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Barack Obama is the Man (1 Viewer)

Yes this seems like a fair characterization of events.
I will take dishonest political rhetoric for 1000 Alex.

I wonder if there is more to the story than the right wing sources you use state? Why, 30 second Google search says yes. Democratic lawmakers among 200 arrested at immigration rally - latimes.com

Turns out it was allowed under first amendment grounds, and that the same reason was used to end up allowing vets to visit the WW2 memorial. More reading you might find interesting, though I warn you, it is not your handy, telling you only the lies you want to hear sources. NPCA's Park Advocate » Q&A: Do Visitors Really Need to Be Shut Out of National Parks During the Government Shutdown?
I know Redress, Barack is the man.

This is what we call a straw man. Not only did I not say it, I don't think it nor believe it. I consider Obama to be a major disappointment. But, just as I have defended both Bushes and Cheney from idiotic, dishonest charges, I do the same for Obama.
This is what we call a straw man. Not only did I not say it, I don't think it nor believe it. I consider Obama to be a major disappointment. But, just as I have defended both Bushes and Cheney from idiotic, dishonest charges, I do the same for Obama.

And why would you want to defend Obama on this ?

Facts are, veterans, American citizens have been threatened with arrest and denied access to national monuments and parks while the Obama administration signed off on allowing illegal aliens and radical leftist activist to hold a rally on the National Mall that is closed to Americans.

What was the purpose of this rally ? People who broke our laws and aren't suppose to be here in the first place demanding not asking but demanding amnesty, citizenship and free stuff.

There have been 17 other government shutdowns since 1976 and yes monuments and parks were closed but never were Americans denied access to these monuments and parks, just the information centers were closed.
And why would you want to defend Obama on this ?

Facts are, veterans, American citizens have been threatened with arrest and denied access to national monuments and parks while the Obama administration signed off on allowing illegal aliens and radical leftist activist to hold a rally on the National Mall that is closed to Americans.

What was the purpose of this rally ? People who broke our laws and aren't suppose to be here in the first place demanding not asking but demanding amnesty, citizenship and free stuff.

There have been 17 other government shutdowns since 1976 and yes monuments and parks were closed but never were Americans denied access to these monuments and parks, just the information centers were closed.

Look up. I documented the rest of the story. I know, non right wing sources are scarey, but you might read and learn.
I wonder if there is more to the story than the right wing sources you use state? Why, 30 second Google search says yes. Democratic lawmakers among 200 arrested at immigration rally - latimes.com

Last week the SEIU asked for 200 volunteers to be arrested. This is standard operating procedure with most sponsored SEIU and Party of Liberation and Socialism rallies.

Have you ever noticed they always ask for 200 volunteers to be arrested, not 100 or 300 but always 200. I suppose the SEIU is limited on how much of union members dues they can use for paying for the bail and paying the fines of these volunteers.

Exclusive: Immigration Organizer Asks for 200 Volunteers to Get Arrested at DC Rally

>" Breitbart News has obtained emails in which an immigration campaign organizer for the Center for Community Change (CCC), a liberal grassroots organizing group working with a Hispanic advocacy group and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), sent an email this week asking for at least 200 people to to volunteer to get arrested at an immigration rally in Washington, D.C. in acts of civil disobedience..."<

Immigration Organizer Asks for 200 Volunteers to Get Arrested at DC Rally
My current sense of Present Moment Awareness is locked firmly on the "talks" going on tonight.
Noone has seen Eric Cantor so remorseful after the WH meeting, remembering the blisters he still has from the KOCH brothers.
Look up. I documented the rest of the story. I know, non right wing sources are scarey, but you might read and learn.
Last week the SEIU asked for 200 volunteers to be arrested. This is standard operating procedure with most sponsored SEIU and Party of Liberation and Socialism rallies.

Have you ever noticed they always ask for 200 volunteers to be arrested, not 100 or 300 but always 200. I suppose the SEIU is limited on how much of union members dues they can use for paying for the bail and paying the fines of these volunteers.

