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Best move for Bernie and Dems! (1 Viewer)

Frank Apisa

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Mar 4, 2008
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New Jersey
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In my opinion...the best move for Bernie and the Democrats would be for Bernie to acknowledge that he is not going to get the Democratic Party nomination...and to return to Independent status immediately.

Then for the Democratic Party to invite him as an Independent to address the Democratic Party convention...to speak to them in prime time as an INDEPENDENT...offering an Independent's view of what independents expect from a major party.

Perhaps even lecturing the Dems on moderating the tone of the "gun control" bandwagon...a bandwagon that will NEVER have significant success...and will always alienate many people who otherwise would be inclined to vote Democratic.

I think such a deal worked out could be to the maximum benefit of both the Dems and Bernie Sanders.
Independent covers more than just the socialist and progressive types which Bernie speaks for.

The best move for Bernie and the Democrats would be for Hillary to drop out so the stronger candidate of the two who is dogged neither by a still looming e-mail controversy (that continues to be under mounting FBI scrutiny), nor a closet full of skeletons can take it to Trump.

Of course that's utterly improbable, but this doesn't make it any less of an optimal outcome.

The best move for Bernie and the Democrats would be for Hillary to drop out so the stronger candidate of the two who is dogged neither by a still looming e-mail controversy (that continues to be under mounting FBI scrutiny), nor a closet full of skeletons can take it to Trump.

Of course that's utterly improbable, but this doesn't make it any less of an optimal outcome.

Which is why we (Bernie supporters) and Clinton supporters, need to compromise immediately.

No more of this hating on and deriding the opposing sides' candidates. Set aside your bias of them, and let them just share the ticket, please? Everyone will be happy in the end.
Which is why we (Bernie supporters) and Clinton supporters, need to compromise immediately.

No more of this hating on and deriding the opposing sides' candidates. Set aside your bias of them, and let them just share the ticket, please? Everyone will be happy in the end.

I agree that compromise MUST be made. I have been arguing for that all along.

But the compromise can no more include Bernie on the ticket than it can include Hillary stepping aside for Bernie as the presidential candidate.

Bernie has made a SIGNIFICANT impact on the Democratic Party. He can make a further impact with the proper handling of an assignment in prime time at the convention (and probably some impact on the platform committee).

I personally do not want to see him on the ticket. In my opinion, he brings more negatives than positives to the ticket.
I agree that compromise MUST be made. I have been arguing for that all along.

But the compromise can no more include Bernie on the ticket than it can include Hillary stepping aside for Bernie as the presidential candidate...

Stopped reading right there, primarily because those two things have virtually nothing to do with one another and are thus not comparable at all.
In my opinion...the best move for Bernie and the Democrats would be for Bernie to acknowledge that he is not going to get the Democratic Party nomination...and to return to Independent status immediately.

Then for the Democratic Party to invite him as an Independent to address the Democratic Party convention...to speak to them in prime time as an INDEPENDENT...offering an Independent's view of what independents expect from a major party.

Perhaps even lecturing the Dems on moderating the tone of the "gun control" bandwagon...a bandwagon that will NEVER have significant success...and will always alienate many people who otherwise would be inclined to vote Democratic.

I think such a deal worked out could be to the maximum benefit of both the Dems and Bernie Sanders.

Socialism is bad economics as well as being populist politics. The sooner his ideas are forgotten, the better off the country will be.
Socialism is bad economics as well as being populist politics. The sooner his ideas are forgotten, the better off the country will be.

This isn't about Socialism, this is about compromise, that is the topic at hand.
This isn't about Socialism, this is about compromise, that is the topic at hand.

There should be no compromise with socialism. It is bad for the country and compromise is only good, if it reduces socialist endeavor and credibility.
There should be no compromise with socialism. It is bad for the country and compromise is only good, if it reduces socialist endeavor and credibility.

If you think that Socialism is a bigger threat than Fascism at this point in the 2016 election, you're not paying attention to current-events.
If you think that Socialism is a bigger threat than Fascism at this point in the 2016 election, you're not paying attention to current-events.

Both are equal threats and for much the same reasons.
In my opinion...the best move for Bernie and the Democrats would be for Bernie to acknowledge that he is not going to get the Democratic Party nomination...and to return to Independent status immediately.

