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Boomers (broadly) #($*%&%^! suck[W:39] (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 20, 2009
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Gawd you people suck


...[h=1]10 Things Baby Boomers Won't Tell You...[/h]

Children of boomer parents shouldn’t expect a big inheritance, even if their parents are rich. Only about half of high-net-worth baby boomers — those with more than $3 million in investible assets — say they consider leaving money to their kids a priority, according to a 2012 U.S. Trust Survey. In contrast, nearly three-quarters of people older than boomers say it’s important to them...

Boomers are expected to live longer than any previous generation. At the same time, many haven’t saved nearly enough for retirement. More than 44% of early boomers (whom the Employee Benefit Research Institute defines as those born between 1948 and 1954) and 43% of late boomers (born between 1955 and 1964) may not be able to afford basic living expenses in retirement, according to a 2012 analysis by EBRI. The result? Kids could be supporting mom and dad well into their 80s and 90s....

4. “We can’t face reality.”
What boomers think retirement will be like and what it actually is like are two very different things. A case in point: The forever-young generation just can’t deal with the idea of growing old. Only 13% of pre-retirees (people over 50 who have not yet retired) think their health will be significantly worse in retirement than it is now, while 39% of retirees report that it actually is worse, according to 2011 research by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health....

We’re a nation in record debt — an estimated $16 trillion — and the sheer number of boomers is expected to significantly add to that in the coming years, as more begin to receive Social Security and Medicare benefits. (Social Security and Medicare spending represented 38% of federal expenditures in fiscal year 2012, and “both programs will experience cost growth substantially in excess of GDP growth through the mid-2030s,” according to the Social Security Administration.)
But in many ways, boomers have been less willing than other demographic groups to support policy changes that could trim the debt. Fully 68% of boomers oppose eliminating the tax deduction for interest paid on home mortgages, compared with just 56% of all adults, according to the Pew Research Center. Furthermore, 80% of boomers (vs. 72% of all adults) oppose taxing employer health insurance benefits and 63% of boomers (vs. 58% of all adults) oppose increasing the age one qualifies for full Social Security benefits, the study shows.
Many boomers are more opposed to these plans because “they would feel the impact more than other groups,” says Kim Parker, the associate director of the Pew Research Center’s Social and Demographic Trends Project. But without some sort of deficit reduction, future generations will be left with the dire economic consequences a massive deficit can cause, she says....


The failure of all these programs is gioing to occur ar the seme time you need them mostt!!!! could'nt happen to a better generation!

Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

Gawd you people suck



The failure of all these programs is gioing to occur ar the seme time you need them mostt!!!! could'nt happen to a better generation![/FONT][/COLOR]


Yep. I am one of them (born in 1954). SS, even at the "reduced" benefit that I intend to take at age 62, will be a significant raise for me. I now work, self employed for about $10 to $12.50/hour, but rarely manage to get a full 40 hours/week in. Working as a handyman, carpenter and lawn maintanence worker seems to get quite a bit harder as one passes age 59 - just trust me on that one. ;)
Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

Gawd you people suck



The failure of all these programs is gioing to occur ar the seme time you need them mostt!!!! could'nt happen to a better generation![/FONT][/COLOR]


So basically you are saying that your generation will be the financial sanitation engineers of society? Start sweeping.
Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

Gawd you people suck



The failure of all these programs is gioing to occur ar the seme time you need them mostt!!!! could'nt happen to a better generation![/FONT][/COLOR]


reading these very public displays of bigotry and ageism are really sad.
Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

reading these very public displays of bigotry and ageism are really sad.

Especially when it boils down to "Those people are so selfish. How dare they burden me when they get old?!!!"
Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

Especially when it boils down to "Those people are so selfish. How dare they burden me when they get old?!!!"

Bigotry has such an ugly visage.... especially when couched in those terms.
Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

Especially when it boils down to "Those people are so selfish. How dare they burden me when they get old?!!!"

That's basically what it is. That, or, "How dare you not leave me with an inheritance!! Just because I still live in your basement when I'm 30, and I just got fired from another fast food restaurant. YOU SHOULD BE TAKING CARE OF ME! Even after you're DEAD!" :lol: Poor kids. Actually have to work for a living.
Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

Children of boomer parents shouldn’t expect a big inheritance, even if their parents are rich. Only about half of high-net-worth baby boomers — those with more than $3 million in investible assets — say they consider leaving money to their kids a priority, according to a 2012 U.S. Trust Survey. In contrast, nearly three-quarters of people older than boomers say it’s important to them...