Exclusive: Immigration Organizer Asks for 200 Volunteers to Get Arrested at DC Rally

>" Breitbart News has obtained emails in which an immigration campaign organizer for the Center for Community Change (CCC), a liberal grassroots organizing group working with a Hispanic advocacy group and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), sent an email this week asking for at least 200 people to to volunteer to get arrested at an immigration rally in Washington, D.C. in acts of civil disobedience..."<

Immigration Organizer Asks for 200 Volunteers to Get Arrested at DC Rally

What the **** does that have to do with the topic? Are you that desperate to hide that your claims turned out to be distortions?
The president could no more keep the immigration rally off the mall than he could keep the veterans out of the WWII memorial.
The republicons shut them down... no one can keep the people out.
BTW keep carping about it and bringing attention to it. Republicon approval numbers keep dropping and dropping.:lamo
Look up. I documented the rest of the story. I know, non right wing sources are scarey, but you might read and learn.

I read the L.A. Slime story this morning when I found the rag sitting on my front porch this morning.

I also last Friday heard on KFI and KABC news that the left were calling for 200 volunteers to be arrested at the illegal alien rally on the National Mall, These arrest were planned in advance.
What the **** does that have to do with the topic? Are you that desperate to hide that your claims turned out to be distortions?

The topic of the thread is that Obama signed off on allowing an illegal alien rally to take place on the National Mall while it's officially closed to American citizens.

You provided a link about 200 people including loony leftist members of Congress being arrested at the rally.

What do you think the topic of the thread is about ?
The topic of the thread is that Obama signed off on allowing an illegal alien rally to take place on the National Mall while it's officially closed to American citizens.

You provided a link about 200 people including loony leftist members of Congress being arrested at the rally.

What do you think the topic of the thread is about ?

I provided a source that explained how both vets and political rallies are being allowed based on first amendment rights.
I read the L.A. Slime story . . .

Argument by snarky internal rhyme. Palin perfected this and here you are, imitating her.

At some point, people will notice that conservatives can't argue on the merits. Then how will your rhymes help you?
The president could no more keep the immigration rally off the mall than he could keep the veterans out of the WWII memorial.
The republicons shut them down... no one can keep the people out.
BTW keep carping about it and bringing attention to it. Republicon approval numbers keep dropping and dropping.:lamo

From what I heard this morning, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and the American Legion are going to remember and make Obama's and the Democrats in the Senate actions an issue during the mid term elections.

They're also not going to forget that the Republicans in the House tried to restore funding to the VA and the Democrats in the Senate rejected it.
I provided a source that explained how both vets and political rallies are being allowed based on first amendment rights.

But in the begaining vets were denied access. Irt just wasn't vets but all Americans.

The facts are, WW ll vets were denied access to the Second World War Memorials and like Patton they turned their wheelchairs towards Obama's Park Police and broke through their lines.

Vietnam vets and other Americans were denied access to the Vietnam War memorial.

Other Americans were denied access to the Marine Corps Memorial.

Obama realised he ###### up again. His strategy backed fire on him.

And it's just not vets and D.C.

Occupy America! Citizens storm the Barrycades

(Barry cades. I like it. :lamo)

>" Could this be the end of Monument Syndrome? Across the country, ordinary Americans are rising up in revolt against the old Washington tactic of closing public parks and memorials during selective government “shutdowns” to score political points. Tax-paying tourists are tossing off the orange traffic cones and “Barrycades.” Enough is enough.

The movement started with waves of World War II veterans who flew to D.C. last week as part of the Honor Flight Network. (The nonprofit group brings our surviving heroes to visit the memorials that honor their service and sacrifice.) The vets and volunteers breached the fences last week, exposing the tone-deaf tactics of President Obama’s Spite House. Honor Flight visits continue this week, and more vets vowed to defy the cynical closures.

They are not alone. At Gettysburg National Military Park, tourists broke through barriers and posed for pictures on the battlefields with notes reading, “Catch us if you can.” One visitor reported that motorists formed impromptu caravans as rangers chased them. “Strength in numbers,” they tweeted..."<
Michelle Malkin | Occupy America! Citizens storm the Barrycades «

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