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Biblical Bucket List for Believers: 50 Things to Fortify and Finalize According to Sc (1 Viewer)


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Archdiocese of Washington ^ | April 4, 2013 | Msgr. Charles Pope

Posted on Friday, April 05, 2013 11:53:05 AM by NYer @ Biblical Bucket List for Believers: 50 Things to Fortify and Finalize According to Scripture

In the last few years the phrase “Bucket List” has come into the American lexicon. A bucket list is a list of things to accomplish before you die. There is some sort of TV show related to this that I have never seen, but from the few snips I have seen, it is mostly about frivolous, even unpleasant stuff.

What would you add or delete?
Re: Biblical Bucket List for Believers: 50 Things to Fortify and Finalize According t

#51 - Stop being such a dick
Re: Biblical Bucket List for Believers: 50 Things to Fortify and Finalize According t

#51 - Stop being such a dick

I agree; you should :lamo
Re: Biblical Bucket List for Believers: 50 Things to Fortify and Finalize According t

Moderator's Warning:
Remember where you are.... this is Thunderdome, and Death is listening.... oh, no wait... I mean this is the Religious Discussion Forum, and I'm watching... be civil. No trolling.

Re: Biblical Bucket List for Believers: 50 Things to Fortify and Finalize According t

If you are going to drag out some Tina, you could at least make it a hot picture


By the way, most all of the 50 items on that list say the same thing in a different way
Re: Biblical Bucket List for Believers: 50 Things to Fortify and Finalize According t

If you are going to drag out some Tina, you could at least make it a hot picture

View attachment 67145641

By the way, most all of the 50 items on that list say the same thing in a different way

Okay, mine wasn't the best pic of her, but you can't possibly tell me she wasn't hot in that chain-mail dress...
Re: Biblical Bucket List for Believers: 50 Things to Fortify and Finalize According t

Okay, mine wasn't the best pic of her, but you can't possibly tell me she wasn't hot in that chain-mail dress...

She is pretty much hot in any picture except the one you drug out with her looking like Ricardo Montalbán in the Wrath of Khan
Re: Biblical Bucket List for Believers: 50 Things to Fortify and Finalize According t

#51 - Stop being such a dick

You're not so bad.
Re: Biblical Bucket List for Believers: 50 Things to Fortify and Finalize According t

She is pretty much hot in any picture except the one you drug out with her looking like Ricardo Montalbán in the Wrath of Khan

I was in a hurry.
Re: Biblical Bucket List for Believers: 50 Things to Fortify and Finalize According t

Moderator's Warning:
Okay, I know Tina Turner is distracting, but we will now obey the Eleventh "Commandment": Sticketh to the Topic, more or less.

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