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Belarus Yard Sale (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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They Russian withdrawal methods haven’t changed in nearly eighty years. When Soviet troops left West-Berlin, in 1945, they ripped plumbing fixtures from the homes of Germans, piled them on their eastbound trucks. Toilets were a bit of a novelty item back home.

The defense ministry said Russians are selling "washing machines and dishwashers, refrigerators, precious jewelry, cars, bicycles, motorcycles, dishes, carpets, artworks, children's toys, cosmetics."
They Russian withdrawal methods haven’t changed in nearly eighty years. When Soviet troops left West-Berlin, in 1945, they ripped plumbing fixtures from the homes of Germans, piled them on their eastbound trucks. Toilets were a bit of a novelty item back home.

The defense ministry said Russians are selling "washing machines and dishwashers, refrigerators, precious jewelry, cars, bicycles, motorcycles, dishes, carpets, artworks, children's toys, cosmetics."

People steal what they think can get money for. In a country like Belarus, every day stuff might fetch a good price. In Iraq, it was archaeological relics.

Pillage and rape. Russia has embraced the barbaric ways.

As I just pointed out, the same type of thing happened in Iraq. People steal. Putting on the uniform doesn’t change that.
As I just pointed out, the same type of thing happened in Iraq. People steal. Putting on the uniform doesn’t change that.
No, you just pointed out the the U.S. has located stolen goods and is returning them. Is Russia doing that?

The United States is returning more than 17,000 ancient artefacts

Besides, you should oppose it in both cases, instead of basically defending it when Russia does it with whataboutisms....
This is your schtick lately though...defend Russia by pointing the finger at America.
No, you just pointed out the the U.S. has located stolen goods and is returning them. Is Russia doing that?

Besides, you should oppose it in both cases, instead of basically defending it when Russia does it with whataboutisms....
This is your schtick lately though...defend Russia by pointing the finger at America.

Goods that were stolen by US servicemen and contractors in the first place in many cases, as I already pointed out,

Beside, I have every right to point out hypocrisy.....and I’ve seen plenty of it lately.
Goods that were stolen by US servicemen and contractors in the first place in many cases, as I already pointed out,
Beside, I have every right to point out hypocrisy.....and I’ve seen plenty of it lately.
But the U.S. has worked diligently to identify and return some 17K artifacts.
Again, since you want to compare...is Russia known of rounding up this sort of loot and returning it to the people they invade?
You think Putin is gonna go round up those appliances and credit them back to Ukraine?

Don't make me laugh.

You have every right to defend Putin, no question about it.
But the U.S. has worked diligently to identify and return some 17K artifacts.
Again, since you want to compare...is Russia known of rounding up this sort of loot and returning it to the people they invade?
You think Putin is gonna go round up those appliances and credit them back to Ukraine?

Don't make me laugh.

You have every right to defend Putin, no question about it.

Well over a decade later, yeah. Do you really think that makes the Iraqis feel any better? Who knows how many thousands of artifacts are gone for good?

You thinking pointing out hypocrisy “defends Putin” only further proves my point.
You thinking pointing out hypocrisy “defends Putin” only further proves my point.

You haven't pointed out any hypocrisy. I think most people who see artifacts were stolen from Iraq probably think it was bad, and probably think our government working to collect and send back many of them, is good.

You're the one defending Putin/Russia with whataboutism, and you haven't demonstrated hypocrisy.
You haven't pointed out any hypocrisy. I think most people who see artifacts were stolen from Iraq probably think it was bad, and probably think our government working to collect and send back many of them, is good.

You're the one defending Putin/Russia with whataboutism, and you haven't demonstrated hypocrisy.

Once again, that doesn’t change the fact that vast numbers of artifacts were looted by US servicemen and contractors— not to mention underworld figures. Furthermore, as I pointed out, many of those engaged in looting were NOT held accountable, or received light slaps on the wrist.

You can fume and pontificate all you want, but denouncing others as “barbaric” for something we did, enthusiastically, ourselves is the definition of hypocrisy.

And no amount of wailing “but Putin!” can change that.
That is what he does here at DP, defend Putin.