Then for the Democratic Party to invite him as an Independent to address the Democratic Party convention...to speak to them in prime time as an INDEPENDENT...offering an Independent's view of what independents expect from a major party.

Perhaps even lecturing the Dems on moderating the tone of the "gun control" bandwagon...a bandwagon that will NEVER have significant success...and will always alienate many people who otherwise would be inclined to vote Democratic.

I think such a deal worked out could be to the maximum benefit of both the Dems and Bernie Sanders.

Your title should read "Best thing for Clinton would be....."

This certainly wouldn't be the best move for Bernie.

Arguably, by failing to even acknowledge the chord Bernie has struck with the younger generation and by failing to use that to bring them into the realm of political awareness and activity, they fail to cultivate their own future support. So, arguably, this wouldn't be best for the Democratic Party either, although it's certainly what most at the DNC want. Shillary seems to be the only winner, although it would be a boon to Trump as well.
In my opinion...the best move for Bernie and the Democrats would be for Bernie to acknowledge that he is not going to get the Democratic Party nomination...and to return to Independent status immediately.

Then for the Democratic Party to invite him as an Independent to address the Democratic Party convention...to speak to them in prime time as an INDEPENDENT...offering an Independent's view of what independents expect from a major party.

Perhaps even lecturing the Dems on moderating the tone of the "gun control" bandwagon...a bandwagon that will NEVER have significant success...and will always alienate many people who otherwise would be inclined to vote Democratic.

I think such a deal worked out could be to the maximum benefit of both the Dems and Bernie Sanders.

The best way for Bernie to push his agenda is to make the most of the leverage that being a candidate gives him. He has already managed to push Hillary way over to the left. As for the violence and disruption from Bernie supporters feared by the establishment Democratics, this is way overblown. When Bernie calls for unity, as he will eventually, most of that will subside.

Of course, my ability at prognostication this cycle is completely shot, so YMMV.
Because Trump and Bernie both have an equal chance of winning the 2016 election?

What? Who said that? You must be addressing the wrong post.
How can they be equal threats if their respective candidates DO NOT possess equal potency?

Maybe you should think about it. But first read the entries.
Independent covers more than just the socialist and progressive types which Bernie speaks for.

Yes, Independent is not a party. Its unaffiliated. It includes those with the proclivity to fascism, communism, anarchy or people that just don't like labels. Its not a one size fits all; its a catch all of all sizes. Bernie would not be speaking FOR independents, he would be speaking AS an independent.
In my opinion...the best move for Bernie and the Democrats would be for Bernie to acknowledge that he is not going to get the Democratic Party nomination...and to return to Independent status immediately.

Then for the Democratic Party to invite him as an Independent to address the Democratic Party convention...to speak to them in prime time as an INDEPENDENT...offering an Independent's view of what independents expect from a major party.

Perhaps even lecturing the Dems on moderating the tone of the "gun control" bandwagon...a bandwagon that will NEVER have significant success...and will always alienate many people who otherwise would be inclined to vote Democratic.

I think such a deal worked out could be to the maximum benefit of both the Dems and Bernie Sanders.

That's probably not a bad idea at this point. The guy has obviously struck a note with the Democrat base and they need to recognize that before they end up like the GOP. This primary has seen a seismic shift in what the voting population on both sides of the political spectrum are capable of. Establishment dogma simply will not be tolerated. That's the good news.

The bad news is that we are now looking at two disturbingly flawed candidates for president. That isn't going to change between now and November. Sanders should take a leading role for the left wing and also work on developing someone to replace him. On the right we need to understand that simply gutting the establishment isn't going to be enough. We need a real plan to get things back on track and a solid visionary who can stick to that plan without getting sidetracked by all the "social justice" crap that really isn't the role of the federal government anyway.
Bernie would not be speaking FOR independents, he would be speaking AS an independent.
No, he is speaking as a democratic socialist.

And to boot, that is basically a dependent, not an independent. :mrgreen:
Bernie as Supreme Court nominee??
No, he is speaking as a democratic socialist.

And to boot, that is basically a dependent, not an independent. :mrgreen:

Bernie is every bit the independent that most independents are.....I suspect I could say the same about you. They have political leanings and a strong proclivity to vote certain ways. They just chose not to wear a party label, yet most are loyal to a party.

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