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Bidens Response (1 Viewer)


Doesn't know
DP Veteran
Apr 11, 2011
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Across the street from the family across the stree
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I have been very much in support of Biden since he became the nominee however I am losing all respect for him over Ukraine. This soft slap response to Russia is making us look weak. Trump was a national embarrassment, now Biden is weak and scared of Putin. How the hell did we get to the point of letting clowns and cowards run our country?

With the political divides, attempts to overthrow democracy, cowardess and stupidity on the international stage, American people turning on each other, politicians having nothing close to professionalism or accountability for anything, and the US getting more information from social media than factual sources - America is an embarassment.
Weakness is a huge problem for Biden. I'm not a Biden fan and never have been - but I think weakness just defines Biden. So many (countries, leaders, people) view Biden as weak - and polls in the U.S. indicate even Americans do too.
I have been very much in support of Biden since he became the nominee however I am losing all respect for him over Ukraine. This soft slap response to Russia is making us look weak. Trump was a national embarrassment, now Biden is weak and scared of Putin. How the hell did we get to the point of letting clowns and cowards run our country?

With the political divides, attempts to overthrow democracy, cowardess and stupidity on the international stage, American people turning on each other, politicians having nothing close to professionalism or accountability for anything, and the US getting more information from social media than factual sources - America is an embarassment.
Really though, if they don't aim to bring down Putin they're duped.
Weakness is a huge problem for Biden. I'm not a Biden fan and never have been - but I think weakness just defines Biden. So many (countries, leaders, people) view Biden as weak - and polls in the U.S. indicate even Americans do too.
4 days ago I would have disagreed. Biden talked big. Then when it came to show time, he backed down. Russia, China and the world saw it. We didn't even use harsh sanctions.
I have been very much in support of Biden since he became the nominee however I am losing all respect for him over Ukraine. This soft slap response to Russia is making us look weak. Trump was a national embarrassment, now Biden is weak and scared of Putin. How the hell did we get to the point of letting clowns and cowards run our country?

With the political divides, attempts to overthrow democracy, cowardess and stupidity on the international stage, American people turning on each other, politicians having nothing close to professionalism or accountability for anything, and the US getting more information from social media than factual sources - America is an embarassment.
I would like us to find ways to do more also; I made a thread about it to look for suggestions, offered a few, and got no suggestions.

What, specifically, do you want Biden to do? Use American military, with a good chance of nuclear escalation? To remove Russia from SWIFT, when our NATO partners are against that, at a time Putin is trying to sow disunity in NATO? What?

I have a few suggestions, but want to see people have options for Biden if they're going to criticize him.

A better approach seems to be to respond to other topics I've raised like the general lack of options for addressing aggression like this and the role of nuclear weapons further indicating why we should abolish them.
I have been very much in support of Biden since he became the nominee however I am losing all respect for him over Ukraine. This soft slap response to Russia is making us look weak. Trump was a national embarrassment, now Biden is weak and scared of Putin. How the hell did we get to the point of letting clowns and cowards run our country?

With the political divides, attempts to overthrow democracy, cowardess and stupidity on the international stage, American people turning on each other, politicians having nothing close to professionalism or accountability for anything, and the US getting more information from social media than factual sources - America is an embarassment.

What is "Biden" supposed to do?
How does this make him weak?
How does this embarrass "america"?

If you were president what is your magic fix?

now with that said I do feel THE WORLD should step up but thats not in my control, or a US president's control
Weakness is a huge problem for Biden. I'm not a Biden fan and never have been - but I think weakness just defines Biden. So many (countries, leaders, people) view Biden as weak - and polls in the U.S. indicate even Americans do too.
Well, think if it were Trump, he wouldn't do anything.
I have been very much in support of Biden since he became the nominee however I am losing all respect for him over Ukraine. This soft slap response to Russia is making us look weak. Trump was a national embarrassment, now Biden is weak and scared of Putin. How the hell did we get to the point of letting clowns and cowards run our country?

