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Any good MMOs out there..... (1 Viewer)

WI Crippler

DP Veteran
Oct 10, 2006
Reaction score
Political Leaning
...that aren't first person shooters? I always liked character development and variability in power selection/growth. I almost despise (for reasons unknown to me) the idea of crafting. I'm just looking for something easy and not labor intensive.
...that aren't first person shooters? I always liked character development and variability in power selection/growth. I almost despise (for reasons unknown to me) the idea of crafting. I'm just looking for something easy and not labor intensive.

No Man's Sky is coming out soon.
I think it's technically an MMO, except you won't meet a lot of people (size and scale of the universe is supposed to be like the real universe).
...that aren't first person shooters? I always liked character development and variability in power selection/growth. I almost despise (for reasons unknown to me) the idea of crafting. I'm just looking for something easy and not labor intensive.

Pretty much all MMOs are hard and labor intensive that's thier draw
Pretty much all MMOs are hard and labor intensive that's thier draw

Yeah, I don't need a second job....especially one I have to pay for. If MMOs came with health insurance and paid time off, maybe.
:shock: what is an MMO?

Massive Multiplayer Online.

Think World of Warcraft.

Onto WI.

If you haven't tried it WI, I'd suggest LOTRO, it's a much more well thought out MMO IMHO, if you're a fan of the genre, LOTRO has a very good mob system that allows for much more tactical encounters even playing solo, I find alot of MMO's these days have very uncontrolled and random mob pull ranges and movements. Really balanced and well thought out classes. FTP

SWTOR was fantastic as a story driven narrative goes, honestly it is worth buying 60 days of game time and just blasting through a couple of character story arcs, they have a fantastic new leveling system, I hit cap in less than a month and just enjoyed the story, you can still do it without the game time as it's FTP, but you get decent features with it.

DC universe online is quite fun but gets repetitive, it is worth a gander as its FTP.

Elder Scrolls Online, not impressed at all.

Some thoughts from me buddy. :2wave:
Massive Multiplayer Online.

Think World of Warcraft.

Onto WI.

If you haven't tried it WI, I'd suggest LOTRO, it's a much more well thought out MMO IMHO, if you're a fan of the genre, LOTRO has a very good mob system that allows for much more tactical encounters even playing solo, I find alot of MMO's these days have very uncontrolled and random mob pull ranges and movements. Really balanced and well thought out classes. FTP

SWTOR was fantastic as a story driven narrative goes, honestly it is worth buying 60 days of game time and just blasting through a couple of character story arcs, they have a fantastic new leveling system, I hit cap in less than a month and just enjoyed the story, you can still do it without the game time as it's FTP, but you get decent features with it.

DC universe online is quite fun but gets repetitive, it is worth a gander as its FTP.

Elder Scrolls Online, not impressed at all.

Some thoughts from me buddy. :2wave:
omgosh I haven't heard of it because I simply can't "allow" it :lamo

it would eat my life away...I am on the computer too much already

thanks for the information...it boggles my mind how much money, time and effort and imagination go into these games

they are truly a work of art

currently I am trying to get off of the computer to read a book...hasn't happened so far this morning :(

perhaps later :mrgreen:
omgosh I haven't heard of it because I simply can't "allow" it :lamo

it would eat my life away...I am on the computer too much already

thanks for the information...it boggles my mind how much money, time and effort and imagination go into these games

they are truly a work of art

currently I am trying to get off of the computer to read a book...hasn't happened so far this morning :(

perhaps later :mrgreen:

I can't play MMO's anymore for that reason.

I was a LOTRO Veteran, had three top level characters, all the raid armor... But the amuont of time it sucks, my main character, in game count, was 1 month, and I'm not even close to being on of the worse.

But you gotta think, that's one month, of my entire life, spent in a game.

It's more the way these games work that annoys me, leveling up is a massive pain in the ass: I've got a wife, a kid and another on the way, I do not have time, nor anywhere in my house that's secluded where I can spent 5 hours on a raid to get a single piece of armor while shouting at people to get in the correct line of sight through TeamSpeak cause I'm trying to heal them.

I need pick up, fast play and put down games that are easy to go to and fro...