Boomers are expected to live longer than any previous generation. At the same time, many haven’t saved nearly enough for retirement. More than 44% of early boomers (whom the Employee Benefit Research Institute defines as those born between 1948 and 1954) and 43% of late boomers (born between 1955 and 1964) may not be able to afford basic living expenses in retirement, according to a 2012 analysis by EBRI. The result? Kids could be supporting mom and dad well into their 80s and 90s....

4. “We can’t face reality.”
What boomers think retirement will be like and what it actually is like are two very different things. A case in point: The forever-young generation just can’t deal with the idea of growing old. Only 13% of pre-retirees (people over 50 who have not yet retired) think their health will be significantly worse in retirement than it is now, while 39% of retirees report that it actually is worse, according to 2011 research by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health....

Yep. This is the legacy of the hypocritical pot-smoking hippie generation who later became cocaine-sniffing yuppie Reagan Republicans.
Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

There you have it. Graffias agrees with you Will. No one can offer a better counter-argument than that.
Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

Boomers are the ones primarily responsible for our current culture of instant gratification and personal debt. They're also the ones who were in power when the decisions were made to jack up education prices, keep wages low, ship jobs overseas, and squeeze the remaining American workers. I'm not blaming it on anyone's particular age, but that seems to be the culture that sprang up around (some) members of this group. No one else has really embraced the idea of "whoever dies with the most toys wins" like they have.

These are choices that need to be reversed, instead of having excuses made for them.
Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

As a society we discriminate against people because of gender, race, religion and a lot of other things. Might as well discriminate against people based on their birth date as well, huh?
Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

reading these very public displays of bigotry and ageism are really sad.

Ageism? Nah. I have a world of respect for the WWII generation at large, and individual boomers as well. It's simply that - as a generation - the boomers are atrocious.
Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

That's basically what it is. That, or, "How dare you not leave me with an inheritance!!

Not at all. I'm fine coming up with my own wealth. It is the boomers whose fiscal irresponsibility has left them reliant on the inheritance from the WWII Generation to bail them out, but unable to pass it on.

Just because I still live in your basement when I'm 30, and I just got fired from another fast food restaurant. YOU SHOULD BE TAKING CARE OF ME! Even after you're DEAD!" :lol: Poor kids. Actually have to work for a living.

:) Gosh. I wonder why millenials have such high un and under employment? Could it be that a bunch of Baby Boomers wrecked the economy, sent us all into massive debt, and as a result gave us a lengthy year period of high unemployment after jacking up college prices and saddling just us with more student debt than all Americans combined?

But no, I don't expect my parents to take care of me after they are dead. Actually, my parents generation were boomers, and so they don't have much to retire on. I anticipate instead continuing to take care of them when they stop working, and then of course through taxes will continue to pay for the benefits they intend to take long after they are dead. As will my children.

Every Generation in American history has always left the following generations off better than they were themselves. Until the Boomers. Boomers are the first to leave follow-on generations worse off. More wealth flowed through their hands than any generation in human history. And they blew all of it.
Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

Ageism? Nah. I have a world of respect for the WWII generation at large, and individual boomers as well. It's simply that - as a generation - the boomers are atrocious.

You deny ageism and yet embrace its ugliness in the same line. Incredible :doh
Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

Not at all. I'm fine coming up with my own wealth. It is the boomers whose fiscal irresponsibility has left them reliant on the inheritance from the WWII Generation to bail them out, but unable to pass it on.

:) Gosh. I wonder why millenials have such high un and under employment? Could it be that a bunch of Baby Boomers wrecked the economy, sent us all into massive debt, and as a result gave us a lengthy year period of high unemployment after jacking up college prices and saddling just us with more student debt than all Americans combined?

But no, I don't expect my parents to take care of me after they are dead. Actually, my parents generation were boomers, and so they don't have much to retire on. I anticipate instead continuing to take care of them when they stop working, and then of course through taxes will continue to pay for the benefits they intend to take long after they are dead. As will my children.

Every Generation in American history has always left the following generations off better than they were themselves. Until the Boomers. Boomers are the first to leave follow-on generations worse off. More wealth flowed through their hands than any generation in human history. And they blew all of it.

Stop whining and blaming everything on everybody else. There are no victims.
Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

Stop whining and blaming everything on everybody else. There are no victims.

