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Border patrol stopped six immigrants suspected of terrorism in first half of 2018: NBC (1 Viewer)


Land by the Gulf Stream
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Border agents stopped a total of 41 people on the Terrorist Screening Database between Oct. 1, 2017, and March 31, 2018, according to numbers reviewed by NBC. Thirty-five of those were lawful permanent residents or citizens of the U.S., while the other six were not "non-U.S. persons," according to the data.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders over the weekend claimed that "nearly 4,000 known or suspected terrorists come into our country illegally" on Fox News.

Ah Sarah, the lies one spins
6, not hordes, Trumps claims as usual were bogus
Cue the Trumpettes, well they found 6, cue the where were most tracked at??? - Airports
I doubt any of the 6 were even terrorists of any sort...Probably low level criminals

No info on that. Depends upon what checks were left. As we saw, 35 were flagged and later found to be US Citizens. This IMHO was completed rather quickly. Some big mistakes were made regarding Citzens held for weeks. But those were arrests made inside the US

Trump's comments were more dog whistles to his base
No info on that. Depends upon what checks were left. As we saw, 35 were flagged and later found to be US Citizens. This IMHO was completed rather quickly. Some big mistakes were made regarding Citzens held for weeks. But those were arrests made inside the US

Trump's comments were more dog whistles to his base

The thought of "middle easterners" going undetected among latino migrants is absurd....Besides there are much easier ways of getting into the United States as the Saudi Hijackers proved

Ah Sarah, the lies one spins
6, not hordes, Trumps claims as usual were bogus
Cue the Trumpettes, well they found 6, cue the where were most tracked at??? - Airports

This part of the article also seems relevant:

CBP encountered 91 people listed in the terrorism database at the northern border in the first half of 2018, including 41 who were not U.S. citizens or residents, NBC reported.

So, roughly 7 times as many non-citizen "terrorists" come through Canada! Where's our Canadian Great Wall of Trump!!!!

And of course all those terrorists 'stopped' by CBP came through a regular point of entry - so a wall doesn't do a thing to stop them. From another article linked from the OP:

U.S. Customs and Border Protection encountered only six immigrants at ports of entry on the U.S-Mexico border in the first half of fiscal year 2018 whose names were on a federal government list of known or suspected terrorists, according to CBP data provided to Congress in May 2018 and obtained by NBC News.

It's just lies after lies, cascading one on top of the other.
I didn't realize that there were any illegal immigrants seriously suspected of terrorism coming across the Southern Border.

FL, really, me I am sure you stay current.
The thought of "middle easterners" going undetected among latino migrants is absurd....Besides there are much easier ways of getting into the United States as the Saudi Hijackers proved

Airports 1st.
The State department said none. Zilch. Zero terrorists crossed from Mexico. Who to believe, eh?
Airports 1st.

Crossing the desert is difficult and dangerous...There is a stretch between Arizona and New Mexico , hundreds of miles where there are No roads on either side....99% of the crossings that do involve migrants happen at spots with a drop near the border and a pick up on the other side, near the border ...Some of those areas already have Steel barriers....The talk of a giant wall in the middle of no where is idiotic
No info on that. Depends upon what checks were left. As we saw, 35 were flagged and later found to be US Citizens. This IMHO was completed rather quickly. Some big mistakes were made regarding Citzens held for weeks. But those were arrests made inside the US

Trump's comments were more dog whistles to his base

Explain how that is a 'dog whistle' and what message is being conveyed by it. I am part of his base and I am not hearing voices in my head the way you are. Ever consider the possibility that you are the one hearing things? You should.
Explain how that is a 'dog whistle' and what message is being conveyed by it. I am part of his base and I am not hearing voices in my head the way you are. Ever consider the possibility that you are the one hearing things? You should.

You seem to be hearing a voice that says "spent 5.7 Billion Dollars on a stupid wall"....And you nod in agreement
You seem to be hearing a voice that says "spent 5.7 Billion Dollars on a stupid wall"....And you nod in agreement

I dont have a problem with the wall and neither did democrats until Trump wanted it. Liberals change their tune...and you nod in agreement.
I dont have a problem with the wall and neither did democrats until Trump wanted it. Liberals change their tune...and you nod in agreement.

At the moment Democrats have agreed to 1.7 Billion Dollars in Border funding...Not now or ever 5 Billion for an idiotic wall to no where
This part of the article also seems relevant:

So, roughly 7 times as many non-citizen "terrorists" come through Canada! Where's our Canadian Great Wall of Trump!!!!

And of course all those terrorists 'stopped' by CBP came through a regular point of entry - so a wall doesn't do a thing to stop them. From another article linked from the OP:

It's just lies after lies, cascading one on top of the other.

Thank you, you did some fine digging.
Reports over the past few years are CPB on the Canadian border are short employees and equipment as it has and is being diverted to the Mexico border area.
Makes it look like there is a grave threat to US security and Trump is fixing it.
At the moment Democrats have agreed to 1.7 Billion Dollars in Border funding...Not now or ever 5 Billion for an idiotic wall to no where

You know we already have hundreds of miles of wall down there right? If walls dont work and are immoral, why arent democrats proposing to tear them down? And if walls do nothing, why do so many risk their lives crossing a desert where no walls exist?
You know we already have hundreds of miles of wall down there right? If walls dont work and are immoral, why arent democrats proposing to tear them down? And if walls do nothing, why do so many risk their lives crossing a desert where no walls exist?

Got a point?
Trump lied, fear-mongered, and the truth eventually rises.
Did your dog tell you that?

Can you rebut my point?
Now I suggest taking some time for your talking points to arrive from Conservative media.
Go get some Rush B, then come back
Can you rebut my point?
Now I suggest taking some time for your talking points to arrive from Conservative media.
Go get some Rush B, then come back

And you go back to listening for dog whistles and voices in your head.

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