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Are you a bigot? (1 Viewer)


  • Yes

  • No

  • Depends on something that I'll explain in the comments

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Loves third parties and steak
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Mar 25, 2010
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Are you a bigot for thinking that biological males/trans females shouldn't be allowed to participate in individual women's sports? Please vote and discuss below.
Are you a bigot for thinking that biological males/trans females shouldn't be allowed to participate in individual women's sports? Please vote and discuss below.
No. A bigot would be someone who wants to discriminate against biological female athletes
Are you a bigot for thinking that biological males/trans females shouldn't be allowed to participate in individual women's sports? Please vote and discuss below.
You'd be a bigot if you think that women's sports should have hormone standards and men's sports should not.

If women can't exceed standards because it theoretically gives them an unfair advantage then the same should apply to men.
I've been called many things around here, unsure bigot was thrown my way but it would not surprise me either.
You'd be a bigot if you think that women's sports should have biological standards and men's sports should not.

If women can't exceed standards because it theoretically gives them an unfair advantage then the same should apply to men.

Men are victims of bigotry if women compete in their division??

-Men and trans women(MTF) who have experienced male puberty should play in the male division.

-Women do not have an inherent physiological advantage in either division. Therefore, if a trans man (FTM) wants to play in the men's division it should not matter. If a trans man (FTM) is on performance enhancing drugs - testosterone - he would need to play in the men's division.
Men are victims of bigotry if women compete in their division??
Read the comment again, that is not what I said.
-Men and trans women(MTF) who have experienced male puberty should play in the male division.
-Women do not have an inherent physiological advantage in either division. Therefore, if a trans man (FTM) wants to play in the men's division it should not matter. If a trans man (FTM) is on performance enhancing drugs - testosterone - he would need to play in the men's division.
Again, that is not what I said, please re-read my comment.
-Women do not have an inherent physiological advantage in either division. Therefore, if a trans man (FTM) wants to play in the men's division it should not matter. If a trans man (FTM) is on performance enhancing drugs - testosterone - he would need to play in the men's division.
Actually there is some data that suggests that trans men perform slightly better than cis men on average in a few sports, but people always forget trans men exist.
Nope. As I've said before, let the team decide. They're the ones who should have the last word.
...But what about the opposing teams? Would they not have complaints if they believed one woman had an unfair advantage over the other women?
Are you a bigot for thinking that biological males/trans females shouldn't be allowed to participate in individual women's sports? Please vote and discuss below.

This wouldn't be an issue if transitioning people had access to proper therapy, which conservative theocrats are laser focused on denying them.

Also, while you can have a differing opinion on sports participation and not be a bigot, this issue is designed to discriminate against the transgendered community, and people pushing it to the forefront are definitely bigots.

If you think about this issue for more than 5 seconds a week, and your child or family member isn't a transitioning athlete, you should really have your head examined.
Honestly depends. So many people complain about trans athletes in bad faith. They aren't interested in creating a fair playing ground in women's sports, they just want to weaponize a pearl clutching "but what about the ciswomen :eek:" argument to hurt transwomen. These people often misgender transwomen and want them to have no rights.

Myself and some other people on this forum, however, just want the science and sports folks to figure out some sort of fair standard so that all women can play on equal footing. I don't think that's bigoted at all.
You'd be a bigot if you think that women's sports should have hormone standards and men's sports should not.

If women can't exceed standards because it theoretically gives them an unfair advantage then the same should apply to men.
Trans women have testosterone levels that FAR outstrip anything non trans women have.

And btw men are drug tested for steroid use.
Are you a bigot for thinking that biological males/trans females shouldn't be allowed to participate in individual women's sports? Please vote and discuss below.
Sure. After all, it's not about what I think but, rather, what all the beautiful people that get to decide things KNOW that I think. If they think I'm a bigot then I'm a bigot. In fact, the only thing I get to decide for myself is whether or not I'm male!!!
Actually there is some data that suggests that trans men perform slightly better than cis men on average in a few sports, but people always forget trans men exist.
It’s not that I forget it’s more that there are no genetic advantages to be concerned about - or so I thought. Which sports and do you have any literature on the topic? (Not doubting you but I am very curious about it).

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