With the political divides, attempts to overthrow democracy, cowardess and stupidity on the international stage, American people turning on each other, politicians having nothing close to professionalism or accountability for anything, and the US getting more information from social media than factual sources - America is an embarassment.
Trump wasn’t half the clown you guys made him out to be and in your zeal to rid your own imaginations of the “horror” before you you threw a billion dollars at a campaign to rake I. The votes of the crazies, the corrupt and mentally incompetent. You got your “win”. Congratulations.
Weakness is a huge problem for Biden. I'm not a Biden fan and never have been - but I think weakness just defines Biden. So many (countries, leaders, people) view Biden as weak - and polls in the U.S. indicate even Americans do too.
Too bad he's not strong like trump releasing the 6000 Taliban prisoners and trying to hand Afghanistan to them in a couple weeks unconditionally with no plan, or SUPPORTING Putin unconditionally where he'd be on Putin's side for the war. You don't know what strong is, so all you have is hyper-partisan attacks.
4 days ago I would have disagreed. Biden talked big. Then when it came to show time, he backed down. Russia, China and the world saw it. We didn't even use harsh sanctions.
I know about the sanctions!!!!!!! WTH!
Only way you hurt Russia is sanctioning their oil/gas sector and barring them from the SWIFT system. So far, every major country has ******d out hard when it comes to either.
What is "Biden" supposed to do?
How does this make him weak?
How does this embarrass "america"?

If you were president what is your magic fix?

now with that said I do feel THE WORLD should step up but thats not in my control, or a US president's control

How does it not show that he is weak? I'm passed the point of "looking" weak. He is. He is scared of Putin.

As a country we said there would be severe consequences if Russia invaded. Russia invaded. We did almost nothing. How does it not look weak to threaten, have your bluff called, and back down? How is that not embarrassing as a country? Putin is showing that the US does not matter.

Magic fix? Actually stand up to Russia. Its not even magic. We could end this. Instead we are standing by and watching as an adult beats a child to death. This is the most cowardly thing I can remember America doing. We didn't even use harsh sanctions. We slapped the wrist.

If the US doesn't want to be a world leader - then we should step off. But talking big and backing down is bullshit. Watching kids and civilians get murdered because we're scared of Putin is pathetic.
I have been very much in support of Biden since he became the nominee however I am losing all respect for him over Ukraine. This soft slap response to Russia is making us look weak. Trump was a national embarrassment, now Biden is weak and scared of Putin. How the hell did we get to the point of letting clowns and cowards run our country?

With the political divides, attempts to overthrow democracy, cowardess and stupidity on the international stage, American people turning on each other, politicians having nothing close to professionalism or accountability for anything, and the US getting more information from social media than factual sources - America is an embarassment.

Christ almighty this is stupid. The situation is highly sensitive. War with a nuclear armed superpower? You really want that? Have to exhaust all avenues before it goes there, and it looks like most countries other than asshole China are against Russia and trying to punish them

This can't stand, however, stupid to think we should start military actions against a nuclear armed superpower. Hope the Russia people can rise up against this. And someone needs to kill Putin
Weakness is a huge problem for Biden. I'm not a Biden fan and never have been - but I think weakness just defines Biden. So many (countries, leaders, people) view Biden as weak - and polls in the U.S. indicate even Americans do too.
Change your association to the russian flag, you aren't a patriot. Trump sucked Putins dick and you claim biden is weak? Trump is still praising putin and his actions, and probably gave Putin all sorts of secrets. But Biden is weak.

your trolling is really weak, off to the Gulag with you
I have been very much in support of Biden since he became the nominee however I am losing all respect for him over Ukraine. This soft slap response to Russia is making us look weak. Trump was a national embarrassment, now Biden is weak and scared of Putin. How the hell did we get to the point of letting clowns and cowards run our country?

