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And we are supposed to believe that the ALEC CONTROLLED GOP is about limited government? Joke of the century. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2017
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Robert Reich: ''GOP states outlaw abortions   GOP governors force transgender students to play sports according to their assigned gender at birth   GOP lawmakers ban mask mandates & dictate what educators can teach in schools   And we’re supposed to believe this is the party of limited government?''
The GOP have proven themselves to be too anti-democracy, too anti-women, too anti-science, to ever be put back in charge of states again

Robert Reich is on too something ........ conservatives are BIG GOVERNMENT
Apparently whoever that is does not understand the difference between a centralized federal gov and localized state government along with which one conservatives support.
Robert Reich: ''GOP states outlaw abortions   GOP governors force transgender students to play sports according to their assigned gender at birth   GOP lawmakers ban mask mandates & dictate what educators can teach in schools   And we’re supposed to believe this is the party of limited government?''''GOP states outlaw abortions   GOP governors force transgender students to play sports according to their assigned gender at birth   GOP lawmakers ban mask mandates & dictate what educators can teach in schools   And we’re supposed to believe this is the party of limited government?''

The GOP have proven themselves to be too anti-democracy, too anti-women, too anti-science, to ever be put back in charge of states again

Robert Reich is on too something ........ conservatives are BIG GOVERNMENT
So it appears ALEC is the later LW bogeyman to get panties in a wad. Robert Reich is a LW looney. The only people stupider than him are those that listen to his nonsensence.
So it appears ALEC is the later LW bogeyman to get panties in a wad. Robert Reich is a LW looney. The only people stupider than him are those that listen to his nonsensence.
or those who don't.

Nothing small government about the ALEC controlled GOP. Nothing small government about Fascism.
Robert Reich: ''GOP states outlaw abortions   GOP governors force transgender students to play sports according to their assigned gender at birth   GOP lawmakers ban mask mandates & dictate what educators can teach in schools   And we’re supposed to believe this is the party of limited government?''''GOP states outlaw abortions   GOP governors force transgender students to play sports according to their assigned gender at birth   GOP lawmakers ban mask mandates & dictate what educators can teach in schools   And we’re supposed to believe this is the party of limited government?''

The GOP have proven themselves to be too anti-democracy, too anti-women, too anti-science, to ever be put back in charge of states again

Robert Reich is on too something ........ conservatives are BIG GOVERNMENT
Wow - it's the size of a roadside billboard! It MUST be true!
or those who don't.

Nothing small government about the ALEC controlled GOP. Nothing small government about Fascism.
"Fascism" - I'm beginning to think some haven't the first clue what that word means - even were it to crack their own mirrors.
Apparently whoever that is does not understand the difference between a centralized federal gov and localized state government along with which one conservatives support.

So conservative motto then should be: "If you're a state government, go hog-wild."
or those who don't.

Nothing small government about the ALEC controlled GOP. Nothing small government about Fascism.
You're scared poodles over ALEC, aren't you. You've been well trained.
You're scared poodles over ALEC, aren't you. You've been well trained.
My guess is he doesn't even know what ALEC stands for.

And he's certainly naive to similar groups who actually DO run the DNC.
Robert Reich: ''GOP states outlaw abortions   GOP governors force transgender students to play sports according to their assigned gender at birth   GOP lawmakers ban mask mandates & dictate what educators can teach in schools   And we’re supposed to believe this is the party of limited government?''''GOP states outlaw abortions   GOP governors force transgender students to play sports according to their assigned gender at birth   GOP lawmakers ban mask mandates & dictate what educators can teach in schools   And we’re supposed to believe this is the party of limited government?''

The GOP have proven themselves to be too anti-democracy, too anti-women, too anti-science, to ever be put back in charge of states again

Robert Reich is on too something ........ conservatives are BIG GOVERNMENT

The internet pictures tell them what to think.
Why the childish lies? Are you that short of meaningful discussion?

Maybe you should get some sun.

The quote 'democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner' is a favorite of conservatives. Maybe you need to pay more attention.
The quote 'democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner' is a favorite of conservatives. Maybe you need to pay more attention.

Still fabricating and assigning positions for others?

Why not just state your opinion and allow others to state theirs?

Maybe some sun and fresh air will help.
Still fabricating and assigning positions for others?

Why not just state your opinion and allow others to state theirs?

Maybe some sun and fresh air will help.

Did I somehow prevent you from speaking your opinion? Stop being ridiculous.
Well you did say you thought conseratves hate democracy. That's the kind of propaganda they promote.
Ever heard the term 'tyranny of the majority'? Know who uses that term? Conservatives and supporters of hereditary aristocracy.
Same thing, actually. Historically. Conservatives and aristocrats also like the term 'mob rule'.
"I thought conservatives hate democracy?" - Geoist

“I find democracy and majority rule a contemptible form of government.” - Walter Williams

"The Founding Fathers originally said, they put certain restrictions on who gets the right to vote. It wasn't you were just a citizen and you got to vote. Some of the restrictions, you know, you obviously would not think about today. But one of those was you had to be a property owner. And that makes a lot of sense, because if you're a property owner you actually have a vested stake in the community. If you're not a property owner, you know, I'm sorry but property owners have a little bit more of a vested interest in the community than non-property owners." - Judson Phillips

"If people can’t even feed and clothe themselves should they be allowed to vote? Should they be voting?” - Rush Limbaugh

It is profoundly antisocial and un-American to empower the nonproductive segments of the population to destroy the country — which is precisely why Barack Obama zealously supports registering welfare recipients to vote.

A decade before the Motor-Voter law that required states to register voters at welfare offices was enacted, NAACP official Joe Madison explained the political economy of voter registration drives. “When people are standing in line to get cheese and butter or unemployment compensation, you don't have to tell them how to vote,” said Madison, now a radio talk show host in Washington, D.C. “They know how to vote.” -
Matthew Vadum

“I find democracy and majority rule a contemptible form of government.” - Walter Williams

"The Founding Fathers originally said, they put certain restrictions on who gets the right to vote. It wasn't you were just a citizen and you got to vote. Some of the restrictions, you know, you obviously would not think about today. But one of those was you had to be a property owner. And that makes a lot of sense, because if you're a property owner you actually have a vested stake in the community. If you're not a property owner, you know, I'm sorry but property owners have a little bit more of a vested interest in the community than non-property owners." - Judson Phillips

"If people can’t even feed and clothe themselves should they be allowed to vote? Should they be voting?” - Rush Limbaugh

It is profoundly antisocial and un-American to empower the nonproductive segments of the population to destroy the country — which is precisely why Barack Obama zealously supports registering welfare recipients to vote.

A decade before the Motor-Voter law that required states to register voters at welfare offices was enacted, NAACP official Joe Madison explained the political economy of voter registration drives. “When people are standing in line to get cheese and butter or unemployment compensation, you don't have to tell them how to vote,” said Madison, now a radio talk show host in Washington, D.C. “They know how to vote.” -
Matthew Vadum

LOL. No wonder your team will lose in November.
Apparently whoever that is does not understand the difference between a centralized federal gov and localized state government along with which one conservatives support.
The GOP isn't currently in charge of the federal government

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