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At what age did you start masturbating? (1 Viewer)

At what age did you start masturbating?

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"If you ain't first, you're last"
DP Veteran
Apr 25, 2010
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This is a follow up/relation question to my other poll
What is a good age to have the FULL sex talk?

I started at about 10 around 4th/5th grade
o_O ... Good god man...wtf, that's freakin young...

I got around 14....and have been masturbating ever sense xD
I consider such things private, and thus I ain't telling you.
o_O ... Good god man...wtf, that's freakin young...

I got around 14....and have been masturbating ever sense xD

well I didnt even know what it was, i discovered it while washing, as im sure most do?
I remember it very clealry though has it was a little scary at first also

but yes i agree ever since LOL
I consider such things private, and thus I ain't telling you.

i can respect that
I also tend to agree but for me this isnt exactly that public
Informally, ever since I can remember (and my memory begins when I acquired language, so maybe... age two? Early three?)
I've always been aware that it feels good to touch myself there.

But I didn't have orgasms (except in my sleep a couple of times) until I was around 20, so as far as masturbating with the goal of achieving orgasm in mind... that would be only in my adult life.
About age 10 where I was actively masturbating and discovering orgasm. But I touched myself much, MUCH earlier. Hell, my nephew and nieces were touching themselves from infancy.
About age 10 where I was actively masturbating and discovering orgasm. But I touched myself much, MUCH earlier. Hell, my nephew and nieces were touching themselves from infancy.

I have a friend who claims she had her first orgasm at around four or five. :shrug:
Wait a minute, wait a minute. Women can't have orgasms. That's a myth.
About age 10 where I was actively masturbating and discovering orgasm. But I touched myself much, MUCH earlier. Hell, my nephew and nieces were touching themselves from infancy.

yeah i did to and most do i was focusing on the orgasm part or atleast working to something
lots of kids just rub sometimes
Wait a minute, wait a minute. Women can't have orgasms. That's a myth.

all it takes is practice and paying attention
not saying YOU dont just talking about
for me im not having fun unless she is, thats just my wiring its no fun unless she is having fun so you pay attention and figure it out

i gave most of my girlfriends their first and a lot more girls can actually squirt if you work at it and they try/trust you/let go
Many, many possible reasons.

i guess but the possible one in my mind would have probably stopped them from getting married is what i was getting at
Im not married. I do have a girlfriend though who I have been with since I was 14, and we wants to wait till we get married to have sex. So, she says if I need to masturbate, she doesn't care, hell, she laughs at it. :/
Many, many possible reasons.
i don't know of any girl that would care, not even mine, who goes to church every sunday and probably would be called a big christian fundy on this very forum...

and she still manages to laugh at me....for masturbating...laugh it me....

damn you DP...
Probably around 10 or so? And my mom caught me told me to stop so made me do it even more.
I'm glad someone made this thread, because I frankly find this topic fascinating, and feel kind of creepy bringing it up myself.

Until I was 16, I couldn't stand watching porn. It's not that it didn't have an effect on me, it's that it DID... and for some reason, I found that uncomfortable. It wasn't my upbringing - I was raised in an atheist household and we hardly ever talked about sex. I just felt dirty each time I came close to a screen where something sexually explicit was being shown. Even soft core (heck, only soft core - I never even encountered anything else until I started consciously looking for it).

When I was 13, I discovered that lots of people watch porn. It was a bit of a shock to me. I only found out because of a school trip wherein my roommates found HBO, which was apparently showing edgy stuff at night. Until then, porn was something for disturbed, messed-up perverts. I mostly stayed in my room to avoid the TV that trip.

When I was 15, I discovered that most men masturbate. This was an even bigger shock. I had never felt ANY urge to masturbate (I didn't even know how; later on, I looked it up on Wikipedia to find out). That year, though, not only did I hear guys talking about it pretty openly, but I was starting to really get into internet forums, and was finding out some pretty shocking things there. Weed, as it turned out, wasn't just for pothead bums. Masturbation, as it turned out, wasn't just for disgusting perverts. It took at least two years for me to get over all of this, and at the time I found it absolutely fascinating.

Around my 16th birthday I decided I might as well see what all the fuss was about, and for the first time watched some porn. My immediate reaction, as I remember it, was disappointment. I enjoyed it, but wasn't really sure what made it such a big deal. Not until April 19, 2008, when out of curiosity I pulled it for the first time. I was so ignorant of it I didn't even realize what physical effect this would create, and had some cleaning up to do afterward, if you get what I'm saying. I've been doing it on a regular basis ever since. The urge didn't appear until after it had been done once, which makes sense when you think about it - people aren't drug addicts before they've actually tried the drug. The kicker is, though, I've probably gotten significantly less horny since I started... I have no idea whether this is related, or just part of my natural growth.

Anyways, that's more than anyone ever wanted to know about me.

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