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Another grizzly horrific black on white attack (1 Viewer)

The Blase.....

If they find him they should arrest him, seems like an open and shut case.

The story though hints that there may have been some sort of dispute between the two before that video and subsequent social media posting with comments.
Weird how one black person attacking a white person indicts all black people but the reverse does not indict all white people.
If they find him they should arrest him, seems like an open and shut case.

The story though hints that there may have been some sort of dispute between the two before that video and subsequent social media posting with comments.

Just a street crime. If they catch the guy, they'll charge him.

These constant reports seem to be an attempt to deflect from the recently controversial issue of law enforcement getting of easy or scott-free whenever officers harm a black person in custody, by saying hey look, another perfectly solvable street crime!

It's just long-hand for 'squirrel!'
Weird how one black person attacking a white person indicts all black people but the reverse does not indict all white people.

According to FBI Crime stats, Blacks kill each other at a rate of about 20/100,000 and whites kill each other at about 2.5/100,000. Blacks also kill about twice as many whites than vice versa.
According to FBI Crime stats, Blacks kill each other at a rate of about 20/100,000 and whites kill each other at about 2.5/100,000. Blacks also kill about twice as many whites than vice versa.

Say what you mean to say. What do you think is the importance of this data and why do you think it's a response to what I wrote? Don't hide. Speak your mind.
If they find him they should arrest him, seems like an open and shut case.

The story though hints that there may have been some sort of dispute between the two before that video and subsequent social media posting with comments.

Out of curiosity, does getting into an argument with someone warrant getting bashed in the head with a brick? Does it warrant that response as you're walking away and have completely disengaged from whatever argument there had been?
Out of curiosity, does getting into an argument with someone warrant getting bashed in the head with a brick? Does it warrant that response as you're walking away and have completely disengaged from whatever argument there had been?

He could have been reaching for a knife.
Just a street crime. If they catch the guy, they'll charge him.

These constant reports seem to be an attempt to deflect from the recently controversial issue of law enforcement getting of easy or scott-free whenever officers harm a black person in custody, by saying hey look, another perfectly solvable street crime!

It's just long-hand for 'squirrel!'

Those arguments are also bull****. They never talk about what the suspect was doing that prompted a given police response. When I hear stupid **** like, "Jake Blake was just helping out a couple of women and the cops shot him but thy just let the white boy that had killed two people go" the argument loses every little bit of credibility it may have had.
Those arguments are also bull****. They never talk about what the suspect was doing that prompted a given police response.

We talk about it all the time. Generally, the response of lethal force was not justified.

Problem is, conservatives think "uncooperative = death sentence," and can't be convinced that use of force is SUPPOSED to be predicated on the threat.
He could have been reaching for a knife.

If anyone around here would condone that....

Well, you aren't the only one. I figure there will be at least three or four more that can explain to all us hateful idiots why this was not only justified but necessary.
We talk about it all the time. Generally, the response of lethal force was not justified.

Problem is, conservatives think "uncooperative = death sentence," and can't be convinced that use of force is SUPPOSED to be predicated on the threat.


Jake Blake was doing something that got the cops concerned and then refused to obey commands and was at a point where he was putting the lives of his kids at risk.

George Floyd was completely wrecked on drugs and had a heart attack.

Rayshard Brooks fought the cops, stole a weapon, ran away and discharged the weapon at the cops.

Breonna Taylor was caught up in a gunfight between her boyfriend and the cops. The cops seem to have screwed up a warrant or, at the very least, didn't get through to her boyfriend that they were cops.

Botham Jean was a completely innocent victim of an idiot.

Ahmaud Arbery was pursued by vigilantes and appears to have tired of running away. He then ran at the pursuers and got shot.

In all these cases the system is working. It may not be working fast enough for the likes of those who want "justice" done in 15 minutes but it is working and where a cop or a vigilante screwed up they will pay the appropriate price.
Out of curiosity, does getting into an argument with someone warrant getting bashed in the head with a brick? Does it warrant that response as you're walking away and have completely disengaged from whatever argument there had been?

Based on what I posted, what makes you think I would answer that another way?

I clearly said "If they find him they should arrest him, seems like an open and shut case."

What else are you asking for here?

Jake Blake was doing something that got the cops concerned and then refused to obey commands and was at a point where he was putting the lives of his kids at risk.

George Floyd was completely wrecked on drugs and had a heart attack.

Rayshard Brooks fought the cops, stole a weapon, ran away and discharged the weapon at the cops.

Breonna Taylor was caught up in a gunfight between her boyfriend and the cops. The cops seem to have screwed up a warrant or, at the very least, didn't get through to her boyfriend that they were cops.

Botham Jean was a completely innocent victim of an idiot.

Ahmaud Arbery was pursued by vigilantes and appears to have tired of running away. He then ran at the pursuers and got shot.

In all these cases the system is working. It may not be working fast enough for the likes of those who want "justice" done in 15 minutes but it is working and where a cop or a vigilante screwed up they will pay the appropriate price.
Good summary
Based on what I posted, what makes you think I would answer that another way?

I clearly said "If they find him they should arrest him, seems like an open and shut case."

What else are you asking for here?

It was the other part. The part that came off as, "...but if this that and the other was the case..."
It was the other part. The part that came off as, "...but if this that and the other was the case..."

Don't all the facts of the case matter?
Weird how one black person attacking a white person indicts all black people but the reverse does not indict all white people.

From the video it isn't entirely clear to me the assailant was black. Either way, it was a dirty deed. Apparently the victim was able to get up and move along and apparently did not go to the police. And, yeah, this evens the score for all the killings of black men by cops.
We cannot say certain things about such incidents.

All that we are allowed is our thoughts. (Until they come up with a machine that reads our minds.)

A few days ago, the Daily Mail had a video of a young gentleman in Chicago who robbed a lady and then for good measure knocked her out so that she lay on the sidewalk. She was 85 years old. I was sick to the stomach for a day and was too terrified to go out for my usual walk.

Of course, if they catch the perp in the OP. nothing will happen to him. At most, a slap on the wrist: "Now, now, don't do that again, sir."

That his friends laughed at his brutality speaks volumes about their total lack of human decency.


I am hoping against hope that the Silent Majority will turn out on November 3, but I have read that even some of them have been affected by the propaganda of the woke media.
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Don't all the facts of the case matter?

They do but in this case they wouldn't make a lick of difference. There is pretty much no circumstance whatsoever where a verbal altercation warrants clubbing some guy in the back of the head as he walks off..
They do but in this case they wouldn't make a lick of difference. There is pretty much no circumstance whatsoever where a verbal altercation warrants clubbing some guy in the back of the head as he walks off..

Did I say otherwise?

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