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Are you an Extremist? (1 Viewer)

Are you an Extremist?

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Just waiting for my set...
DP Veteran
Sep 29, 2007
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Is extremism good? According to John Cleese it is. Do you agree? The problem with this poll will be that many of you are Extremists but don't realize it due to the reasons Cleese outlines in the following clip.

Within the context of US politics, I think socialists are definitionally extremists in the same way that someone who supported democracy would be in medieval Europe. So yes.
I didn't need Cleese to know I am an extremist.
Only a few posts in... and I wondered if this would happen.

People proud to be Extremists... almost embracing the exact opposite of what Cleese was making fun of.
No way!

I am a reasonable moderate.

Abortion. It seems reasonable to set limits as to the time period in which a woman may abort a fetus.

Freedom of speech. There should be limits (calling for violence, defamation, etc.). But why can't people express unpopular views about COVID or the honesty of elections?

Equality? Yes, all ethnicities in this unique nation should have equal rights, but no group deserves special rights.

Health care reform? You betcha. But there must be a compromise between what we have now and what exists now in, say, England. Hear tell the latter system is in deep financial distress. So much so that some people are forced to pay for private care. Hear tell some Canadians are forced to come here for health care.

I surely hope that both the Dems and Republicans choose moderates to run in 2024 for President.
Only a few posts in... and I wondered if this would happen.

People proud to be Extremists... almost embracing the exact opposite of what Cleese was making fun of.
Oh, I never said my extremism was anything to be proud of.

Of course my extremism is only manifested in how I have accepted how others have defined me in their points of view.

Despite my avatar/nick, I'd like to think I'm not an extremist.

But then, I could be deceiving myself!
Don't know what that means but I gave it a LIKE cause by golly it sounded all high faluttin'.

I've gotta' admit I like that one, too!

No idea if it's true, though!
Don't know what that means but I gave it a LIKE cause by golly it sounded all high faluttin'.
It just means society as it is is so untenable for the long run for my generation its no wonder young’uns are moving towards radical change. American society is such a self absorbed entity, it will literally cannibalize itself before it does any collective good.

My generation sees a government that will never ever listen nor ever take any of our concerns into consideration, they tell us to shut up spoiled kids lolz!

I speak to people in my generation who are still living with their parents. Believe me they dont do it because they love snarfin down cheetoes, they do it out of necessity.

First part adds explanation, latter is stream of consciousness.
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It just means society as it is is so untenable for the long run for my generation its no wonder young’uns are moving towards radical change. American society is such a self absorbed entity, it will literally cannibalize itself before it does any collective good.

My generation sees a government that will never ever listen nor ever take any of our concerns into consideration, they tell us to shut up spoiled kids lolz!

I speak to people in my generation who are still living with their parents. Believe me they dont do it because they love snarfin down cheetoes, they do it out of necessity.

First part adds explanation, latter is stream of consciousness.

I figured this is what you meant with your earlier statement, and I can fully understand it.

Attacking & eschewing the system might be the very definition of 'radical'. When one doesn't believe the system is working for them, they tend to go outside it. It's a natural progression.

Now the question, is:

"Given globalization, is our system itself adding unneeded oppression? Or, is it doing its best to deal with a changing world?"

I'm going to claim our current system is suffering from both effects, and that's not to absolve the aspects of the system that are advantageous & oppressive.

As global effects continue to erode the American standard of living while fully participating in a capitalistic free-market environment, its only natural to consider the possibility of other systems. i believe this is the reason many, particularly young people, are willing to consider Socialism, or perhaps what they believe is "Socialism"?

As for me, I'm an avowed capitalist. Capitalism has brought more out of poverty than any system yet tried. However I must add a strong caveat, here:

"For Capitalism to work for the betterment of society, it must be tempered with Social Restraint!"

It's with this last, 'social restraint', that I believe we Americans fall a bit short.

Of course my last statements exist within a framework where one believes our economic system should be beholden to the betterment society. Some others believe the converse. But that's a whole 'nother ball of wax!
I figured this is what you meant with your earlier statement, and I can fully understand it.

Attacking & eschewing the system might be the very definition of 'radical'. When one doesn't believe the system is working for them, they tend to go outside it. It's a natural progression.

Now the question, is:

"Given globalization, is our system itself adding unneeded oppression? Or, is it doing its best to deal with a changing world?"

I'm going to claim our current system is suffering from both effects, and that's not to absolve the aspects of the system that are advantageous & oppressive.

As global effects continue to erode the American standard of living while fully participating in a capitalistic free-market environment, its only natural to consider the possibility of other systems. i believe this is the reason many, particularly young people, are willing to consider Socialism, or perhaps what they believe is "Socialism"?

As for me, I'm an avowed capitalist. Capitalism has brought more out of poverty than any system yet tried. However I must add a strong caveat, here:

"For Capitalism to work for the betterment of society, it must be tempered with Social Restraint!"

It's with this last, 'social restraint', that I believe we Americans fall a bit short.

Of course my last statements exist within a framework where one believes our economic system should be beholden to the betterment society. Some others believe the converse. But that's a whole 'nother ball of wax!
I used to be a die hard capitalist, free marketeer but sometimes you come to a point you can no longer defend it to yourself.

I dont see a tenable way for neoliberalism to continue, the Mont Pelerin society and the society my generation was expected to continue is now only bringing oppression and a sadistic oligarch ruled society.
Dont get me wrong. The boomer generation did good things, i just want to continue building upon the civil rights movement that is getting dismantled before my eyes.
I used to be a die hard capitalist, free marketeer but sometimes you come to a point you can no longer defend it to yourself.

I dont see a tenable way for neoliberalism to continue, the Mont Pelerin society and the society my generation was expected to continue is now only bringing oppression and a sadistic oligarch ruled society.

It's amazing how many of us were total free-market capitalist Libertarians in our early youth, and change within a couple quick years!

I'm still an avowed capitalist, I still desire reasonable free-marketism, but in quite a few aspects I morphed into a 'Social Democrat' of sorts, in terms of political social policies.

I use personal 'quality' of life' as my standard barometer of the quality & performance of one's government. Things like life-span, health outcomes, infant mortality, poverty, education, etc. To that, I've come to believe some of the Europeans have it about right, while we have some deficiencies in relation.

The best healthcare in the world is worthless, if you can't access it in a reasonable fashion. Ditto for education. And the most profitable corporations in the world mean nothing, if the wealth is not being shared.

But we can't over-look that freedom, and leaving one's fellow American alone, are extremely important tenets. Many Americans are happy to give-up some social protections to allow greater perceived freedom, and we do have a responsibility to maintain that to the greatest extent possible.

The last paragraph is the rub. We're a pluralistic society, democratically represented. Our fellow Americans have their say, whether we like it or not.
I'm still an avowed capitalist, I still desire reasonable free-marketism, but in quite a few aspects I morphed into a 'Social Democrat' of sorts, in terms of political social policies.
Well, I personally am a libertarian market socialist. While I do want to see expanded government services in something approximating the Nordic countries, when it comes to production I believe every business over 100 employees should be a workers cooperative.

I don't think we are at the point where we can abolish markets yet.
Is extremism good? According to John Cleese it is. Do you agree? The problem with this poll will be that many of you are Extremists but don't realize it due to the reasons Cleese outlines in the following clip.

I am very extreme when it comes to my dislike of mayonnaise.
Is extremism good? According to John Cleese it is. Do you agree? The problem with this poll will be that many of you are Extremists but don't realize it due to the reasons Cleese outlines in the following clip.

I'm an extremist. You have to be in this wake of wokeness.

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