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Apparently the left doesn’t understand that criticism, including that of the press, is part of free (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2020
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.... free speech....

And politicians have Constitutional rights as well. Funny, the left NEVER said that Obama criticizing Fox News as “attacking free speech”. Double standards. Criticizing others speech is speech in itself, it’s the not the same thing as shutting down speech. Seriously, has Trump EVER down ANYTHING to shut down stations like CNN? All he has EVER done is criticize it.

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.... free speech....

And politicians have Constitutional rights as well. Funny, the left NEVER said that Obama criticizing Fox News as “attacking free speech”. Double standards. Criticizing others speech is speech in itself, it’s the not the same thing as shutting down speech. Seriously, has Trump EVER down ANYTHING to shut down stations like CNN? All he has EVER done is criticize it.

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What are you talking about?
.... free speech....

And politicians have Constitutional rights as well. Funny, the left NEVER said that Obama criticizing Fox News as “attacking free speech”. Double standards. Criticizing others speech is speech in itself, it’s the not the same thing as shutting down speech. Seriously, has Trump EVER down ANYTHING to shut down stations like CNN? All he has EVER done is criticize it.

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What are you talking about? Nobody has said Trump doesn’t have the right to criticize the media.

How come you’re attacking my right to criticize Trump? Don’t you believe in free speech?
What are you talking about? Nobody has said Trump doesn’t have the right to criticize the media.

How come you’re attacking my right to criticize Trump? Don’t you believe in free speech?

Funny, as I watch the DNC on C-Span and I already heard them claim that Trump is “attacking free speech” a couple times.

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Who the hell knows. These people are nuts.

Apparently I watch more CNN than you do.

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.... free speech....

And politicians have Constitutional rights as well. Funny, the left NEVER said that Obama criticizing Fox News as “attacking free speech”. Double standards. Criticizing others speech is speech in itself, it’s the not the same thing as shutting down speech. Seriously, has Trump EVER down ANYTHING to shut down stations like CNN? All he has EVER done is criticize it.

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How much does a Russian troll get paid? Do you get money or vodka?
Funny, as I watch the DNC on C-Span and I already heard them claim that Trump is “attacking free speech” a couple times.

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They have a first amendment right to say that. What’s your problem?
.... free speech....

And politicians have Constitutional rights as well. Funny, the left NEVER said that Obama criticizing Fox News as “attacking free speech”. Double standards. Criticizing others speech is speech in itself, it’s the not the same thing as shutting down speech. Seriously, has Trump EVER down ANYTHING to shut down stations like CNN? All he has EVER done is criticize it.

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What are you farting on about?

Who "on the left" is calling for adverse government action based on the content of citizen speech?
What are you farting on about?

Who "on the left" is calling for adverse government action based on the content of citizen speech?

I posted two links from two leftist sources above. You apparently aren’t watching the DNC on C-Span right now either.

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I posted two links from two leftist sources above. You apparently aren’t watching the DNC on C-Span right now either.

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Who is the DNC? You mean the chair of the DNC?
.... free speech....
And politicians have Constitutional rights as well. Funny, the left NEVER said that Obama criticizing Fox News as “attacking free speech”. Double standards. Criticizing others speech is speech in itself, it’s the not the same thing as shutting down speech. Seriously, has Trump EVER down ANYTHING to shut down stations like CNN? All he has EVER done is criticize it.
Repost any assertion that Trump doesn’t have the right of free speech.
This thread would seem to be the ultimate expression of free speech ...
Who is the DNC? You mean the chair of the DNC?

I mean Democratic National Convention. I’m posting on my phone and didn’t want to type it all out.

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I mean Democratic National Convention. I’m posting on my phone and didn’t want to type it all out.

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I see
I posted two links from two leftist sources above. You apparently aren’t watching the DNC on C-Span right now either.

What's a "leftist"?

Why would I be watching TV?

What does something you posted have to do with what I was typing?

How can you show that the entirety of "the left" is calling for adverse government action based on the content of citizen speech?

If you think that one source you say on the left AND accuse of calling for adverse government action based on the content of citizen speech forces anyone else you say is "on the left" to answer, why do you not have to answer for the actions/words of anyone else on the right?

Would it be wrong for me to accuse of you of nazism because there are pictures of groups of people with nazi and pro-Trump symbols? Should I bother digging them up? Or do you get the point? Namely, that people you put on "the left" are not fungible anymore than you are.

.... free speech....

And politicians have Constitutional rights as well. Funny, the left NEVER said that Obama criticizing Fox News as “attacking free speech”. Double standards. Criticizing others speech is speech in itself, it’s the not the same thing as shutting down speech. Seriously, has Trump EVER down ANYTHING to shut down stations like CNN? All he has EVER done is criticize it.

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Again, the right to free speech only has to do with government taking adverse action against you based on your speech. Time and place restrictions (aka, don't shut down a public road without a permit) have more leeway, content-based have very little ("Fire!" in crowded theatre).

Were you just lying again and playing fake victim again, Trumpist?

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