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Are you sure there is no God ? [W: 352] (1 Viewer)

Are you sure there is no God ?

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DP Veteran
Oct 9, 2011
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thanks ...This is a question for atheists who agree that there is no God
Re: Are you sure there is no God ?

I have a better question how can you be sure there is no santa claus?

I am sure. I stayed awake all Christmas Eve one year. I had a plan in mind. We were going to have a sled jacking that year. Think about it, a sled that flies, an endless bag of toys, and a master key to enter every house in the land... This was going to be fun. That **** sucker didn't show up. I ate the cookies that I'd laid out as bait and went to bed, disappointed.
Re: Are you sure there is no God ?

I have a better question how can you be sure there is no santa claus?

Santa is a historical figure but without flying reindeers of course
Re: Are you sure there is no God ?

thanks ...This is a question for atheists who agree that there is no God

Bottom fishing again? ;)
Re: Are you sure there is no God ?

thanks ...This is a question for atheists who agree that there is no God

There is no way to prove or disprove the existence of an all powerful being who wishes to remain outside of human perception. Anyone who says otherwise is guessing or making baseless assumptions.
Re: Are you sure there is no God ?

I am sure. I stayed awake all Christmas Eve one year. I had a plan in mind. We were going to have a sled jacking that year. Think about it, a sled that flies, an endless bag of toys, and a master key to enter every house in the land... This was going to be fun. That **** sucker didn't show up. I ate the cookies that I'd laid out as bait and went to bed, disappointed.

A story you can tell your kids....after they stopped believing in Santa Claus. :lamo
Re: Are you sure there is no God ?

Santa is a historical figure but without flying reindeers of course

if your definition of "god" is your next door neighbor phil... then yeah he probably exists, if you change the definition of santa claus to something that is real, it doesnt make the mythological santa anymore real

In other words, theres no way to disprove the existence of the flying spaghetti monster
Re: Are you sure there is no God ?

There's no real evidence to support the existence of gods and nothing that demands their existence either. It seems that between magic and nature, nature is the likely answer. But I suppose, perhaps, magic could be real even without any amount of evidence to back up its existence.
Re: Are you sure there is no God ?

thanks ...This is a question for atheists who agree that there is no God

That's not what atheists are. Atheists agree that there's no extant evidence supporting the idea. To agree that something does not exist, we have to have a clear definition of what or who we are looking for. Gods are never defined in empirically useful ways.
Re: Are you sure there is no God ?

thanks ...This is a question for atheists who agree that there is no God

I am as confident that there is no god as I am confident that Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, that the earth is round, that 9/11 was not an inside job, that there is no Loch Ness Monster, that the Pyramids were not built by Aliens, that Elvis is dead, that masturbation does not cause blindness, and that women can in fact have orgasms.
Re: Are you sure there is no God ?

There is no way to prove or disprove the existence of an all powerful being who wishes to remain outside of human perception. Anyone who says otherwise is guessing or making baseless assumptions.

Sure there is.... For starters you can take the words "all powerful." That is a contradiction. Clearly there are things that even an incredibly powerful being simply could not do. Could he kill himself? Could he bring himself back to life? If he can do one did he truly accomplish the other....

Secondly, if something exists outside the ability to perceive it does it really even exist? Certainly there are things we cannot perceive YET, but given an infinite amount of time a way could be found to perceive anything. Even if you believe god doesn't wish to be perceived it's entirely possible that we could change it's mind.

More importantly, if this god doesn't want to be perceived what would even give you the foggiest idea it was a thing in the first place? What other random concepts do people invent off the top of their heads do you admit the potential existence of without evidence?
Re: Are you sure there is no God ?

For those who must make a blind guess about whether or not REALITY contains any gods...

...get a grip.

Saying, "I have no idea of what REALITY contains or does not contain" is not gonna kill ya.

There is no need for any gods; there is no evidence for any gods; there are no reasons why gods cannot exist...

...and I certainly cannot be sure gods exist or do not exist.

I suspect everyone else is in that same boat.
Re: Are you sure there is no God ?

thanks ...This is a question for atheists who agree that there is no God

Define god
Re: Are you sure there is no God ?

thanks ...This is a question for atheists who agree that there is no God

Atheists don't believe there is no God. We lack a belief in a God due to the lack of any credible evidence that supports one's existence.

But anyways, I don't know for sure if there isn't a God. But honestly, I don't really care if there was one.

I'd much rather hang out with the Devil.
Last edited:
Re: Are you sure there is no God ?

I have no idea if there is a creator/god and other than to satisfy curiosity I'm not particularly worried about it.
Re: Are you sure there is no God ?

Sure there is.... For starters you can take the words "all powerful." That is a contradiction. Clearly there are things that even an incredibly powerful being simply could not do. Could he kill himself? Could he bring himself back to life? If he can do one did he truly accomplish the other....

According to definition, the answer to all 3 questions is yes. All powerful or omnipotent is funny like that. Best to think of it as "As powerful as is possible". Most gods are attributed some measure of power. If the term causes a problem then "Extremely powerful" would be fine. "Really really good at hiding" would suffice but it wouldn't be much of a god if that's all they had.

Secondly, if something exists outside the ability to perceive it does it really even exist? Certainly there are things we cannot perceive YET, but given an infinite amount of time a way could be found to perceive anything. Even if you believe god doesn't wish to be perceived it's entirely possible that we could change it's mind.

Ironically, the only theory I know of that claims perception is required for something to exist relies on the notion of god perceiving everything all the time to make it work. It is certainly possible that there are things we will never be able to perceive, one could argue its a surety. Perceiving the inside of a black hole would present a bit of a challenge. But how can you argue that everything is perceivable? If you were wrong, no one would ever know, by definition. I file it under "Unknowable", a conclusion reached with simple logic.

More importantly, if this god doesn't want to be perceived what would even give you the foggiest idea it was a thing in the first place?

I know that if it "wants" something it exists. I am talking about a vast array of possibilities all stemming from my lack of knowledge otherwise. I have no reason to believe it's impossible for a god-who-wishes-to-remain-hidden to exist. I admit it seems (very) unlikely. But you have to pass a very high standard to "Know" something with 100% surety.

What other random concepts do people invent off the top of their heads do you admit the potential existence of without evidence?

Not sure what your point is here.... Are you saying I should instead take the position that only things for which I've seen evidence for are possible? It is possible that somewhere on Earth there is a purple unicorn. Its unlikely, for a number of reasons. But how can you claim to know? Being purple, being essentially a horse, or having a horn on its head.are not biologically incompatible. So why claim its not possible, just because you haven't seen evidence of one? That seems very small/narrow minded.
Re: Are you sure there is no God ?

I don't "know" if there is or not

My life experience leads me to conclude/believe that there is a god/goddess some higher form, maybe many higher forms
Re: Are you sure there is no God ?

There is no way to be absolutely certain of anything, hence no, I am absolutely certain of nothing.
Re: Are you sure there is no God ?

Depends on what definition of a god we are using. If we are talking about the Abrahamic God of the Torah, Bible or Koran? Yes, I am sure. Or as sure as I can be of anything.

If we are talking about some deistic "god" that created the universe but may not necessarily be all powerful or doesn't interfere with things, then no, I'm not sure. I don't believe in it but I'm not sure.

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