Direct engagement between American and Russian forces has never been on the table.
NATO is comprised of many countries (30, I think) but there certainly should be one of those leaders demonstrating notable leadership and strength (and influence regarding decisions like sanctions) within NATO. It only makes sense. Biden's weakness presents a disastrous situation. Screenshot 2022-02-25 092604.png
How does it not show that he is weak? I'm passed the point of "looking" weak. He is. He is scared of Putin.
I asked you how does it?
its not his country, its not even a nato country . . .
so how does it show him as weak?
if you think it does what about every other leader? LOL
As a country we said there would be severe consequences if Russia invaded. Russia invaded. We did almost nothing. How does it not look weak to threaten, have your bluff called, and back down? How is that not embarrassing as a country? Putin is showing that the US does not matter.
again this sodesnt answer anything i asked . .. . maybe try that
Magic fix? Actually stand up to Russia. Its not even magic. We could end this. Instead we are standing by and watching as an adult beats a child to death. This is the most cowardly thing I can remember America doing. We didn't even use harsh sanctions. We slapped the wrist.
how could we factually "end this" tell us, we are waiting
If the US doesn't want to be a world leader - then we should step off. But talking big and backing down is bullshit. Watching kids and civilians get murdered because we're scared of Putin is pathetic.
and another non answer
guess ill ask my questions AGAIN

What is "Biden" supposed to do?
How does this make him weak?
How does this embarrass "america"?
If you were president what is your magic fix?
and the new one, what about other leaders?
I have been very much in support of Biden since he became the nominee however I am losing all respect for him over Ukraine. This soft slap response to Russia is making us look weak. Trump was a national embarrassment, now Biden is weak and scared of Putin. How the hell did we get to the point of letting clowns and cowards run our country?

With the political divides, attempts to overthrow democracy, cowardess and stupidity on the international stage, American people turning on each other, politicians having nothing close to professionalism or accountability for anything, and the US getting more information from social media than factual sources - America is an embarassment.

What more is Biden supposed to do here? Get us into a hot war with Russia??
Only way you hurt Russia is sanctioning their oil/gas sector and barring them from the SWIFT system. So far, every major country has ******d out hard when it comes to either.
Yes, which is a big point I'm trying to make in comment #17.
Only way you hurt Russia is sanctioning their oil/gas sector and barring them from the SWIFT system. So far, every major country has ******d out hard when it comes to either.

You think gas is expensive now? Just wait until Biden does that.
Trump wasn’t half the clown you guys made him out to be and in your zeal to rid your own imaginations of the “horror” before you you threw a billion dollars at a campaign to rake I. The votes of the crazies, the corrupt and mentally incompetent. You got your “win”. Congratulations.
Yes, he was. Probably worse. Trump was weak and pathetic embarrassment. He kissed, and continues to kiss, Putins ass. The only difference between having Trump and Biden in office right now is who we'd be sending aid to. Trump would be sending money to Russia.
Only way you hurt Russia is sanctioning their oil/gas sector and barring them from the SWIFT system. So far, every major country has ******d out hard when it comes to either.
Exactly - we threatened it, the backed down.
What more is Biden supposed to do here? Get us into a hot war with Russia??

If needed. Why stand still why your enemies grow, expand and get stronger? Or why not wait until Russia and China take over more than half the world and are stronger than us?

But we didn't even actual use harsh sanctions. We did nothing.

The idea that we do nothing to avoid war sends the message we are scared of war - scared of Putin. Scared of Russia. It is weak. Biden is a coward. That is not how to lead.

At this point in time, Russia and China are the world leaders. We are the whiny kid in the corner.
Change your association to the russian flag, you aren't a patriot. Trump sucked Putins dick and you claim biden is weak? Trump is still praising putin and his actions, and probably gave Putin all sorts of secrets. But Biden is weak.

your trolling is really weak, off to the Gulag with you
In between bj's, Putin had Trump weakening NATO for him. Putin had no reason to waste military resources with Trump on the puppet strings. Now, Trumpists wanna claim Trump was 'strong.' Lmao. Well, he was strong after sucking Putin's dick. I could smell him all the way over here.

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