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And we are supposed to believe that the ALEC CONTROLLED GOP is about limited government? Joke of the century. (1 Viewer)

Apparently whoever that is does not understand the difference between a centralized federal gov and localized state government along with which one conservatives support.

What's great is watching you guys flogging the articles of confederation which failed miserably.
Ever heard the term 'tyranny of the majority'? Know who uses that term? Conservatives and supporters of hereditary aristocracy.
Same thing, actually. Historically. Conservatives and aristocrats also like the term 'mob rule'.
That didn't what was being discussed. The way you all try to twist everything is exhuasting sometimes. The OP mischaracterized what conseratives advocate for.
What's great is watching you guys flogging the articles of confederation which failed miserably.
Well you would really enjoy my views because they are more radical than most peoples on this particular topic.

I think taxes and governance should all take place at the county level
That didn't what was being discussed. The way you all try to twist everything is exhuasting sometimes. The OP mischaracterized what conseratives advocate for.
Who says America isn't a democracy, It's a republic? Conservatives. Not all conservatives, mind you, lots are educated enough that they wouldn't say something that stupid but if you ever hear anyone say that you're talking to a conservative.
Did you ever say that? America isn't a democracy, it's a republic. Did you ever say that?
Robert Reich: ''GOP states outlaw abortions   GOP governors force transgender students to play sports according to their assigned gender at birth   GOP lawmakers ban mask mandates & dictate what educators can teach in schools   And we’re supposed to believe this is the party of limited government?''''GOP states outlaw abortions   GOP governors force transgender students to play sports according to their assigned gender at birth   GOP lawmakers ban mask mandates & dictate what educators can teach in schools   And we’re supposed to believe this is the party of limited government?''

The GOP have proven themselves to be too anti-democracy, too anti-women, too anti-science, to ever be put back in charge of states again

Robert Reich is on too something ........ conservatives are BIG GOVERNMENT
ALEC Exposed
https://www.alecexposed.org › wiki › ALEC_Exposed
https://www.alecexposed.org › wiki › ALEC_Exposed
This is a glimpse into the world of the American Legislative Exchange Council, a corporate-funded charity that pays for lawmaker trips to resorts where they ...

Holding ALEC Accountable | Join the Movement
https://www.commoncause.org › ... › Money & Influence
https://www.commoncause.org › ... › Money & Influence

Exposing ALEC: How Conservative-Backed State Laws Are ...
https://www.theatlantic.com › archive › 2012/04 › expo...
https://www.theatlantic.com › archive › 2012/04 › expo...
Apr 14, 2012 — To itself, ALEC is an organization dedicated to the advancement of free market and limited government principles through a unique ...

American Legislative Exchange Council - SourceWatch
https://www.sourcewatch.org › index.php › American_...
https://www.sourcewatch.org › index.php › American_...
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) describes itself as the largest “membership association of state legislators,” but over 98% of its revenue ..
Newt Gingrich - SourceWatch
https://www.sourcewatch.org › index.php › Newt_Ging...
https://www.sourcewatch.org › index.php › Newt_Ging...
Feb 20, 2020 — Newton Leroy Gingrich (born June 17, 1943) is a neoconservative politician who is best known as the Speaker of the U.S. House of ...

Newt Gingrich - American Legislative Exchange Council
https://alec.org › person › newt-gingrich
https://alec.org › person › newt-gingrich
Biography. Newt Gingrich is well-known as the architect of the “Contract with America” that led the Republican Party to victory in 1994 by capturing ...
Well you would really enjoy my views because they are more radical than most peoples on this particular topic.

I think taxes and governance should all take place at the county level

So basically the Balkans.
So basically the Balkans.

The Balkans is what you'd get if power devolved the States and none of them were bound by the Constitution.

County by county would be worse. There are over 3,000 of them.
The joke of the moment is that ALEC controls anyone.

The Heritage Foundation once came close to controlling judicial nominations but ALEC did not even make it onto the list.

