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BLM Shows Up At Orlando Rally (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 22, 2015
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Some people held a rally to mourn the Orlando tragedy, and Black Lives Matter decided to make an appearance:

Does BLM have some kind of policy to find the most obnoxious, worthless people to represent them? Or do they have a training program to make them that way?
Some people held a rally to mourn the Orlando tragedy, and Black Lives Matter decided to make an appearance:

Does BLM have some kind of policy to find the most obnoxious, worthless people to represent them? Or do they have a training program to make them that way?

By "hijack" you mean sharing her opinion? Looks like to me everyone was completely fine with her speaking except two people and they willingly left.
By "hijack" you mean sharing her opinion? Looks like to me everyone was completely fine with her speaking except two people and they willingly left.

"I was really nervous to get up here, because there's a lot of white people in the crowd... hmhmhmhm (quiet nervous laughter)... and, that wasn't a joke."

That's the very first 12 seconds of her speech. Which defined her position and opinions immediately.

Then she says: "I wish this many people came out to our racial demonstrations, and our Black Lives Matter movement." So, within the first few seconds of her talk, she talked about race, racial division, fear of white people, and BLM.

It would appear that hijack would be an appropriate description of her actions, as would a number of other words, such as potentially describing her as a racist demagogue.
Some people held a rally to mourn the Orlando tragedy, and Black Lives Matter decided to make an appearance:

Does BLM have some kind of policy to find the most obnoxious, worthless people to represent them? Or do they have a training program to make them that way?

Sorry, I couldn't watch the whole thing.

I can't stand that much whining.
Some people held a rally to mourn the Orlando tragedy, and Black Lives Matter decided to make an appearance:

Does BLM have some kind of policy to find the most obnoxious, worthless people to represent them? Or do they have a training program to make them that way?

Oh my God. Really?

I'm nervous because there's a lot of white people in the crowd?

What's their race got to do with anything?

Why the hell is she even bringing up the BLM movement anyways? The event isn't about their movement, it's about the victims in the Orlando Massacre.
"I was really nervous to get up here, because there's a lot of white people in the crowd... hmhmhmhm (quiet nervous laughter)... and, that wasn't a joke."

That's the very first 12 seconds of her speech. Which defined her position and opinions immediately.

Then she says: "I wish this many people came out to our racial demonstrations, and our Black Lives Matter movement." So, within the first few seconds of her talk, she talked about race, racial division, fear of white people, and BLM.

It would appear that hijack would be an appropriate description of her actions, as would a number of other words, such as potentially describing her as a racist demagogue.
Absolutely right. I wonder how many people on the left will stand up and call this person out for what she really is: a racist. MY guess is zero.
Absolutely right. I wonder how many people on the left will stand up and call this person out for what she really is: a racist. MY guess is zero.

Hold on, she's definitely not racist. Don't you know that racism = prejudice + power?

White people have all the power, so it's impossible for her to be racist against them.

(sarcasm x1000)
If it was an act of solidarity I would be all for it. But it sure didn't feel that way from watching the video. Bad taste. Very bad taste.
Some people held a rally to mourn the Orlando tragedy, and Black Lives Matter decided to make an appearance:

Does BLM have some kind of policy to find the most obnoxious, worthless people to represent them? Or do they have a training program to make them that way?

Wut the ****? Who is that ignorant little bitch. She's nervous because of the white people in the crowd? Boohoo why didn't anyone come to our race rally last year?

Wut the hell is wrong with all of those simpletons sitting there listening to her blatantly obnoxious racist crap?

That made me sick.
Oh my God. Really?

I'm nervous because there's a lot of white people in the crowd?

What's their race got to do with anything?

Why the hell is she even bringing up the BLM movement anyways? The event isn't about their movement, it's about the victims in the Orlando Massacre.

Exactly, TG... exactly.
Some people held a rally to mourn the Orlando tragedy, and Black Lives Matter decided to make an appearance:

Does BLM have some kind of policy to find the most obnoxious, worthless people to represent them? Or do they have a training program to make them that way?

They are well indoctrinated toward stupidity!

By "hijack" you mean sharing her opinion? Looks like to me everyone was completely fine with her speaking except two people and they willingly left.

I'd leave too, she's an idiot, racist, dumbo! "Programmed" to divide!

"I was really nervous to get up here, because there's a lot of white people in the crowd... hmhmhmhm (quiet nervous laughter)... and, that wasn't a joke."

That's the very first 12 seconds of her speech. Which defined her position and opinions immediately.

Then she says: "I wish this many people came out to our racial demonstrations, and our Black Lives Matter movement." So, within the first few seconds of her talk, she talked about race, racial division, fear of white people, and BLM.

It would appear that hijack would be an appropriate description of her actions, as would a number of other words, such as potentially describing her as a racist demagogue.


Oh my God. Really?

I'm nervous because there's a lot of white people in the crowd?

What's their race got to do with anything?

Why the hell is she even bringing up the BLM movement anyways? The event isn't about their movement, it's about the victims in the Orlando Massacre.

Racist, hate Mongering.... Blacks!
Absolutely right. I wonder how many people on the left will stand up and call this person out for what she really is: a racist. MY guess is zero.


If it was an act of solidarity I would be all for it. But it sure didn't feel that way from watching the video. Bad taste. Very bad taste.


Wut the ****? Who is that ignorant little bitch. She's nervous because of the white people in the crowd? Boohoo why didn't anyone come to our race rally last year?

Wut the hell is wrong with all of those simpletons sitting there listening to her blatantly obnoxious racist crap?

That made me sick.

Me too. Yet some would support this crap.
Oh my God. Really?

I'm nervous because there's a lot of white people in the crowd?

What's their race got to do with anything?

Why the hell is she even bringing up the BLM movement anyways? The event isn't about their movement, it's about the victims in the Orlando Massacre.

She's a racist. Had that been Trump up there saying "I'm nervous because there's a lot of Hispanic people in the crowd." you would have been hearing screams of "RACISM!!!" from many on the left from coast to coast.
She is a racist. I've been considered a lefty from time to time.
Well...if that didnt drive a wooden stake into the BLdM 'movement' it certainly chopped of an arm or two.
By "hijack" you mean sharing her opinion? Looks like to me everyone was completely fine with her speaking except two people and they willingly left.

Turning an event for the victims into a look at me and look at color event is despicable.
It was for the VICTIMS. their friends, their families, not about color.
By "hijack" you mean sharing her opinion? Looks like to me everyone was completely fine with her speaking except two people and they willingly left.

You shore ran when this was laid out in a way even you cant defend. Tail tucked and all lol
Why the hell is she even bringing up the BLM movement anyways? The event isn't about their movement, it's about the victims in the Orlando Massacre.

They're attention whores, plain and simple.

"Stop paying attention to the dead gay people and look at me, look at me, look at me!!"

**** 'em. A movement of thugs. MLK is doing 360s in his grave.
Hold on, she's definitely not racist. Don't you know that racism = prejudice + power?

White people have all the power, so it's impossible for her to be racist against them.

(sarcasm x1000)
Does that mean those who hold power in the African-American community are racists? The ones who demand loyalty from all African-Americans? The Al Sharptons, the Reverend Wrights, the Black Panthers, members of Black Lives Matter, etc.? I'll answer for you; yes, it does.

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