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Black Friday Spending Mayhem (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 3, 2018
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A terrified Victoria's Secret employee had to take shelter atop a table when Black Friday shoppers stormed the Victoria's Secret store in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I have a huge problem with this whole Black Friday shopping thing, but then I'm not a huge shopper to begin with. I always stay home safe and sound doing my shopping on Amazon and watch television for the reports of people that were trampled, punched and assaulted grabbing over a pair of lingerie or a television set. What is wrong with people? There's a big problem here in the United States that we're not seeing. Why are people so frenzied over a pair of leopard print hoodies?


Saturday, November 24, 2018 12:09PM
Black Friday shopping became a contact sport at the Hamilton Place Mall in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Crowds swarmed the Victoria's Secret Pink store.

The hot item: Sherpa fleece hoodies, marked down from $90 to $35.

The crowd rushed toward a display table, forcing a sales associate to jump on top to hide from the crowd.

"Oh my God, Oh my God," she cried out. "It's really not that serious!"

Despite the bad behavior, no one was hurt.
Shopping frenzies are a reminder that we really haven't evolved much from our barbaric ancestry.
We bought movie popcorn and some soda on black Friday. We saw Bohemian Rhapsody. I would give it five stars out of five.
A terrified Victoria's Secret employee had to take shelter atop a table when Black Friday shoppers stormed the Victoria's Secret store in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I have a huge problem with this whole Black Friday shopping thing, but then I'm not a huge shopper to begin with. I always stay home safe and sound doing my shopping on Amazon and watch television for the reports of people that were trampled, punched and assaulted grabbing over a pair of lingerie or a television set. What is wrong with people? There's a big problem here in the United States that we're not seeing. Why are people so frenzied over a pair of leopard print hoodies?


Saturday, November 24, 2018 12:09PM
Black Friday shopping became a contact sport at the Hamilton Place Mall in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Crowds swarmed the Victoria's Secret Pink store.

The hot item: Sherpa fleece hoodies, marked down from $90 to $35.

The crowd rushed toward a display table, forcing a sales associate to jump on top to hide from the crowd.

"Oh my God, Oh my God," she cried out. "It's really not that serious!"

Despite the bad behavior, no one was hurt.

I worked at a wal-mart one black friday....let's just say I NEVER want to experience that again.
I've never been out shopping on Black Friday, and after seeing videos of how stupid people become during them, I'm sure glad I choose not to. I'm not a big Christmas gift giver either, so I suppose that helps matters as well.
We avoid this in Europe by having Black Friday week instead.

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We bought movie popcorn and some soda on black Friday. We saw Bohemian Rhapsody. I would give it five stars out of five.

That's good to hear. We tried to see it last week but the local theater was converted to the restaurant theme and was sold out the two times we tried. We're still planning on seeing it, so I'm glad you liked it.

Way off topic, but the good thing is we finally dropped Moviepass over that movie. It's a scam at this point - totally worthless.
If it takes a huge sale day to get into black ink, your prices are too damn high most of the rest of the year.
That's good to hear. We tried to see it last week but the local theater was converted to the restaurant theme and was sold out the two times we tried. We're still planning on seeing it, so I'm glad you liked it.

Way off topic, but the good thing is we finally dropped Moviepass over that movie. It's a scam at this point - totally worthless.

I listened to a Tech Stuff episode on Moviepass. I don't see how they're going to keep that model running if it even is still running.
I listened to a Tech Stuff episode on Moviepass. I don't see how they're going to keep that model running if it even is still running.

It's not running really at all know. They changed it so that you can only see maybe a half dozen movies on a given day, and only two free ones per month, then about a half off discount. That would be OK if that worked, but it doesn't. Instead, several times now we've planned on seeing a movie that is supposed to be available on a certain day, checked at, say, noon - yes, it's on the app as available, then driven to the movie, only to have the movie disappear from the app as available. We haven't been able to use it for anything for about 3 weeks, or the last four times we've tried for movies they advertised as available on that day. The last time was for Bohemian Rhapsody, supposed to be available them removed before the first showing locally.

I don't know why they're still open - it's a scam at this point. It's not even bait and switch - they'll advertise available movies, remove them for no reason, no notice, and the alternative is NOTHING. It's too bad. The concept is a good one, but someone else will have to figure out the pricing that works. Something needs to change - most of the movies we see were, even with Moviepass working, 3/4 or more empty.
It's not running really at all know. They changed it so that you can only see maybe a half dozen movies on a given day, and only two free ones per month, then about a half off discount. That would be OK if that worked, but it doesn't. Instead, several times now we've planned on seeing a movie that is supposed to be available on a certain day, checked at, say, noon - yes, it's on the app as available, then driven to the movie, only to have the movie disappear from the app as available. We haven't been able to use it for anything for about 3 weeks, or the last four times we've tried for movies they advertised as available on that day. The last time was for Bohemian Rhapsody, supposed to be available them removed before the first showing locally.

I don't know why they're still open - it's a scam at this point. It's not even bait and switch - they'll advertise available movies, remove them for no reason, no notice, and the alternative is NOTHING. It's too bad. The concept is a good one, but someone else will have to figure out the pricing that works. Something needs to change - most of the movies we see were, even with Moviepass working, 3/4 or more empty.

yeah, that's really frustrating. apparently, they've had trouble getting theaters onboard, then it worked for a minute, and now the chains have probably decided that they'd be better off doing their own version of the service. it's a good concept, but seems to be pretty unworkable long term.
Shopping frenzies are a reminder that we really haven't evolved much from our barbaric ancestry.
I personally don't understand.

Maybe if I tried going to one once in my life I would, but from my perspective I'd rather not get a deal than bother with a crowd like that.
But people at the border wanting a better life for their kids are the real monsters
A terrified Victoria's Secret employee had to take shelter atop a table when Black Friday shoppers stormed the Victoria's Secret store in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I have a huge problem with this whole Black Friday shopping thing, but then I'm not a huge shopper to begin with. I always stay home safe and sound doing my shopping on Amazon and watch television for the reports of people that were trampled, punched and assaulted grabbing over a pair of lingerie or a television set. What is wrong with people? There's a big problem here in the United States that we're not seeing. Why are people so frenzied over a pair of leopard print hoodies?


Saturday, November 24, 2018 12:09PM
Black Friday shopping became a contact sport at the Hamilton Place Mall in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Crowds swarmed the Victoria's Secret Pink store.

The hot item: Sherpa fleece hoodies, marked down from $90 to $35.

The crowd rushed toward a display table, forcing a sales associate to jump on top to hide from the crowd.

"Oh my God, Oh my God," she cried out. "It's really not that serious!"

Despite the bad behavior, no one was hurt.

Cabbage Patch kids....

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