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Are African-Americans a Mongolian People? (1 Viewer)


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A rather stupid and meaningless question. Perhaps our American natives are a Mongolian people, but so what.
People are people, lets look into their hearts rather than giving a quick glance at skin color..
Goobie, those who are in a state of fixation over skin color is what I find dispictable....
Our President is anything but....one could say he is naive or overly trusting....I do not know...
Isn't there already another thread on this?
A rather stupid and meaningless question. Perhaps our American natives are a Mongolian people, but so what.
People are people, lets look into their hearts rather than giving a quick glance at skin color..
Goobie, those who are in a state of fixation over skin color is what I find dispictable....
Our President is anything but....one could say he is naive or overly trusting....I do not know...

That response is just :lol:
Most African-Americans have European heritage courtesy of their time as slaves. Most Europeans have Mongolian heritage courtesy of Genghis Khan.

Therefore yes, African-Americans are a Mongolian people.
At the risk of learning another lesson in context and being slapped silly, I vote "no."

Damn Mongolians!!!
just look at all the similarities



If you had posted that in letters cut out from the newspaper, it would have been more valid.
God knows they're always trying to break down my city wall, goddamn mongolians.
Ohhh! I get it now.
Mongrels are from Mongolia.
And here I thought they were from some place else.
Ohhh! I get it now.
Mongrels are from Mongolia.
And here I thought they were from some place else.

I don't think mongrels are from mongolia. I could be wrong though.
I don't think mongrels are from mongolia. I could be wrong though.

Well I'm confused then.
because Obama said they were a Mongrel People and now people are discussing they're from Mongolia - so I thought I was connecting the dots :(

Oh wait wait - this just in:
They're Americans from America.
Well I'm confused then.
because Obama said they were a Mongrel People and now people are discussing they're from Mongolia - so I thought I was connecting the dots :(

Oh wait wait - this just in:
They're Americans from America.

You shouldn't attempt to rationalize humor.
Am I the only one to wonder whether Mongolians with Downs Syndrome might appear strangely Caucasian?
Yeah, you should've seen Genghis's half-brother - Nigghis Khan.

He stole my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather's horse.

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