Ukraine = Nazis. Putin = Good.

Please post evidence of me saying Putin was good. I’ll wait.

Or just lie again. It’s what you do here at DP, after all. I’m still waiting on the evidence for your previous claim of me supporting Stalin 😂
Please post evidence of me saying Putin was good. I’ll wait.

Or just lie again. It’s what you do here at DP, after all. I’m still waiting on the evidence for your previous claim of me supporting Stalin 😂
When someone posts negative stuff about Putin/Russia, you, among others, rush to point the finger elsewhere. It's a defense of Putin/Russia, it's not fooling anyone.
Of course the U.S. engages in bad stuff, but comparing the two is neither the subject, nor done in a meaningful way. You really want to claim the U.S. military commits as many atrocities as Russia's military..really? But then, that would also be the topic of another thread....
When someone posts negative stuff about Putin/Russia, you, among others, rush to point the finger elsewhere. It's a defense of Putin/Russia, it's not fooling anyone.

When someone is a raving hypocrite I point out their hypocrisy. It’s not my fault that triggers you.

But I get that McCarthyism is back in these days, so your flailing is hardly surprising.
When someone is a raving hypocrite I point out their hypocrisy. It’s not my fault that triggers you.
But I get that McCarthyism is back in these days, so your flailing is hardly surprising.

Why are you still claiming you are "pointing out their hypocrisy"? Who here engaged in hypocrisy?
So far all that I see is defending Russia/Putin. (again)
As I just pointed out, the same type of thing happened in Iraq. People steal. Putting on the uniform doesn’t change that.
Yes it does. It makes the state you are representing a criminal state.
Why are you still claiming you are "pointing out their hypocrisy"? Who here engaged in hypocrisy?

The person who started babbling about “barbarism” while ignoring the simple fact that the US military is every bit as guilty. Does that make us “barbaric”? No, because people steal. Putting on the uniform doesn’t change that.
Yes it does. It makes the state you are representing a criminal state.

Does that mean the US is a criminal state? After all, as I already showed many looters either totally escaped punishment or got slaps on the wrist.

The oligarchs running Russia ARE criminals, but that’s not because some conscript walked off with some jewelry.
The person who started babbling about “barbarism” while ignoring the simple fact that the US military is every bit as guilty. Does that make us “barbaric”? No, because people steal. Putting on the uniform doesn’t change that.
Saying that raping and pillaging during war is barbaric doesn't make someone a hypocrite. You're so lost Tigerace177.
Saying that raping and pillaging during war is barbaric doesn't make someone a hypocrite. You're so lost Tigerace177.

The article is specifically talking about looting. Rape was not mentioned

(And btw, the US military has a MASSIVE issue with sexual assault and sexual harassment cases. Does that make us barbarians?)
The article is specifically talking about looting. Rape was not mentioned.
Because it's not mentioned doesn't mean it's not happening does it?

(And btw, the US military has a MASSIVE issue with sexual assault and sexual harassment cases. Does that make us barbarians?)
Ah, so you admit there wasn't any hypocrisy. Glad I could help you clear that up. Next time don't ****ing strawman a debate topic like that, falling all over your face to defend Russia.
Does that mean the US is a criminal state? After all, as I already showed many looters either totally escaped punishment or got slaps on the wrist.

The oligarchs running Russia ARE criminals, but that’s not because some conscript walked off with some jewelry.
When soldiers wearing the US military steal...they are representing a criminal state, a state where its' representatives commit crime under protection of that state.
When soldiers wearing the US military steal...they are representing a criminal state, a state where its' representatives commit crime under protection of that state.

So you ARE saying that the US is a criminal state then?
Because it's not mentioned doesn't mean it's not happening does it?

Ah, so you admit there wasn't any hypocrisy. Glad I could help you clear that up. Next time don't ****ing strawman a debate topic like that, falling all over your face to defend Russia.

Nope. It does, however, mean that your hysterics were in the wrong thread from the start. Especially since you ran like the wind to dodge the question.

Or Gee, start paying attention to the thread topic before you post.

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