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Biden Is Being Blackmailed (1 Viewer)

Moderate Right

DP Veteran
Oct 21, 2015
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Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
"He better pick a Black woman"

It's obvious that blacks have the goods on Biden and will use him to do their bidding. They've got something on Biden, probably proof of MeToo violations or going too far caressing little girls' hair. Throw in a little Ukraine collusion to help his son and Biden will be forced to do whatever BLM tells him to do. Is this the way we want our country run, by a leader being blackmailed by BLM or other black leaders?

‘He better pick a Black woman’: Biden faces Whitmer backlash
"He better pick a Black woman"

It's obvious that blacks have the goods on Biden and will use him to do their bidding. They've got something on Biden, probably proof of MeToo violations or going too far caressing little girls' hair. Throw in a little Ukraine collusion to help his son and Biden will be forced to do whatever BLM tells him to do. Is this the way we want our country run, by a leader being blackmailed by BLM or other black leaders?

‘He better pick a Black woman’: Biden faces Whitmer backlash

Race baiting OP thinks people having opinions and a vote is "blackmail".
"He better pick a Black woman"

It's obvious that blacks have the goods on Biden and will use him to do their bidding. They've got something on Biden, probably proof of MeToo violations or going too far caressing little girls' hair. Throw in a little Ukraine collusion to help his son and Biden will be forced to do whatever BLM tells him to do. Is this the way we want our country run, by a leader being blackmailed by BLM or other black leaders?

‘He better pick a Black woman’: Biden faces Whitmer backlash

You are on a roll today.

"He better pick a Black woman"

It's obvious that blacks have the goods on Biden and will use him to do their bidding. They've got something on Biden, probably proof of MeToo violations or going too far caressing little girls' hair. Throw in a little Ukraine collusion to help his son and Biden will be forced to do whatever BLM tells him to do. Is this the way we want our country run, by a leader being blackmailed by BLM or other black leaders?

‘He better pick a Black woman’: Biden faces Whitmer backlash

Floating Whitmer isn't going over so well. Biden's people leaked that out to the press to see what would get over the weekend.
Will Biden risk losing a chunk of the black vote to secure MI??
"He better pick a Black woman"

It's obvious that blacks have the goods on Biden and will use him to do their bidding. They've got something on Biden, probably proof of MeToo violations or going too far caressing little girls' hair. Throw in a little Ukraine collusion to help his son and Biden will be forced to do whatever BLM tells him to do. Is this the way we want our country run, by a leader being blackmailed by BLM or other black leaders?

‘He better pick a Black woman’: Biden faces Whitmer backlash

Any politician who has a sense of shame, embarrassment or conscience that they could be blackmailed over something is already more qualified and emotionally mature than the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania avenue.
I hope he does pick a black woman, especially one of those from his short list of loser women he is looking at. All this talk of Harris is sort of funny to me. This "Black woman" in her own presidential bid did HORRIBLY. She even annoyed Black people.

Biden's best chance of winning would be picking a middle of the road White female governor or congress person from one of the midwestern swing states. Right now America is tired of the "BLM" narrative, especially in the swing states.
"He better pick a Black woman"

It's obvious that blacks have the goods on Biden and will use him to do their bidding. They've got something on Biden, probably proof of MeToo violations or going too far caressing little girls' hair. Throw in a little Ukraine collusion to help his son and Biden will be forced to do whatever BLM tells him to do. Is this the way we want our country run, by a leader being blackmailed by BLM or other black leaders?

‘He better pick a Black woman’: Biden faces Whitmer backlash

Um, no... not even close.
"He better pick a Black woman"

It's obvious that blacks have the goods on Biden and will use him to do their bidding. They've got something on Biden, probably proof of MeToo violations or going too far caressing little girls' hair. Throw in a little Ukraine collusion to help his son and Biden will be forced to do whatever BLM tells him to do. Is this the way we want our country run, by a leader being blackmailed by BLM or other black leaders?

‘He better pick a Black woman’: Biden faces Whitmer backlash

Wrong forum.
1-its probably true that people have said that.
2-Biden made his commitment to finding a black woman a long time ago. He knows its the best chance he has to win. What is tragic is the scary choices that he was come down with.
Any politician who has a sense of shame, embarrassment or conscience that they could be blackmailed over something is already more qualified and emotionally mature than the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania avenue.

The current occupant admitted he was vulnerable to being blackmailed when he paid a porn star to not tell anyone what he did with her.
"He better pick a Black woman"

It's obvious that blacks have the goods on Biden and will use him to do their bidding. They've got something on Biden, probably proof of MeToo violations or going too far caressing little girls' hair. Throw in a little Ukraine collusion to help his son and Biden will be forced to do whatever BLM tells him to do. Is this the way we want our country run, by a leader being blackmailed by BLM or other black leaders?

