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Are the Dutch responsible for the Sebrenica massacre? (1 Viewer)

Are the Dutch responsible?

  • They should be held responsible

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DP Veteran
Nov 25, 2008
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British Turk
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Fifteen years ago, 30,000 Bosnian Muslims flocked to the U.N. military base in the town’s suburb of Potocari for refuge. But when Serb forces came, outnumbered Dutch troops opened the gates. The Serbs separated the men and boys from the rest of the crowd, putting them on trucks and carting them away, the vast majority never to be seen again.

Do you think the Dutch are reponsible for the Sebrenica massacre? Do you think they should be held responsible? Or do you think they had no choice?
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I don't know the particulars, but it would seem to me that opening the gates without first testing the resolve of the Serb forces is a premature action.
I would say they were cowards not fit to be in the military
Looking up ^^ Did you forget something?

Ahh. There it is :)
Fifteen years ago, 30,000 Bosnian Muslims flocked to the U.N. military base in the town’s suburb of Potocari for refuge. But when Serb forces came, outnumbered Dutch troops opened the gates. The Serbs separated the men and boys from the rest of the crowd, putting them on trucks and carting them away, the vast majority never to be seen again.

Do you think the Danes are reponsible for the Sebrenica massacre? Do you think they should be held responsible? Or do you think they had no choice?

Kaya, why would the Danes be responsible if it was the Dutch who were there and opened the gates?
From what I can ascertain, Dutch forces were present at Potocari.
From what I can ascertain, Dutch forces were present at Potocari.

I have a mild memory of criticism of Dutch forces in this war. They should have fought otherwise there was no point in being there.
I have a mild memory of criticism of Dutch forces in this war. They should have fought otherwise there was no point in being there.


Title fail, ill fix that. Thankyou for pointing that out! So stupid!
Title fixed. Carry on.
The only entity responsible was the UN, they had given every UN unit explicit instructions.
The Dutch unit did what they were told to do.
The only entity responsible was the UN, they had given every UN unit explicit instructions.
The Dutch unit did what they were told to do.

Which they could have ignored
No. The UN is to blame for what happened there.
Do you think the Dutch are reponsible for the Sebrenica massacre? Do you think they should be held responsible? Or do you think they had no choice?

The ones that did the murdering are the ones responsible for that massacre. I'm old fashion like that ;)
Fifteen years ago, 30,000 Bosnian Muslims flocked to the U.N. military base in the town’s suburb of Potocari for refuge. But when Serb forces came, outnumbered Dutch troops opened the gates. The Serbs separated the men and boys from the rest of the crowd, putting them on trucks and carting them away, the vast majority never to be seen again.

Do you think the Danes are reponsible for the Sebrenica massacre? Do you think they should be held responsible? Or do you think they had no choice?

Small typo there Kaya? Dutch and Danes are not the same :)
The Serbs are to blame for the massacre, no one else.

The Dutch troops were put in a crazy situation, a no win situation. The UN was hampered thanks to the Russian veto threat, so any humanitarian troops on the ground had a very specific set of engagement rules they had to follow. Could the Dutch have resisted the Serbs and not open the gates? Sure, but that would mean everyone would be dead now, not just the men and boys. A real no win situation.

But in the end... those responsible for the massacre are the SERBS, no one else.
yeah same here.. all white people look the same to me.

Well i couldn't tell the difference between a Kenyan and a Nigerian for the life of me, for example, or a Chinese man to a Taiwanese man, or a Syriac to an Iraqi. But there are obvious variations in Europe. I can tell the difference between most Slavs and a Western European for example. Or a Western European with most Southern Europeans. But thats about it. Otherwise i see what you see, a world full of clones, and im pretty white myself. :mrgreen:
Well i couldn't tell the difference between a Kenyan and a Nigerian for the life of me, for example, or a Chinese man to a Taiwanese man, or a Syriac to an Iraqi. But there are obvious variations in Europe. I can tell the difference between most Slavs and a Western European for example. Or a Western European with most Southern Europeans. But thats about it. Otherwise i see what you see, a world full of clones, and im pretty white myself. :mrgreen:

It depends on exposure to the characteristics doesn't it? Having spent quite a few summers in Eastern Europe the last 10 years I am confident in spotting the Slavs in a group of Caucasian faces: having lived in Kenya (born there) and in Nigeria I am quite confident in telling the different types of Nigerian (there are at least 6 different "types") to types of Kenyan.

-- Do you think the Danes are reponsible for the Sebrenica massacre? Do you think they should be held responsible? Or do you think they had no choice?

Kaya, I know you live in the UK - did you watch the BBC investigation in 1999 A Cry From The Grave?

Responsibility lay in a range of areas including the chain of command which refused the air strikes called for, the Dutch letting the Serbs kill all the innocents and the members of the security council that apparently was in full knowledge of events on the ground.

Anyhow - the UN produced a report written by David Harland which clearly lay a lot of the blame directly at its own feet (the UNs)
, I know you live in the UK - did you watch the BBC investigation in 1999 A Cry From The Grave?

Responsibility lay in a range of areas including the chain of command which refused the air strikes called for, the Dutch letting the Serbs kill all the innocents and the members of the security council that apparently was in full knowledge of events on the ground.

Anyhow - the UN produced a report written by David Harland which clearly lay a lot of the blame directly at its own feet (the UNs)

I was 7 when that aired. :mrgreen:
But i bet i can find something on the netz. I'll check it out mate!
It depends on exposure to the characteristics doesn't it? Having spent quite a few summers in Eastern Europe the last 10 years I am confident in spotting the Slavs in a group of Caucasian faces: having lived in Kenya (born there) and in Nigeria I am quite confident in telling the different types of Nigerian (there are at least 6 different "types") to types of Kenyan.

I can spot a slav a mile away but then again im from London and we are all raised around Polish people and other Easteners. And wow, quiet the traveller you are. How weird all the countries i mentioned you have lived there at some point.

Ok biggest question is however, can you tell the difference between a German bloke and an Englishman? How about an Irishman to a Frenchmen, or a Scottishmen to a Swede?
I was 7 when that aired. :mrgreen:

Show off...... grumble grumble.

Anyhow - from his report "Through error, misjudgment and an inability to recognise the scope of the evil confronting us, we failed to do our part to save the the people of Srebrenica from the Serb campaign of mass murder."

Just remember, the UN is not just the organisation with headquarters in New York / Geneva, the Security Council (and member states) had a big hand in the failings of the UN to protect the peoples from that massacre.

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