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BREAKING: All Senate Gun Control Proposals FAIL (1 Viewer)

And now all the politicians can use this in their campaign ads. Dems win again.

Like they did after Newtown? No, this is a solid win for the right as it proves the left never stops its blame of the 2nd Amendment and hates Due Process, the same for Neo Cons.
You mean thuggery and bribery win, we lose again.

Aw...Poor little statist did not get what he wanted so it must mean the system is rigged.

Not sure why you hate the 2nd Amendment and right to due process....
Well that means....

More Americans will be shot and killed than all the terrorist attacks combined!

I don't know who that "WE" IS unless by "We" mean terrorist... I think you are in a wrong forum. ISIS website has a different domain name....not sure what it is but you can google it.

Diving Mullah

Gun Owners.
Not a surprise but good to know. I understand that Ayotte voted with Democrats on at least one of the proposals but the roll call hasn't been posted yet.
Not a surprise but good to know. I understand that Ayotte voted with Democrats on at least one of the proposals but the roll call hasn't been posted yet.

Asses will sting, that moron from TX will primaryed.
Not a surprise but good to know. I understand that Ayotte voted with Democrats on at least one of the proposals but the roll call hasn't been posted yet.

McCain's tweet today was blaming the dems for the bills failure.
Gun Grabbers, you can not edit your post after 15mins? What the hell.

No, can't edit after a time... gun grabbers are an issue but so are gun nuts.
Not a surprise but good to know. I understand that Ayotte voted with Democrats on at least one of the proposals but the roll call hasn't been posted yet.

Bills put forth out of emotion never work well. I'll be interested to see what Kelly voted with the Dems on. She's a pretty strong 2A advocate.
Bills put forth out of emotion never work well. I'll be interested to see what Kelly voted with the Dems on. She's a pretty strong 2A advocate.

One, Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., voted Monday for the Democratic measure to block gun sales to terrorists, a switch from when she joined most Republicans in killing a similar plan last December. She said that vote — plus her support for a rival GOP measure — would help move lawmakers toward approving a narrower bipartisan plan, like one being crafted by Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine.

A Divided Senate Answers Orlando With Gridlock on Gun Curbs - ABC News
Ayotte is from NH.

It looks like Kirk from IL, Flake from AZ also caved on one or more of the votes.

All three (well, Kirk and Ayotte anyway, you'd have to tell me about Flake) are in dangerous re-election battles in states where Dems could take their seats based on recent polls.
McCain's tweet today was blaming the dems for the bills failure.

Hes not wrong, 2 of them were GOP bills that ems wont vote for because they ont go far enough for them, however the GOP did block the 2 dem bills because they went to far.
No, can't edit after a time... gun grabbers are an issue but so are gun nuts.

No, gun nuts as you call us are not an issue at all. We do not punish innocent people for the crimes of others.
All three (well, Kirk and Ayotte anyway, you'd have to tell me about Flake) are in dangerous re-election battles in states where Dems could take their seats based on recent polls.

If they make it past the primary, which they will not.
The roll calls were posted in another thread and she seemed to vote with her party. Maybe that roll call hasn't been posted yet.

The Feinstein Amendment is the only one I haven't seen the roll call for yet.

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