Right now Shadow of Mordor has my full attention.
I haven't played any MMO for more than a decade now. Wisest decision I've ever made was to stop with that life wasting activity.
I can't play MMO's anymore for that reason.

I was a LOTRO Veteran, had three top level characters, all the raid armor... But the amuont of time it sucks, my main character, in game count, was 1 month, and I'm not even close to being on of the worse.

But you gotta think, that's one month, of my entire life, spent in a game.

It's more the way these games work that annoys me, leveling up is a massive pain in the ass: I've got a wife, a kid and another on the way, I do not have time, nor anywhere in my house that's secluded where I can spent 5 hours on a raid to get a single piece of armor while shouting at people to get in the correct line of sight through TeamSpeak cause I'm trying to heal them.

I need pick up, fast play and put down games that are easy to go to and fro...

Right now Shadow of Mordor has my full attention.

yes I hear you...maybe when I retire but that is still a few years off and I live in a city with two universities and a college so when I retire I was thinking of going back to school and taking interest courses in law and hoping to get involved in the community and various groups

I love the fantasy but I got involved in a stupid game on the net that started simply by building a farm...

jebus...I would have to rush home from work before crops died and you get involved with people from all different countries,

that was long ago when they began testing these things to see if they could draw us in...

it sucked hours out of my life and you feel a sense of "team" responsibility+

years later after having quit the game I still keep in touch with those aquaintences

but damn

I am not doing that again

best I can do is a forum and that is bad enough
...that aren't first person shooters? I always liked character development and variability in power selection/growth. I almost despise (for reasons unknown to me) the idea of crafting. I'm just looking for something easy and not labor intensive.

Guild Wars 2 is probably the best theme park. Secret World is also good.
I can't play MMO's anymore for that reason.

I was a LOTRO Veteran, had three top level characters, all the raid armor... But the amuont of time it sucks, my main character, in game count, was 1 month, and I'm not even close to being on of the worse.

But you gotta think, that's one month, of my entire life, spent in a game.

It's more the way these games work that annoys me, leveling up is a massive pain in the ass: I've got a wife, a kid and another on the way, I do not have time, nor anywhere in my house that's secluded where I can spent 5 hours on a raid to get a single piece of armor while shouting at people to get in the correct line of sight through TeamSpeak cause I'm trying to heal them.

I need pick up, fast play and put down games that are easy to go to and fro...

Right now Shadow of Mordor has my full attention.

I had over a year played time on WOW
I had over a year played time on WOW

I know some people in 4 years, that had almost 2 years of game time on LOTRO.

The one guy was a retired Prison Guard so it was kind of understandable, old Tweet, always on and always had a good story :2razz:

I think with all my chars I probably had 3 or 4 months under my belt, which isn't too bad.
...that aren't first person shooters? I always liked character development and variability in power selection/growth. I almost despise (for reasons unknown to me) the idea of crafting. I'm just looking for something easy and not labor intensive.

Probably the best one at this moment is Elder Scrolls Online. It's still "relatively" new...been out about a year...good game play, good player base. It started out as a subscription game, but has evolved into more of a Guild Wars 2 model. You pay once for the program...no subscription...with DLC that costs and a "store" for real money purchases.

Older games...free to play...with lower player base includes Aion, Rift and Guild Wars 2. There's also, I think, some new-ish version of NeverWinter Nights out there.

Another option...one I don't care for that much...are the free to play games like ArchAge, ArchLord and others. To me, they just aren't as high in quality as the other games, especially in the graphics area.

Myself...I've played MMORPG's for more than 10 years and I've drastically reduced the amount of time spent in them. Now, I play ESO once or twice a week.
...that aren't first person shooters? I always liked character development and variability in power selection/growth. I almost despise (for reasons unknown to me) the idea of crafting. I'm just looking for something easy and not labor intensive.

