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Best Quarterback to never win a superbowl? (1 Viewer)


Klattu Verata Nicto
DP Veteran
May 19, 2005
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Libertarian - Right
I say Dan Marino was the best quarterback to never win a superbowl, but would love to know what the rest of you think.
Burt Reynolds in "The Longest Yard"...:2wave:
Roman Gabriel
Sonny Jergenson
John Brodie
Y.A. Tittle
Some would say Randall Cunningham, but umm having lived in the Philly area under most of his ummm playing days, I dreamed of being in Miami, watching Marino. A PA boy, for starters, and well, I like fish more than I like Beagles :)
Marino. Did Unitas ever win the superbowl? I can't remember. I don't think Otto Graham did because it didn't exist at the time.

two others-Boom Esiason and Ken Anderson-both of the bengals, both league MVP's the years the bengals lost in the title game
I have to agree about Dan Marino. As far as the old-timers, They didn't have the "Super Bowl" back then, I think we should keep this current with players we have footage of. Dan Fouts is another great QB. Some might even say Archie Manning.
Being from Miami, have to go with Marino too. I remember the first game he played, when the regular quarterback was injured. The way he came in and immediately took over the field was stunning.

Fran Tarkenton was another great QB who never got the ring.
LaMidRighter said:
I say Dan Marino was the best quarterback to never win a superbowl, but would love to know what the rest of you think.

Fran Tarkenton and Dan Marino. ;)
Dapper Dan for sure, no contest.
Bobby Douglas, Bears QB

Just seeing if your paying attention!
Originally posted by Crazy Horse:
Dan Marino
Your answer is not that crazy. Welcome to debate politics.
Montana....but he was only "Great" because of Rice....otherwise he was just damn good
tecoyah said:
Montana....but he was only "Great" because of Rice....otherwise he was just damn good

He won a Super Bowl.
Billo_Really said:
"A" Super Bowl?

lol, "A" Super Bowl, more than once?:rofl
Jim Kelly

4 times to the show in a row? That is amazing, and I couldn't stand the bills.
Never mind....I didn't see the word NEVER.

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