Oh you won't see me singing the praises of my own generation. We are (by and large) a bunch of narcissistic self-centered low-attention-span whiners more interested in facebook than work.

But, then, we were raised that way by the first failure generation in American history. Boomers broke the chain. I'm not blaming anything on the them that they didn't do.
Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

You deny ageism and yet embrace its ugliness in the same line. Incredible :doh

Ageism is not liking people because of their age. I have little respect for the boomers because of what they do.
Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

As a society we discriminate against people because of gender, race, religion and a lot of other things. Might as well discriminate against people based on their birth date as well, huh?

As long as the discrimiation is done out of "fairness" it is constitutionally OK, just ask the SCOTUS. That "equal protection of the laws" phrase (14th amendment) is merely a guideline, just like "shall not be infringed" (2nd amendment) is.
Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

Oh you won't see me singing the praises of my own generation. We are (by and large) a bunch of narcissistic self-centered low-attention-span whiners more interested in facebook than work.

But, we were raised that way by the first failure generation in American history. I'm not blaming anything on the Boomers that they didn't do.

Go ask your Mom for a Kleenex that she bought and paid for. I'm sick to death of hearing this slacking, "poor me" generation whining about what their parents have done. Seriously. You had a roof over your head, you had food, you had clothes. She probably bought you nice clothes and you always had the best video games or whatever, so you'd be just like the other kids. Now you are whining because she's left nothing for your generation. :roll:
Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

All generations have their problems and their own special kind of incompetence in economic and social environments and the boomers nor their children are any different in that regard. As for the OP, it should be remembered that those programs got started by the parents and grandparents of the baby boomers. It's not surprising at all that a bunch of people that are dependent on the state aren't willing to take any steps that will limit their returns.
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Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

Btw, fighting ageism with ageism is pretty stupid.
Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

Go ask your Mom for a Kleenex that she bought and paid for. I'm sick to death of hearing this slacking, "poor me" generation whining about what their parents have done. Seriously. You had a roof over your head, you had food, you had clothes. She probably bought you nice clothes and you always had the best video games or whatever, so you'd be just like the other kids.

On the contrary - I worked for and bought my own video games, starting at age 6. We didn't have expensive clothes because we didn't have expensive anything. The only expensive thing I got growing up was a college education - and I joined the military for that. Nor am I whining because I will get no inheritance from my parents in particular - as I said before, I anticipate that the money will actually flow in the opposite direction in my family (from me to them) as they age. And that's okay, they raised me well, and so I have the ability to do so. My parents actually did a much better job than most of their generation. They even managed to stay married, not raise me in a broken home, not use Sesame Street as a baby sitter, and teach me through example how to live on less than I make and take care of a family.

Now you are whining because she's left nothing for your generation. :roll:

:lol:, oh, how I wish. If the Boomer Generation would only not leave an inheritance, I would be dancing in the streets. If boomers would agree to just leave the rest of us to fend for ourselves, that would be awesome. If their effect on the intergenerational transfer of wealth was zero, that would be a huge, huge step up for them. If boomers would simply not pin on me and my children a crushing debt to pay for the fact that they (again, broadly) utterly failed to demonstrate even a modicum of personal responsibility when it came to saving for the future and not spending extravagantly on themselves, that would utterly change our current fiscal posture as a nation.

Every generation in human history has handed down a better situation to those who followed it. Until the Boomers. Now, I'm not upset that boomers aren't improving the situation of those who come after them - I don't think it's particularly noteworthy of them, but that's not really worth getting upset over. I'm ticked at the boomers because they steal from their children and grandchildren in order to spend on themselves. I'm ticked at the Boomers because they (apparently) don't give a flying crap about what comes after them, and so they are willing to bankrupt their children in order to make up for their own lack of individual responsibility.
Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

Ageism is not liking people because of their age. I have little respect for the boomers because of what they do.

trying to put lipstick on bigotry hardly makes it less offensive.
Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

trying to put lipstick on bigotry hardly makes it less offensive.

:shrug: putting forth strawmen hardly makes your argument more effective.
Re: Boomers (broadlyO #($*%&%^! suck

:shrug: putting forth strawmen hardly makes your argument more effective.

I imagine it does not sit well with you being confronted by your own bigotry and ageism. So you strike out and use silly things like the supposed strawman which does not exist. Sadly, your ageism does.

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