

Using Indian satellites as the way to perform the hack

Italian satellites...
Seriously, what is wrong with these ****en people and why does Fox even allow this? Just sickening

I find this guy almost as annoying as the Fox fear mongers. And shouldn't Alex Jones be stuck behind a desk somewhere signing checks to Sandy Hook families?
Pretty horrible, I hope they’re able to rescue everyone in the water.

Just curious, has the media figured out how to blame this on Trump or Boeing yet?

No because they're too busy blaming Biden, Obama and Hillary, oh and...Black Lives Matter and the Woke Mind Virus.
This may help answer your question: Link
Quickly perusing this link, it appears to me that the seaworthiness of vessels takes a back seat to the condition of their catalytic converters. Am I mistaken?
Quickly perusing this link, it appears to me that the seaworthiness of vessels takes a back seat to the condition of their catalytic converters. Am I mistaken?
I don't know how you reached that conclusion. I believe that if the Coast Guard determines that a ship should not be in US waters, they have the power to enforce that decision.
I don't know how you reached that conclusion. I believe that if the Coast Guard determines that a ship should not be in US waters, they have the power to enforce that decision.
The fact that the whole shootin' match comes under the EPA, along with no obvious links to shipbuilding standards, is what brought me to this conclusion. Maybe, if I had more time, I might have discovered an answer to my question "Is a single engine on a 300K ton oceangoing vessel considered seaworthy?" What does the Coast Guard have to go on, if the ship looks unseaworthy to them? Are there standards, or is anything a shipyard decides to build AOK, like cars used to be before NHTSA?

I noted that this vessel seems to be one of a number of apparently identical "sister ships".
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The fact that the whole shootin' match comes under the EPA, along with no obvious links to shipbuilding standards, is what brought me to this conclusion. Maybe, if I had more time, I might have discovered an answer to my question "Is a single engine on a 300K ton oceangoing vessel considered seaworthy?" What does the Coast Guard have to go on, if the ship looks unseaworthy to them? Are there standards, or is anything a shipyard decides to build AOK, like cars used to be before NHTSA?

I noted that this vessel seems to be one of a number of apparently identical "sister ships".
From what I can find, this class of ship 1 engine is typical. I believe the very large container ships can sometimes have 2.

An interesting article discussing the challenges of container ship engines and the market for them: Link
It's small solace, but this could have been MUCH worse. Had this been on or after Memorial day the death toll would be in the hundreds. That bridge is a parking lot most of the summer, packed with people heading to DelMarVa beaches.

You’re thinking of the Chesapeake Bridge. Not the Key bridge.
Memo to Idiot Joe: There ain't no train on that bridge,

Quickly perusing this link, it appears to me that the seaworthiness of vessels takes a back seat to the condition of their catalytic converters. Am I mistaken?
Please explain the function of a catalytic converter on a vessel which burns HFO.
The current had her and was drifting her. You can see it after the power goes out the first time.

Looks like the pilots tried to set her straight so she could go through the struts - when she lost power the second time and hit. They had almost cleared that strut and would have had the power stayed on from what I’ve seen in the videos.

You need to appreciate that the current is RIPPING through there. You’ve got your current in the river AND your tidal currents coming through there.

That’s why pilots run those ships and not their captains. It’s dangerous and challenging when everything IS going right.

The tide was also going out, and there was a 15mph wind blowing out of the northeast. Both factors pushed the ship right into the pier.
A PERSON issued a distress call.

Each time THE SHIP regained power, it steered further to port (towards the pylon.) This is entirely consistent with my 'conspiracy theory' that the ship was not responding to the helm.

No, the bridge pier is to starboard of the main channel.

I a. Not yet aware of any reports of the ship being turned to port, although the port side anchor had been dropped.

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