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baby and the bong - poor attempt at humor or child endangerment? (1 Viewer)


long standing member
DP Veteran
Dec 22, 2005
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there is a mom (19) who put that photo of her child on facebook thinking it would be found amusing
seems the authorities don't like it and may be concerned for the kid ...

do you believe this child is vulnerable or is the mother just humor (and common sense) impaired?

Baby with Bong Picture Sparks Outrage; Mother Investigated, Say Reports - Crimesider - CBS News

there is a mom (19) who put that photo of her child on facebook thinking it would be found amusing
seems the authorities don't like it and may be concerned for the kid ...

do you believe this child is vulnerable or is the mother just humor (and common sense) impaired?

Baby with Bong Picture Sparks Outrage; Mother Investigated, Say Reports - Crimesider - CBS News
I am sure the baby is fine but the mother should be ticketed or dope slapped for being a complete idiot by advertising her personal habits.
I am sure the baby is fine but the mother should be ticketed or dope slapped for being a complete idiot by advertising her personal habits.

my guess is this kid is destined to be a stoner
notice how he is already mimicking mom ... fire it up
my guess is this kid is destined to be a stoner
notice how he is already mimicking mom ... fire it up
Your probably right, and the shame of it all is that the mother probably will help him out...just a hunch.
The kid is likely not endangered. The mother is certainly humour impaired though, maybe due to too much smoking?
I got the munchies..even baby food sounds good....strained peas....drool
Glad Facebook could come and save the day again. Who needs a police force anymore when people are posting self-incriminating evidence. :roll:
This is no worse than the really popular baby pics folks use as avatars I have saw of the baby with a ciggy and one with a beer.

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