Top Conservative Think Tanks (Rank)
The Heritage Foundation (2)​
Hoover Institution (10)​
Fraser Institute (26)​
Center for Immigration Studies (27)​
Center for Security Policy (34)​
Manhattan Institute for Policy Research (36)​
Discovery Institute (43)​
Institute of Public Affairs (46)​
Who says America isn't a democracy, It's a republic? Conservatives. Not all conservatives, mind you, lots are educated enough that they wouldn't say something that stupid but if you ever hear anyone say that you're talking to a conservative.
Did you ever say that? America isn't a democracy, it's a republic. Did you ever say that?
You are too far out in left field for me.
You are too far out in left field for me.
Not far out in left field at all. I'm pretty much central on the spectrum line. There's a few conservatives here that I agree with more often than not. Usually agree with, in fact. It's the radical right and Trumpapaloozers that consider me far left.
Apparently whoever that is does not understand the difference between a centralized federal gov and localized state government along with which one conservatives support.
So, conservatives support a small federal government, but a "nanny-state" state government.
Not far out in left field at all. I'm pretty much central on the spectrum line. There's a few conservatives here that I agree with more often than not. Usually agree with, in fact. It's the radical right and Trumpapaloozers that consider me far left.
I wasn't saying you are far left. Im saying your obsession with defining a democratically elected, constitutional Republic is too far away from the OP for me.
“Limited government“ is a GOP campaign canard….
Do you think you're being clever with this type of nonsense?
No more clever than your "Conservatives are against big Federal government, not big state government" dodge.
No more clever than your "Conservatives are against big Federal government, not big state government" dodge.
Conservatives are against a big centralized government and we support a strong local gov.
Conservatives are against a big centralized government and we support a strong local gov.
Oh really? So, you support a State passing more laws that tell you what you are allowed to do and not do and are okay with raising State taxes to pay for the enforcement of these laws? Are you okay with states outlawing firearms? Or would you prefer that a strong centralized government overrule a State's right to outlaw firearms?
ALEC Exposed
https://www.alecexposed.org › wiki › ALEC_Exposed
https://www.alecexposed.org › wiki › ALEC_Exposed
This is a glimpse into the world of the American Legislative Exchange Council, a corporate-funded charity that pays for lawmaker trips to resorts where they ...

Holding ALEC Accountable | Join the Movement
https://www.commoncause.org › ... › Money & Influence
https://www.commoncause.org › ... › Money & Influence

Exposing ALEC: How Conservative-Backed State Laws Are ...
https://www.theatlantic.com › archive › 2012/04 › expo...
https://www.theatlantic.com › archive › 2012/04 › expo...
Apr 14, 2012 — To itself, ALEC is an organization dedicated to the advancement of free market and limited government principles through a unique ...

American Legislative Exchange Council - SourceWatch
https://www.sourcewatch.org › index.php › American_...
https://www.sourcewatch.org › index.php › American_...
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) describes itself as the largest “membership association of state legislators,” but over 98% of its revenue ..
So, ALEC is a PAC. There are a lot of them.

Newt Gingrich - SourceWatch
https://www.sourcewatch.org › index.php › Newt_Ging...
https://www.sourcewatch.org › index.php › Newt_Ging...
Feb 20, 2020 — Newton Leroy Gingrich (born June 17, 1943) is a neoconservative politician who is best known as the Speaker of the U.S. House of ...
This is incorrect. Gingrich is not a neoconservative. For examples of that subgroup look to Dick Cheney and his daughter.

Gingrich should get considerable credit for balancing the budget. Somehow that is typically omitted.

Newt Gingrich - American Legislative Exchange Council
https://alec.org › person › newt-gingrich
https://alec.org › person › newt-gingrich
Biography. Newt Gingrich is well-known as the architect of the “Contract with America” that led the Republican Party to victory in 1994 by capturing ...
The guy is a competent historian and read the situation correctly. That's politics.
Oh really? So, you support a State passing more laws that tell you what you are allowed to do and not do and are okay with raising State taxes to pay for the enforcement of these laws? Are you okay with states outlawing firearms? Or would you prefer that a strong centralized government overrule a State's right to outlaw firearms?
I prefer local communities be self governed. If you dont like the rules in one area you should be free to move where the rules better suit you.
I dont know enough about them to say

Tiny little countries that have been more or less constantly at war with each other since Ancient Greek times.
I prefer local communities be self governed. If you dont like the rules in one area you should be free to move where the rules better suit you.

So you'd leave State powers more or less the same, reduce Federal and increase Local?

Pretty much the opposite of me then. I'd abolish Local government, or at least remove its power to tax.

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