‘He better pick a Black woman’: Biden faces Whitmer backlash

A Caucasian woman would be best who can speak out for issues that matter to all no matter what. Yes a Caucasian woman who can cover issues that definitely address Black, Asian , Middle Eastern, Native American, Mediterranean, Jewish,
etc etc etc would be the best choice.

Placing a black woman as VP would subject that person to some extreme racist and narrow minded language beyond reality. Hopefully Biden is more awake than some think. Place women throughout as Cabinet Secretaries aka real positions of power.
"He better pick a Black woman"

It's obvious that blacks have the goods on Biden and will use him to do their bidding. They've got something on Biden, probably proof of MeToo violations or going too far caressing little girls' hair. Throw in a little Ukraine collusion to help his son and Biden will be forced to do whatever BLM tells him to do. Is this the way we want our country run, by a leader being blackmailed by BLM or other black leaders?

‘He better pick a Black woman’: Biden faces Whitmer backlash

Are you getting scared that it's slipping away?
Moderate Rights definition of “blackmail” is... well... Purdy wide.

Blackmailing usually doesn’t involve broadcasting your intentions to the rest of the world in an open letter.
"He better pick a Black woman"

It's obvious that blacks have the goods on Biden and will use him to do their bidding. They've got something on Biden, probably proof of MeToo violations or going too far caressing little girls' hair. Throw in a little Ukraine collusion to help his son and Biden will be forced to do whatever BLM tells him to do. Is this the way we want our country run, by a leader being blackmailed by BLM or other black leaders?

‘He better pick a Black woman’: Biden faces Whitmer backlash

I suppose it is either Biden or the man child. You know the one who throws temper tantrums, calls others names like a four year old spoiled brat, is a the third grade schoolyard bully and a very thin skinned egotist who take offense at anyone who might, just might have a bad thought about him. Then it's time to create a feud.

Right now I think I prefer the adult with whatever his past transgressions might have been.
"Biden had better pick an Irish woman."

"Biden had better pick a Greek woman."

People can say what they want.
"He better pick a Black woman"

It's obvious that blacks have the goods on Biden and will use him to do their bidding. They've got something on Biden, probably proof of MeToo violations or going too far caressing little girls' hair. Throw in a little Ukraine collusion to help his son and Biden will be forced to do whatever BLM tells him to do. Is this the way we want our country run, by a leader being blackmailed by BLM or other black leaders?

‘He better pick a Black woman’: Biden faces Whitmer backlash

If he picks Elizabeth Warren he is covered on all fronts. Woman...ehhh...check..Minority...ehhh...check. She is a woman...right?
Floating Whitmer isn't going over so well. Biden's people leaked that out to the press to see what would get over the weekend.
Will Biden risk losing a chunk of the black vote to secure MI??

According to the article, Biden would actually lose Michigan if he picked her. She must be really popular there.
I can always count on lefties posting videos, cartoons, and GIF's as a means of presenting their facts.

Save your energy, your gonna needs lots of material in the next 85 days...
I hope he does pick a black woman, especially one of those from his short list of loser women he is looking at. All this talk of Harris is sort of funny to me. This "Black woman" in her own presidential bid did HORRIBLY. She even annoyed Black people.

Biden's best chance of winning would be picking a middle of the road White female governor or congress person from one of the midwestern swing states. Right now America is tired of the "BLM" narrative, especially in the swing states.

Klobachar was actually his best pick but blacks ordered Biden not to pick her.
A Caucasian woman would be best who can speak out for issues that matter to all no matter what. Yes a Caucasian woman who can cover issues that definitely address Black, Asian , Middle Eastern, Native American, Mediterranean, Jewish,
etc etc etc would be the best choice.

Placing a black woman as VP would subject that person to some extreme racist and narrow minded language beyond reality. Hopefully Biden is more awake than some think. Place women throughout as Cabinet Secretaries aka real positions of power.

This thread is about blacks ordering Biden on what to do.
I can always count on lefties posting videos, cartoons, and GIF's as a means of presenting their facts.
Fact: Your OP is an argument from ignorance. You cannot prove that your OP is true or false. It is what constitutes a conspiracy theory, and then you respond to my post as if I was supposed to somehow prove it was true or false. My apologies for not going along with your QAnon thread.
Are you getting scared that it's slipping away?

To be totally honest. Yes, I am scared that we will elect someone like Biden. Trump is the far better choice and it sickens me that the leftist media and the dems have succeeded in painting Trump as the devil in the White House when it is the Obama deep state who has been running the country.
Any politician who has a sense of shame, embarrassment or conscience that they could be blackmailed over something is already more qualified and emotionally mature than the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania avenue.

Because selecting someone to hold the second highest office in our government exclusively based on the fact that they are black is the best way to guarantee a good candidate.

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