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At least 8 white nationalists are running for federal office (video) (1 Viewer)


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At least 8 white nationalists running for federal office

MSNBC’s Morgan Radford spoke with white nationalists who are running for federal office this year on the Republican ticket. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, at least eight white nationalists are running, more than ever before.
Tiki torch sales will be booming come November. American Nazi Party, Holocaust deniers, Trump fans. One big happy party.
At least 8 white nationalists running for federal office

MSNBC’s Morgan Radford spoke with white nationalists who are running for federal office this year on the Republican ticket. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, at least eight white nationalists are running, more than ever before.
Tiki torch sales will be booming come November. American Nazi Party, Holocaust deniers, Trump fans. One big happy party.

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center
You got a source that doesn't rely on that group?
You got a source that doesn't rely on that group?

Do you care to post a link that proves them wrong? They document hate groups: https://www.splcenter.org/ Is there something wrong with keeping track of the right wing goose steppers in this country?
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It is sad but I am not surprised, Trump’s brand of politics has opened the door for all the wrong elements to try to capitalize on.
Do you care to post a link that proves them wrong? They document hate groups: https://www.splcenter.org/ Is there something wrong with keeping track of the right wing goose steppers in this country?


The purported fact-finding group is in fact a machine for turning leftist hysteria into cash.
There was a time when the Southern Poverty Law Center did useful work reporting on actual hate groups such as the KKK. These days, though, the SPLC is simply a MoveOn or Media Matters–style outfit. Its core mission now is trying to marginalize and shut up even mildly right-of-center voices by calling them instruments of hate, making increasingly strained attempts to tie conservative commentators, authors, political figures, and professors to the alt-right or neo-Nazism. At the same time it elevates absurd bloggers to the level of potential leaders of lynch mobs.

The equivalent of a Drudge-siren moment for SPLC is when it rolls out yet another faux-neutral report on hate, which is always getting worse and threatening to engulf the republic. The SPLC’s report on “Male supremacy,” which it calls “a hateful ideology for the subjugation of women” and ties to the men’s-rights activists lurking on 4Chan and Reddit who boast about their supposed dominance of women, lists as pernicious allies the psychologist, author, and PJ Media columnist Helen Smith and the American Enterprise Institute scholar Christina Hoff Sommers, calling them “anti-feminist female voices” who “give the men’s rights movement a veneer of even-handedness” and lend a “mainstream and respectable face to some MRA concerns.”

Here you go: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entr...g-for-office-2018_us_5a7da926e4b0c6726e1285c1

All The White Supremacists Running For Office In 2018

On Feb. 6, the Chicago Sun-Times reported that Arthur Jones, a longtime neo-Nazi, is poised to be the Republican nominee for a seat in Congress representing parts of Chicago and its suburbs.

Jones is running unopposed in the GOP primary, set for March 20, and is almost certain to lose in the general election. (The district he’s running to represent has voted for Democratic candidates in 24 of the last 25 elections.)

His campaign website includes a document called “The ‘Holocaust’ Racket,” which describes the well-documented genocide of 6 million Jews by German Nazis during World War II as “the biggest blackest lie in history.”
Be Warned: There Are Actual White Supremacists Running For Office

Be Warned: There Are Actual White Supremacists Running For Office
At least 8 white nationalists running for federal office

MSNBC’s Morgan Radford spoke with white nationalists who are running for federal office this year on the Republican ticket. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, at least eight white nationalists are running, more than ever before.
Tiki torch sales will be booming come November. American Nazi Party, Holocaust deniers, Trump fans. One big happy party.

The 'Southern Poverty Law Center' the anti-hate group that is a hate group. Yea I'm really not into what they are railing against these days.
BTW the term white nationalist doesn't sit well with me & historically a more appropriate description for these newcomers for federal office
would be ethno-nationalists!
The 'Southern Poverty Law Center' the anti-hate group that is a hate group. Yea I'm really not into what they are railing against these days.
BTW the term white nationalist doesn't sit well with me & historically a more appropriate description for these newcomers for federal office
would be ethno-nationalists!

But they are white. I just left my eye doctor & am 20/25 in my right eye & 20/40 in my left, so I can clearly see that they are white nationalists, as opposed to beige or yellow nationalists.

Arthur Jones.jpg

Paul Niehlen.jpg

And the really sad thing is that you would have no problem voting for these nuts & kooks.
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Love the conservatives running interference here for racists. I guess they are "very fine people."
But they are white. I just left my eye doctor & am 20/25 in my right eye & 20/40 in my left, so I can clearly see that they are white nationalists, as opposed to beige or yellow nationalists.

View attachment 67233717

View attachment 67233718

And the really sad thing is that you would have no problem voting for these nuts & kooks.

Germany has long surpassed the USA in migrant violence. By 2020 indigenous born Germans ages 0 to 18 will be outnumbered 2 to 1 by middle easterners and Africans. By 2030 the indigenous born German population as a whole will be a 45 to 48% minority.

This means that Germany will actually be the first islamic-European state.

Heil Merkel.

What that means is that Germany does not have enough ethno-nationalists.
BTW in S. Africa the ethno-nationalists are black, in Italy if you've been following recent events
the ethno-nationalists are white in Japan the ethno-nationalists are Japanese The correct
term is ethno-nationalism not white nationalism!
Love the conservatives running interference here for racists. I guess they are "very fine people."

It is sickening to watch the deplorables stand up for the nationalists and racists. But...these days, they all feel they can crawl out of the slime...
Why don't you offer some proof to refute what SPLC says instead of attacking them? Give us all the details on how these 8 aren't white nationalists...show your work.

I've been waiting for 64 minutes.
I've been waiting for 64 minutes.

What do you expect?

Honestly, you have people on here giving cover to racist sleaze-pigs like these guys.

You can't reason with that.
What do you expect?

Honestly, you have people on here giving cover to racist sleaze-pigs like these guys.

You can't reason with that.

I didn't expect Renae to respond or to be truthful. Did you?
I didn't expect Renae to respond or to be truthful. Did you?

LOL, of course not.

So many people here just use subtle and overt racism to back their arguments.
What do you expect?

Honestly, you have people on here giving cover to racist sleaze-pigs like these guys.

You can't reason with that.

Just walk away Renae is my advice.
Kinda Creepy
Why don't you offer some proof to refute what SPLC says instead of attacking them? Give us all the details on how these 8 aren't white nationalists...show your work.
Nah, they are a Media Matters type group now, not to be taken seriously.
Nah, they are a Media Matters type group now, not to be taken seriously.

Oh look, you still have refuse to actually refute what they said about these 8 candidates.

Do you duck out of things much?

Come on.....do it, show us why these 8 aren't white nationalists.

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