I have not really tried it, but as mentioned, LOTRO is really highly regarded. Free to try, so the price is right. FFXIV has a lot going for it(initial release was horrid, game totally not ready, system sucked, total failure. So they shut it down and fixed it right), and Final Fantasy as an MMO is a cool thing. Secret World is a neat concept for a game and I have heard good things about but never played. Eve Online is worth checking out as it is very different. It is science fiction, in space, can do just about anything. Wanna be a space trucker, you can do it. Wanna be a pirate, no problem. Mercenary, very doable. Pirate hunter, there are both player and non player character pirates to hunt. And that is just scratching the surface.
The one guy was a retired Prison Guard so it was kind of understandable, old Tweet, always on and always had a good story :2razz:

I played in EQ2 with a lady dying of cancer. Her son played and introduced her to it as a way to take her mind off the pain and discomfort and keep her from getting depressed. She was a wonderful lady.
I played in EQ2 with a lady dying of cancer. Her son played and introduced her to it as a way to take her mind off the pain and discomfort and keep her from getting depressed. She was a wonderful lady.

That's so sweet of you. :)
I can't play MMO's anymore for that reason.

I was a LOTRO Veteran, had three top level characters, all the raid armor... But the amuont of time it sucks, my main character, in game count, was 1 month, and I'm not even close to being on of the worse.

But you gotta think, that's one month, of my entire life, spent in a game.

It's more the way these games work that annoys me, leveling up is a massive pain in the ass: I've got a wife, a kid and another on the way, I do not have time, nor anywhere in my house that's secluded where I can spent 5 hours on a raid to get a single piece of armor while shouting at people to get in the correct line of sight through TeamSpeak cause I'm trying to heal them.

I need pick up, fast play and put down games that are easy to go to and fro...

Right now Shadow of Mordor has my full attention.

instead now people are just playing games on their phone constantly. I work in IT.. I got outside for lunch and everyone is on their phone playing games.
Ive played a ton of MMOs though I currently don't play one.. my GF though is the one who wants to play one.
I can't play MMO's anymore for that reason.

I was a LOTRO Veteran, had three top level characters, all the raid armor... But the amuont of time it sucks, my main character, in game count, was 1 month, and I'm not even close to being on of the worse.

But you gotta think, that's one month, of my entire life, spent in a game.

It's more the way these games work that annoys me, leveling up is a massive pain in the ass: I've got a wife, a kid and another on the way, I do not have time, nor anywhere in my house that's secluded where I can spent 5 hours on a raid to get a single piece of armor while shouting at people to get in the correct line of sight through TeamSpeak cause I'm trying to heal them.

I need pick up, fast play and put down games that are easy to go to and fro...

Right now Shadow of Mordor has my full attention.

Yea played lotto for two years and was a founder.
I ran out of time playing wife kids got mad would play till like 2
Am then just ran out of time.

Their system got really really stupid when turbine sold out.
instead now people are just playing games on their phone constantly. I work in IT.. I got outside for lunch and everyone is on their phone playing games.
Ive played a ton of MMOs though I currently don't play one.. my GF though is the one who wants to play one.

Mobile apps are quicker less involved.
Most of the people that played mmi ran into real life hence moba's are so hot.

They can't take 5 hours any more.
Yea played lotto for two years and was a founder.
I ran out of time playing wife kids got mad would play till like 2
Am then just ran out of time.

Their system got really really stupid when turbine sold out.

Yeah I stopped just about the time WB took over and introduced the Mithral Store or whatever it was...

I heard of top raiding guilds demanding people buy the defence and offense buff consumables from the micro transaction stores, which is a crazy proposition.
Yeah I stopped just about the time WB took over and introduced the Mithral Store or whatever it was...

I heard of top raiding guilds demanding people buy the defence and offense buff consumables from the micro transaction stores, which is a crazy proposition.

Mines of Moria burned me out I didn't have the time to
Devote to it. It was a lot more fun before that.

That stupid dev they hired from wow ruined the game for a lot of people.

Their free to play was crap.
Mines of Moria burned me out I didn't have the time to
Devote to it. It was a lot more fun before that.

That stupid dev they hired from wow ruined the game for a lot of people.

Their free to play was crap.

Damn Mines. I was so glad to get out of there.
Damn Mines. I was so glad to get out of there.

The whole rep gate and armor gating just burned me out.
I remember when they first came out with the game.

It was a blast. Do what you want when you want.

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